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ETL Test Plan

Prepared By: Name of the Tested By: Name of the person

person preparing test plan. testing the test plan.

Test Date: Date of the test ETL Mapping Name: Name of ETL mapping

ETL Workflow Name:

Name of the ETL workflow

ETL Session Name: Name of

ETL session

The following test !ases ha"e #een defined to meet the o#$e!ti"es of the #%siness re&%irements:
' ( ) * + , Spe!ifi! !onditions that are tested

Test ase:

ETL Test Plan

ETL Test Plan

hange Log
Date of !hange
Date the ETL pro!ess was !hanged

.istory of !hanges made to this test s!ript: Des!ription of hange

Des!ription of !hange

hange Made By:

Name of the person who made the !hange

Test Case # 1:
Case #

Case Description

Expected Results

(P)ass / (F)ail


Retest Mark whether this !ase has #een tested #efore or not.

Step/#y/step instr%!tions on how to e0e!%te test !ases

2. . !. ". #. $. %. &.

E0pe!ted res%lts of test !ase

1dditional !omments regarding the test !ase

ETL Test Plan

Case #

Case Description

Expected Results

(P)ass / (F)ail



Test Case # 2

Case # 1. (. ). *. +. ,. -. 2. 3. '4.

Case Description

Expected Results

(P)ass/ (F)ail



ETL Test Plan

Test Case # :
Case # 1. (. ). *. +. ,. -. 2. 3. '4. Case Description Expected Results (P)ass/ (F)ail Comments Retest

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