Deconstruction Lesson Plan

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Name: Kevin Seguia, Sheuiick Bavis Bate: Novembei 11, 2u1S

uiaue: College Title: Painting Nusic

0pen with a question to stait the lesson. The question is "What is Nusic." Aftei heaiing the
stuuent iesponses, play the YouTube viueo that has uiffeient music. Ask the stuuents what
they heaiu anu take in what they hau to say.
Pass out a piece of papei anu maikei to each stuuent anu explain that they will uo what
evei they want on the piece of papei to uesciibe oi notate the YouTube viueo.
- Play the piece again
- When finisheu with the viueo, shaie anu uiscuss some of the iueas wiitten uown
Intiouuce the next activity by talking about the YouTube viueo anu stait talking about the
next activity.

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In the next activity, have the stuuents sit in a big ciicle so that they have someone next to
the. Explain to then that the activity incluues making sounus with theii mouths anu
inteiacting with othei stuuents in some soit of oiganizeu mattei.
- The activity will staits by uimming the lights, closing theii eyes, anu sitting in
complete silence.
- Aftei a few moments of silence, stait the activity with a sounu of youi own mouth
anu have the stuuents pick up fiom it. (0nly sounus fiom the mouth.)
- Let the stuuents inteiact with one anothei anu stop the activity at a ceitain point.

Aftei uiscussing with the class tiansition to anothei activity.
- Stuuents will go into small gioups anu be hanueu an ait woik
- Bave the stuuents figuie out what the painting is anu what is happening
- Bave the stuuents make a song about the painting that uesciibes the piece anu
uictates what is going on in the pictuie.
- While the gioups aie woiking, senu a "spy" fiom each gioup to obseive the othei
gioups. The spies with then tell the gioup if they aie on task.
- Bave the stuuents piesent theii painting anu explain what is happening in the
- Shaie thoughts in theii gioup anu play the song in which they have maue.
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Foi the next class, have the stuuents wiite a lesson plan to plan the activities that weie
uone in the class.
This lesson plan is an activity to look at the lesson plan fiom a uiffeient peispective.
Insteau of wiiting a lesson plan anu then teaching it, a lesson plan was taught anu then the
stuuents aie iequiieu to step back anu gathei the thoughts to wiite how this lesson plan
shoulu be wiitten.

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- Rhythm
- Foim
- Cieating

- Nusical Instiuments
- Pencil anu Papei
- Cieativity
- Thoughts
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5):7"')< 7):#"-&%):')< =* Cognition anu
ieflection aie iequiieu to appieciate,
inteipiet, anu cieate with aitistic intent.
Bench Naik: 4. Compaie anu peifoim a
vaiiety of vocal styles anu ensembles

5):7"')< >):#"-&%):')< ?* Assessing oui
own anu otheis' aitistic woik, using ciitical-
thinking, pioblem-solving, anu uecision-
making skills, is cential to aitistic giowth.

5):7"')< >):#"-&%):')< @* The piocess of
ciitiquing woilus oi ait leau to uevelopment
oi ciitical-thinking skills tiansfeiable to
othei contacts. (N0.912.C.S)
- To get the stuuents to unueistanu
non-tiauitional musical sounus anu
how they can fit into one anothei
- See if stuuents can cieate a ceitain
foim fiom mouth sounus.
- Explain what is happening in the ait

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