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Marine Technology Development (MTD)

We specialise in the design and development of offshore support and maintenance vessels for a variety of operating conditions globally
Through MTD, we offer turnkey solutions to customers by packaging critical equipment with our ship designs. MTD's latest designs, including the first ice-class Floating torage and !ffloading "essel to be completed and deployed in the #aspian region are$ Ice-Class Vessels

%ce-#lass &'T %ce-#lass F ! (uri )orchagin *Floating torage !ffloading+ MTD ,-./-&-%#


MTD 0-/- & MTD /-.1-&-2 MTD,-3.-& 4 MTD,-3--&

Harbour Tugs

MTD 5-6- T MTD 3,16 TT

#ontact 7s Marine Technology Development Pte Lt .6 8enoi 9oad ingapore 03:,,,

Tel$ *06+ 0,0- 3,6, Fa;$ *06+ 0,03 3603 <mail$ #ontact >erson$ Tan #heng 'ui, enior ?eneral Manager

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