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Tell Me Your Stories Interview Techniques Summary 1. Equipment and supplies you will need: a.

Tape-recorder (Before you go, check to make sure your tape recorder is working !f it runs on "atteries, ha#e e$tras.% ". Tapes (&' minutes% c. ( pad of paper and pen *ake sure to pick a quiet place to do the inter#iew, where there will "e no interruptions. *ake sure you and your su",ect and are seated comforta"ly. Before you "egin the inter#iew, tell your su",ect that if there is anything you ask that he or she would rather not discuss, to let you know. (t the "eginning of your inter#iew, state the name of the su",ect, the date and the name of the inter#iewer (you % for the tape. 0!1TE2 carefully while the person answers your questions. BE !2TE3E1TE4 (24 563!761 9rite down new questions that answers may "ring up. 9hen they finish their answer, ask your follow-up question. !f you notice that the answers are one word, try to make your questions more openended. ;or e$ample, instead of asking <4id you like school=> (sk, <Tell me a"out school and your feelings a"out it.> !f your su",ect starts to cry, ,ust wait patiently. !t?s #ery normal for people to feel strongly a"out parents who are dead, or difficult times. @ou ha#en?t done anything wrong if they cry !t?s ok and won?t hurt them at all. !n fact, it?s a gift to let them feel their feelings. !f they cannot recall information, reassure them that it?s fine. 3ela$ Take your time En,oy listening to them. Be patient if they take time answering. !t?s ok if you don?t do e#ery question. The important thing is letting them recall their life and tell it to someone who is interested in listening 9hen you are finished, thank them for their time.

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