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APPROACH TO ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT Organization Development (OD i! t"e pro#e!! o$ improving organization!% T"e pro#e!! i!

#are$&ll' planne( an( implemente( to )ene$it t"e organization* it! emplo'ee! an( it! !ta+e"ol(er!% T"e #lient organization ma' )e an entire #ompan' or a !maller part o$ a larger organization% T"e #"ange pro#e!! !&pport! improvement o$ t"e organization or gro&p a! a ,"ole % T"e #lient an( OD pra#titioner ,or+ toget"er to gat"er (ata* (e$ine i!!&e! an( (etermine a !&ita)le #o&r!e o$ a#tion% T"e organization i! a!!e!!e( to #reate an &n(er!tan(ing o$ t"e #&rrent !it&ation an( to i(enti$' opport&nitie! $or #"ange t"at ,ill meet )&!ine!! o)-e#tive!% ............................................... /revie, t"e #&rrent )&!ine!! !it&ation% /#on(&#t a PE0T anal'!i! 1 politi#al2e#onomi#2!o#ial2te#"nolog' 3 /Revie, t"e IND40TR5 tren(% /#on(&#t a 06OT anal'!i!% 1!trengt"!* ,ea+ne!!e!* opport&nitie!* t"reat!3 o$ t"e #ompan'% /(evelop a GAP anal'!i!* ,"i#" #o&l( in#l&(e A#tion Re!ear#" i! a pro#e!! ,"i#" !erve! a! a mo(el $or mo!t OD intervention!% A#tion Re!ear#" i! a 7pro#e!! o$ !'!temati#all' #olle#ting re!ear#" (ata a)o&t an ongoing !'!tem relative to !ome o)-e#tive* goal* or nee( o$ t"at !'!tem8 $ee(ing t"e!e (ata )a#+ into t"e !'!tem8 ta+ing a#tion! )' altering !ele#te( varia)le! ,it"in t"e !'!tem )a!e( )ot" on t"e (ata an( on "'pot"e!e!8 an( eval&ating t"e re!&lt! o$ a#tion! )' #olle#ting more (ata%7 T"e !tep! in A#tion Re!ear#" are 9 Entr'% T"i! p"a!e #on!i!t! o$ $in(ing nee(! $or #"ange ,it"in an organization% It i! al!o t"e time to :&i#+l' gra!p t"e nat&re o$ t"e organization* i(enti$' t"e appropriate (e#i!ion ma+er* an( )&il( a tr&!ting relation!"ip%

0tart;&p an( #ontra#ting% In t"i! !tep* ,e i(enti$' #riti#al !&##e!! $a#tor! an( t"e real i!!&e!* lin+ into t"e organization<! #&lt&re an( pro#e!!e!* an( #lari$' role! $or t"e #on!&ltant(! an( emplo'ee!% T"i! i! al!o t"e time to (eal ,it" re!i!tan#e ,it"in t"e organization% A $ormal or in$ormal #ontra#t ,ill (e$ine t"e #"ange pro#e!!%

A!!e!!ment an( (iagno!i!% Here ,e #olle#t (ata in or(er to $in( t"e opport&nitie! an( pro)lem! in t"e organization% T"i! i! al!o t"e time $or t"e #on!&ltant to ma+e a (iagno!i!* in or(er to re#ommen( appropriate intervention!%

=ee()a#+% T"i! t,o;,a' pro#e!! !erve! to tell t"o!e ,"at ,e $o&n( o&t* )a!e( on an anal'!i! o$ t"e (ata% Ever'one ,"o #ontri)&te( in$ormation !"o&l( "ave an opport&nit' to learn a)o&t t"e $in(ing! o$ t"e a!!e!!ment pro#e!! (provi(e( t"ere i! no apparent )rea#" o$ an'one<! #on$i(entialit'% T"i! provi(e! an opport&nit' $or t"e organization<! people to )e#ome involve( in t"e #"ange pro#e!!* to learn a)o&t "o, (i$$erent part! o$ t"e organization a$$e#t ea#" ot"er* an( to parti#ipate in !ele#ting appropriate #"ange intervention!%

A#tion planning% In t"i! !tep ,e ,ill (i!till re#ommen(ation! $rom t"e a!!e!!ment an( $ee()a#+* #on!i(er alternative a#tion! an( $o#&! o&r intervention(! on a#tivitie! t"at "ave t"e mo!t leverage to e$$e#t po!itive #"ange in t"e organization% An implementation plan ,ill )e (evelope( t"at i! )a!e( on t"e a!!e!!ment (ata* i! logi#all' organize(* re!&lt!; oriente(* mea!&ra)le an( re,ar(e(% 6e m&!t plan $or a parti#ipative (e#i!ion;ma+ing pro#e!! $or t"e intervention%

Intervention% No,* an( onl' no,* (o ,e a#t&all' #arr' o&t t"e #"ange pro#e!!% It i!

important to $ollo, t"e a#tion plan* 'et remain $le>i)le eno&g" to mo(i$' t"e pro#e!! a! t"e organization #"ange! an( a! ne, in$ormation emerge!%

Eval&ation% 0&##e!!$&l OD m&!t "ave ma(e meaning$&l #"ange! in t"e per$orman#e an( e$$i#ien#' o$ t"e people an( t"eir organization% 6e nee( to "ave an eval&ation pro#e(&re to veri$' t"i! !&##e!!* i(enti$' nee(! $or ne, or #ontin&ing OD a#tivitie!* an( improve t"e OD pro#e!! it!el$ to "elp ma+e $&t&re intervention! more !&##e!!$&l%

A(option% A$ter !tep! "ave )een ma(e to #"ange t"e organization an( plan! "ave )een $orm&late(* ,e $ollo,;&p )' implementing pro#e!!e! to in!&re t"at t"i! remain! an ongoing a#tivit' ,it"in t"e organization* t"at #ommitment! $or a#tion "ave )een o)taine(* an( t"at t"e' ,ill )e #arrie( o&t%

0eparation% 6e m&!t re#ognize ,"en it i! more pro(&#tive $or t"e #lient an( #on!&ltant to &n(erta+e ot"er a#tivitie!* an( ,"en #ontin&e( #on!&ltation i! #o&nterpro(&#tive% 6e al!o !"o&l( plan $or $&t&re #onta#t!* to monitor t"e !&##e!! o$ t"i! #"ange an( po!!i)l' to plan $or $&t&re #"ange a#tivitie!%

It ,o&l( )e ni#e i$ real OD $ollo,e( t"e!e !tep! !e:&entiall'% T"i! rarel' "appen!% In!tea(* t"e #on!&ltant! m&!t )e $le>i)le an( )e rea(' to #"ange t"eir !trateg' ,"en ne#e!!ar'% O$ten t"e' ,ill "ave to move )a#+ an( repeat previo&! !tep! in lig"t o$ ne, in$ormation* ne, in$l&en#e!* or )e#a&!e o$ t"e #"ange! t"at "ave alrea(' )een ma(e%

/(evelop a GAP anal'!i!* ,"i#" #o&l( in#l&(e

;$&n#tion! li+e mar+eting* !ale!* (i!tri)&tion* $inan#e*a(mini!tration* "&man re!o&r#e! et#% ;PROCE00E0 li+e #ore )&!ine!!* ena)ling )&!ine!!*!&pporting )&!ine!! et# ;050TEM0 li+e planning* )&(geting* #ompen!ation* :&alit'* training* per$orman#e management% / pro(&#t! /!ervi#e et# et# et#% ............................................... #lari$'ing vi!ion* !trategie!* val&e! an( lea(er!"ip team #&lt&re (eveloping #ompre"en!ive gro,t" plan! tailore( to &ni:&e nee(! i(enti$'ing t"e #lient<! #&rrent li$e;#'#le !tage to (etermine timing $or #reating !tr&#t&re* pro#e(&re!* pro#e!! map!* et#% organizing #riti#al !&##e!! $a#tor! in#l&(ing metri#! t"at ,ill (rive !&##e!! $or t"e #ompan' % #on(&#ting nee(! a!!e!!ment $or training an( !ta$$ (evelopment provi(ing #&!tom lea(er!"ip (evelopment program! to move an organization to t"e ne>t p"a!e in it! li$e #'#le ($rom !tart;&p to !ta)ilization $or e>ample

a!!i!ting t"e organization to navigate rapi( #"ange ,"ile !ta'ing $o#&!e( on #riti#al !&##e!! $a#tor! ............................................... OD pra#titioner ,or+ ,it" all level! o$ emplo'ee!% E>ample! in#l&(e9

? CEO or Vi#e Pre!i(ent! ;; (&ring #"ange! in #orporate !trateg'* mi!!ion* lea(er!"ip (evelopment* te#"nolog' or organization !tr&#t&re% ? Mi((le Manager! ;; ,it"in !pe#i$i# area! or a#ro!! $&n#tion! to i(enti$' !o&r#e! o$ #on$li#t an( )arrier! to per$orman#e* or "elp )&il( a )roa(er vi!ion an( more e$$e#tive lea(er!"ip% ? =ir!t;line !&pervi!or! ;; improve operation! an( emplo'ee involvement* e!ta)li!" "ig" involvement ,or+ team!* improve organizational #omm&ni#ation* in!tall !tati!ti#al pro#e!! #ontrol* (evelop !&pervi!or' training or ne, re,ar( !'!tem!% ? Line ,or+er! ;; to $a#ilitate -o) re(e!ign improve( per$orman#e* team)&il(ing or improvement in t"e ,or+ environment%

............................................... 6HAT 5O4 CAN DO TO MA@E <<OD<< HAPPEN Vi!ion A 0trateg' Development C"ange Management E>e#&tive an( Lea(er!"ip Coa#"ing A Development Organization C&lt&re A!!e!!ment A Development Innovation an( Creativit' Pra#ti#e! Comm&ni#ation* In$l&en#e* an( Con$li#t Re!ol&tion 0+ill! Emplo'ee Development A Coa#"ing Per$orman#e Management A Career Planning Pro#e!! Management2Improvement Development o$ 0el$;Dire#te(20"are( Lea(er!"ip Team! Meeting E$$e#tivene!! A Gro&p =a#ilitation Goal 0etting

Team B&il(ing Organization re!tr&#t&ring TCM et#%


Appre#iate An( Vali(ate

.............................. LEO LINGHAM PRINCIPAL:BestBusiCon Pty Ltd

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