Faculty Position, Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education, University of Oklahoma

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The University of Oklahoma, Jeannine Rainbolt College of E !"ation E !"ational #ea ershi$ an %oli"y &t! ies ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (Tenure Track Position)

Faculty Position at the OU Tulsa Campus The Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies in the Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education at The University of !lahoma invites applications for a faculty position in Educational "dministration# Curriculum $ Supervision %E"CS& on the Tulsa campus' The position (ill begin in the fall of )*+,' U delivers its educational leadership programs on t(o campuses %-orman and Tulsa&# both are served by regular faculty fully integrated into the department.s collegial roles and responsibilities' /nformation about the University of !lahoma and the Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education may be found at ((('ou'edu0education' Qualifications Re1uired2 Candidates must possess an earned doctorate %or anticipated prior to the term of employment& in a relevant field# high scholarly potential# evidence of a strong commitment to research# 1uality teaching# and program development# and a publication record sufficient for graduate college appointment at a level permitting committee membership on doctoral dissertations' Preferred2 Candidates should have a record of successful independent research and collaboration involving practicing school administrators# faculty# and colleagues' Evidence of the ability to obtain and direct e3ternal research funds in relevant areas is desirable' Responsibilities Selected candidates (ill be e3pected to pursue an active research and publication agenda# teach graduate courses# advise students# supervise interns# serve the department# college# university and the profession# and (or! (ith schools and other education agencies' E3cellence in teaching and advising is e3pected as is serving on and0or chairing doctoral dissertations' The candidate should possess e3pertise in one or more of the follo(ing research and teaching areas2 school administration# school reform and change# school finance# information systems# school la(# instructional leadership# technology# and urban sociology# and0or research methods' Applications "pplication revie( (ill begin January +4# )*+, and continue until the position is filled' "pplicants must submit a letter of application (ith a vita# at least three samples of scholarly (riting %preferably published&# and a list of five references complete (ith current telephone numbers and email addresses' "pplications (ill be accepted by electronic mail' Submission should be mailed to2 Patric! 5' 6orsyth# Search Chair University of !lahoma 7 Schusterman Center ,8*) E' ,+st Street Tulsa# 9 :,+48 E;mail2 laura'l'blac!;+<ou'edu or patric!'forsyth<ou'edu

The University of !lahoma is committed to a policy of affirmative action and aggressively pursues the employment of members of underrepresented groups'

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