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Students will understand that eternity needs to be their focus and their actions today can have an impact in the spiritual world. (Worship) Students will know how to grow themselves spiritually through reading their Bible and keeping a prayer journal. (Discipleship) Students will understand the importance of Christian community in their lives. (Fellowship) Students will be equipped and ready to share the gospel message with anyone that Jesus leads them to. (Evangelism)

70% of students will devote themselves to doing the class memory work, taking lesson notes, and participating in group discussions. 70% of students will be reading their Bible five times a week at home by the end of freshman year and 50% of students will be writing in a prayer journal. After graduating from high school, 80% of students will still attend church. Students will memorize at least one of the four methods of evangelism taught in class and by the end of senior year, 75% will have used it to share the gospel with a friend or family member. By the end of freshman year, 75% of students will be volunteers in either the church or somewhere else.

The book of Acts

Matthew 18: 20

Acts 2: 42-47

Romans 6: 23

Students will understand the importance of being the hands and feet of Jesus. (Service)

John 12: 24-26

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