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Lo1 Goldland Lo Professor Samtani English 100 11 November 2013 The Evil Inside Everyone It is all fun and

games until someone dies !oung "eo"le tend to be im"ulsive #hen dealing #ith "roblems and the result $an be fatal %ave Grossman #ho #rote &'e (re Training )ur *ids to *ill+ states, &$hildren don-t naturally .ill It is a learned s.ill+/0123 (lthough it may seem that "eo"le are violent by their nature, violen$e is a learned s.ill, and it is being develo"ed by young "eo"le be$ause of the influen$e re$eived from the media that glorifies aggression Sin$e the media is generally used in "eo"le-s daily lives as a #ay to stay u"dated or be entertained, violen$e is easily s"read Po"ular media li.e4 television and movies, musi$, and videogames influen$e violent a$tions to#ards young .ids be$ause of the aggression that is revealed from the media 5a6ority of young "eo"le-s everyday lives $onsist of the use of the media (though the use of it seems harmless, the effe$t is horrifying These youngsters learn from #hat they #at$h, and the entertainment sho#n on television and movies im"a$ts their a$tions Television sho#s li.e South Par. and 7amily Guy are "o"ular #ays for young adults to get a good laugh from, #hi$h is bad be$ause of the ty"e of humor it has The humor $omes from the violen$e li.e fighting, bad languages, and blood 'ith the ty"e of humor #ith violen$e, young .ids are re$eiving the idea of aggression This relates to movies too that have horror, "arody, or anything that sho#s blood, fighting, and #ea"on (lthough there are restri$tions to#ard young .ids on $ertain movies, getting a$$ess to #at$h $an be easily done still In the essay &'hy 'e 8rave 9orror 5ovies+ Ste"hen *ing states that, &The fun $omes from seeing others mena$ed:sometimes .illed+/03;3 The "oint of the violent sho#s on television and movies is for the "ur"ose of en6oyment 5any "eo"le li.e to see other suffer, but #ould not feel bad

Lo2 be$ause they .no# it is not real (lthough it may seem harmless, #at$hing too mu$h of the violen$e $an strengthen the inner madness in "eo"le *ing also mentioned, &The "otential lyn$her is in almost all of us, and every no# and then, he has to be let loose to s$ream and roll around in the grass )ur emotions and our fears form their o#n body, and #e re$ogni<ee that it demands its o#n e=er$ise to maintain "ro"er mus$le tone+/03>3 (nger is an inevitable emotion that "eo"le e="ress, and usually it results in an a$tion of a #hole nother different "erson than originally That is be$ause the mind starts to be$ome im"ulsive, and aggression starts sho#ing as a #ay to slo#ly relieve (nger $an also be e="ressed through singing Songs are usually filled #ith emotions 8ertain ty"e of musi$ $an influen$e young "eo"le to#ard violen$e ( sad song $an bring "eo"le do#n and be$ause of the de"ression it may $ause, $areless a$ts may be made This is be$ause the "eo"le #ho feel dee" misery feel li.e there is no reason to live anymore and do not #orry about the $ons?uen$es on their a$tions ( similar idea goes for ro$. musi$ @o$. musi$ e="resses anger and "eo"le blame ro$. to be violent (n e=am"le is from the movie Bowling for Columbine by 5i$hael 5oore In the movie he sho#ed ho# many "eo"le blamed 5arilyn 5anson for the influen$e of the shooting that #ent on at 8olumbine 9igh S$hool Aeside from the belief that ro$. musi$ ins"ired the shooters, "eo"le also blame shooting itself as a motivation Not 6ust shooting in reality, but virtually )ut of all media, video games seems to ma.e the most im"a$t to#ard influen$ing youth violen$e Bideo games is li.e an unlimited a$$ess to the ma6or ty"e of violen$e li.e blood, .illing, and #ea"ons It also allo#s a .id to "lay behind a virtual gun This $an influen$e .ids to shoot in real life Grossman reasoned, &$hildren don-t naturally .ill It is a learned s.ill (nd they learn it from abuse and violen$e in the home and, most "ervasively, from violen$e as entertainment in television, the movies, and intera$tive video games+/0123, this means .ids are develo"ing the a$t of violen$e be$ause of the media they intera$t #ith (n e=am"le of a game that en$ourages violen$e is Grand Theft (uto B The

Lo3 game starts a "layer as a bad "erson and the goal is to steal $ars, run a#ay from $o"s, and .illing "eo"le for money (lthough it is 6ust for fun, the $han$es of $omitting a similar a$t from the game in real life is higher than to those #ho does not "lay be$ause of the many hours s"ent on the video game The media overall influen$e young "eo"le to a$t to#ard violen$e be$ause of the $orru"ted #ay it tries to entertain a "erson The ma6or media that affe$ts "eo"le to a$t to#ard the ty"e of violen$e are television and movies, musi$, and video games !oung "eo"le should be more restri$ted in the freedom they have of being able to $onne$t to the violen$e from the media Grossman said from his essay, &Aut violen$e is rising in many nations and though #e should never do#n"lay $hild abuse, "overty, or ra$ism, there is only one ne# variable "resent in ea$h of these $ountries that bears the e=a$t same fruit4 media violen$e "resented as enterainment for $hildren+/0123 There are many reasons to blame for violent a$tions, but the media is "riority $aused be$ause of it being used as entertainment Aeing entertained in something #ill attra$t the vie#ers, #hi$h leads to develo"ing the habits The freedom to $onne$t #ith the media so easily should be limited for the safety of the "eo"le

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