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Alvarez 1

Mayra Alvarez Dr. Lynda Haas 11/30/13

Cultural Anxiety of World War Z: noo!in" of t#e $. .

Devastatin" events su%# as &/11 not only #urt #u'an (ein"s on an individual s%ale) (ut t#ey also s%ar a %ountry as a *#ole. World*ide %atastro!#es su%# as +y!#oon Haiyan or t#e %#e'i%al *ea!ons %risis of yria #ave a tre'endous i'!a%t on t#e #u'an ra%e as a *#ole and t#e effe%ts %an (e seen on a "lo(al level. ,or exa'!le) in t#e 'idst of +y!#oon Haiyan-s disastrous %onditions *#ere .des!erate !leas for food and *ater/ 0Carter) Han%o%1s) and Wals#2 are (ein" 'ade) !eo!le fro' all over t#e *orld unite in order to aid t#ose in dire need. +#e #i"#ly res!e%ted %riti% of t#e zo'(ie "enre) 3yle 4is#o! on%e stated t#at .*ars and ot#er tra"edies affe%t %ultural %ons%iousness/ 0152 and t#ese anxieties are *#at %onne%t #u'an (ein"s of all different %ultures) #istori%al (a%1"rounds) and ori"ins. +#ese s#ared anxieties are often refle%ted t#rou"# t#e 'edia and #ave (een a sta!le %onvention in zo'(ie fil's sin%e t#e (e"innin" of t#e "enre *#en 6o'ero used zo'(ies to as1 vie*ers to t#in1 'ore dee!ly a(out %ivil ri"#ts and ra%is'. +#e use of zo'(ie fil's to reveal .%ultural %ons%iousness/ 04is#o! 152 #as in%reased tre'endously (e%ause t#ese 'ovies re!resent t#e .(aro'eters of so%iety-s anxieties/ 04is#o! 152. +#e *orries and fears of t#e 'ultitude are !ro7e%ted t#rou"# zo'(ie texts and fil's in a %o'!re#ensi(le 'anner t#at rea%#es out to everyone 'a1in" it !ossi(le for one to relate to anxieties su%# as t#e fear of overloo1in" t#e effe%ts of extre'e %onsu'eris' as %an (e o(served in Dawn of the Dead or t#e fear of losin" a loved one as Shaun of the Dead and 'any ot#er zo'(ie fil's s#o*. Max 4roo1s- (estsellin" novel World War Z) not only e'!#asizes

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t#ese %ultural anxieties t#at exist in A'eri%a-s 'odern so%iety) (ut it also trans'its %ultural anxieties fro' all over t#e "lo(e %reatin" international a*areness t#rou"# #is novel. Certainly) t#ese anxieties %an differ and vary a%%ordin" to ea%# %ountry) (ut a %o''on anxiety t#at %an (e o(served in A'eri%a is t#e fear of t#e "overn'ent listenin" in on our !rivate lives. A'eri%ans do not li1e (ein" %ontrolled or told *#at to do) so t#e t#ou"#t of t#e "overn'ent #avin" t#e a(ility to invade !ersonal s!a%e and *at%# your every 'ove %an (e a s%ary t#ou"#t for 'any. 8n t#e se%tion titled .Lan"ley) 9ir"inia) $ A/: t#e intervie*er 'eets *it# t#e for'er C8A dire%tor) 4o( Ar%#er) at Ar%#er-s offi%e to ;uestion #i' a(out t#e 'easures ta1en re"ardin" t#e zo'(ie invasion t#at #ad ta1en !la%e 10 years a"o. W#en #e *al1s into t#e roo' #e o(serves Ar%#er-s des1 and realizes t#at it *as an ordinary des1 t#at %ould (elon" to anyone. 4y t#e rea%tion of t#e intervie*er) it %an (e %on%luded t#at #e *as ex!e%tin" so'et#in" su!erior) !er#a!s a !la%e *it# se%urity videos s%reenin" on every *all. He *as !er!lexed (y t#e si'!li%ity of t#e offi%e t#at (elon"ed to t#e dire%tor of t#e C8A. +#is institution #as al*ays 'aintained a !rofile of #avin" #i"#ly %lassified infor'ation and 1ee!in" surveillan%e of all its surroundin"s) so t#e intervie*er *as definitely !uzzled *#en all #e sa* *as a %ou!le of !i%ture #an"in" around in t#e offi%e and an auto"ra!#ed (ase(all sittin" in Ar%#er-s des1. +#erefore) it %an (e %on%luded t#at t#e intervie*er #ad (een #esitant and ar(itratin" all #is surroundin" sin%e t#e 'o'ent #e set foot in Ar%#er-s offi%e. As t#ey sit do*n to tal1 in t#e offi%e) t#e intervie*er 'a1es %ertain t#at #e !#rases #is ;uestions %arefully and rat#er s1e!ti%al. +#ey initiate t#e intervie* (y dis%ussin" t#e reasons *#y t#e "overn'ent #ad not ta1en !re%autions to ensure t#e *ell<(ein" of t#e !o!ulation as a *#ole. 4o( Ar%#er 'entions t#at !rior to t#e *ar) t#e C8A #ad al*ays (een seen as an or"anization t#at *as .all<seein" =and> all<1no*in"/ 0Lan"ley) 9ir"inia) $ A C#. &2 and .it

Alvarez 3

=*as> an i'a"e =t#ey> *ere 'ore t#an #a!!y to en%oura"e)/ 0Lan"ley? C#. &2 (ut t#at t#is *as not#in" 'ore t#an a 'ere i'a"e t#at !eo!le #eld of t#e'. He states t#at t#ey did not 'ind t#at !eo!le #ad t#at !ers!e%tive of t#e' (e%ause it only 'ade t#e' see' 'ore aut#oritative and t#ey a%tually *anted t#e (ad "uys to fear t#e'. As t#ey %ontinue t#e intervie*) t#ey s*it%# to!i%s and (e"in tal1in" a(out *#at started "oin" on in t#e A"en%y after t#e ne*s a(out t#e zo'(ies *as dis!ersed to t#e !u(li%. Ar%#er 'entions t#at t#e C8A too1 t#e #it *#en !eo!le *ere loo1in" for so'eone to (la'e for t#e o%%urren%es of t#e zo'(ie atta%1s and t#at after t#at t#e institution started disinte"ratin". He states t#at t#ose *#o stayed (e#ind stayed (e%ause t#ey *anted to #el! t#e !eo!le) (ut t#at .t#ere %o'es a !oint *#en you #ave to realize t#at t#e su' of all your (lood) s*eat) and tears *ill ulti'ately a'ount to zero/ 0Lan"ley? C#.&2 and t#at is t#e !art t#at t#e intervie*er %at%#es on to. He starts as1in" Ar%#er if #e already 1ne* *#at *as #a!!enin" and Ar%#er nervously ans*ers (a%1 *it# a stutter sayin" .no?no?8 %ouldn-t. +#ere *as no *ay to %onfir'?/ 0Lan"ley? C#.1&2. +#is *as t#e 'o'ent t#e intervie*er *as *aitin" for) it *as t#e 'o'ent to reveal t#e trut#. He finally "ot Ar%#er to say t#at #e #ad sus!i%ions of *#at *as "oin" on) (ut t#at #e *as not entirely sure. +#is *as all t#at *as needed to !rove t#at t#e "overn'ent *as a*are of *#at *as "oin" on) #o*ever) *#en it %a'e to resolvin" t#e !ro(le' a(out t#e zo'(ies) t#ey did not even 'ove a fin"er. +#e institution #ad to so'e#o* find out *#at *as "oin" on and t#e only *ay t#ey %ould a%#ieve t#is *as (y listenin" in on ot#er %ountries. @eo!le started !rotestin" and !ointin" fin"ers at t#e "overn'ent for not doin" t#eir 7o( of !rote%tin" t#e !eo!le. 8f t#e "overn'ent #ad t#e 'eans and 'otivation to .A=1ee!> a re%ord of every *e(site =anyone> ever loo1ed at-/ 0Lan"ley? C#. &2) t#en *#y didn-t t#ey do so'et#in" a(out t#e zo'(ie invasionB W#y did t#ey %over u! 'aterial as deli%ate as t#at re"ardin" t#e zo'(ies) *#i%# %ould easily #ave saved 'illions of livesB Li1e in 'any ot#er o%%asions) t#e !eo!le *ere

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dou(tin" in t#e "overn'ent-s relia(ility. As 4roo1s %learly illustrates) t#ese *ere so'e of t#e ;uestions t#at 'any %ould #ave *ondered a(out as t#ey read t#rou"# t#is intervie*. i'ilar to t#e *ay 4roo1s de!i%ts t#is %ultural anxiety in World War Z) *e are a(le to o(serve and ex!erien%e t#is first #and in t#e 'odern *orld. +#is anxiety %an (e %onte'!lated in t#e $. . itself and it is evident t#at t#e $. . #as done ;uite a lot to raise sus!i%ions a(out t#e'selves to t#e !u(li%. +#e 'ost re%ent %ase of t#e lea1 of C A files to t#e Guardian ne*s!a!er fro' Dd*ard no*den) serve as eviden%e t#at t#e "overn'ent "ives t#e !u(li% reasons not to trust t#e'. After no*den !ur!osely lea1ed t#ese files to t#e ne*s!a!er) it not only revealed t#at t#e C A #ad o(tained infor'ation of 'a7or $. . %o'!anies *it#out t#eir aut#orization) (ut it also ex!osed eviden%e t#at t#e $. . *as inter%e!tin" infor'ation fro' "lo(al tele!#one and internet net*or1s. +#is revelation sur!rised 'any sin%e no one *as a*are t#at t#e "overn'ent #ad (een doin" t#is for *#o 1no*s #o* lon". +#e a"en%y tried to defend itself of t#e a%%usations statin" t#at t#ese *ere false a%%usations and t#at t#e .C A le"ally %olle%ted 'etadata fro' so'e !#one %alls) and t#e rest of t#e 'etadata %a'e fro' $. . allies 0Carter and Hanna n.!.2. After t#e 'isfortunate event of &/11) t#e @atriot A%t *as !assed (y Con"ress *#i%# allo*ed t#e $. . "overn'ent to o(tain infor'ation (y .snoo!in"/ 03uttner n.!.2 into ot#er %ountries to !revent anot#er %atastro!#e li1e t#e one !reviously 'entioned. +#e a"en%y asserts t#at all t#e intelli"en%e t#ey #ave o(tained #as (een o(tained le"ally) (ut t#is issue still unleas#ed a series of %ontroversies *it#in t#e !eo!le of .#o* 'u%# li(erty) if any) =did t#ey> need to sa%rifi%e in order to !rote%t =t#eir> se%urity/ 03uttner n.!.2. Alt#ou"# t#e a"en%y %lai's t#at everyt#in" t#ey revie* is for se%urity !ur!oses only) t#ey still leave t#e !eo!le *onderin" if t#is is t#e only intention t#e "overn'ent #as. @eo!le #ave t#e ri"#t to ;uestion t#e "overn'ent-s a%tions (e%ause t#e s%enario of &/11 is *#at destroyed so'e of t#e %redi(ility t#is

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institution #ad. 6i%#ard Clar1e-s a%%usations of .t#e A'eri%an aut#orities =#avin"> all t#e infor'ation t#ey needed to understand t#at Al Eaeda *as !lannin" so'et#in" very (i"/ 03uttner n.!.2 !rior to t#e atta%1) left t#e "overn'ent in a terri(le standin" on *#et#er it *as doin" its 7o( !ro!erly. Li1e in WWZ) if t#e "overn'ent #as in its !ossession infor'ation a(out *#at *as (ein" !lanned for &/11) t#en *#y did t#ey not do anyt#in" a(out itB ituations li1e t#ese only in%rease t#e A'eri%an !eo!le-s un%ertainty re"ardin" t#e "overn'ent and adds to t#eir anxieties (e%ause if t#e "overn'ent #ad t#e li(erty to (e invadin" t#e !riva%y of its %itizens and 'onitorin" t#e') t#en *#y didn-t t#ey do t#e sa'e for &/11 and (e of so'e useB 8nstead of *astin" valua(le ti'e and resour%es listenin" in on its %itizens everyday life) t#ey s#ould (e fo%usin" and 'onitorin" !eo!le t#at truly do !ose a t#reat to t#e $. . as *as t#e %ase of t#e terrorists of &/11. +#is %ontinues to (e of t#e A'eri%an %itizens. A'eri%ans #ave "radually lost trust in t#eir "overn'ent and it is all su!!orted *it# valid reasonin". +#e "overn'ent #as 'ana"ed to lose its %itizen-s trust (y s!yin" in on t#e') #en%e leadin" to t#e unrelia(ility of t#e "overn'ent and %ultural anxieties t#at %riti;ue t#e "overn'ent. @eo!le fear t#e day t#e "overn'ent *ill ta1e %o'!lete %#ar"e of t#eir lives and de!rive t#e' fro' all t#eir ri"#ts) so t#erefore t#ese anxieties are s#ared and ex!ressed to t#e *#ole *orld t#rou"# fil's and zo'(ie texts su%# as t#ose found *it#in t#e zo'(ie "enre. +#e zo'(ie "enre #as 'ana"ed to re!resent and 'a1e 1no*n so'e of t#e *orld-s anxieties) li1e t#at of a totalitarian "overn'ent) in a %lear and lo"i%al *ay *#ile 'ana"in" to 'a1e it interestin" and %a!tivatin". Zo'(ie texts re!resent t#e fears of t#e !eo!le and *#at (etter *ay to re!resent t#e *orld-s uneasiness to*ard t#e "overn'ent t#en t#rou"# t#ese texts. Wor1s Cited

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4is#o!) 3yle. Dead Man Still Walking: Explaining the Zombie Renaissance. Fournal of @o!ular ,il' G+elevision 35. H00&. @rint 4roo1s) Max. World War Z: n !ral "istor# of the Zombie War. Ce* Ior1: Cro*n) H00J. We(. H& K%t. H013 Carter) C#elsea F. and Hanna) Fason. .C A %#ief: 6e!orts $. . %olle%ted %alls) e<'ails fro' allies L%o'!letely false.L/ CCC. We(. 30 K%t. H013. Carter) C#elsea F.) Han%o%1s) @aula) and Wals#) Ci%1 @. .+y!#oon Haiyan-s toll: More t#an 1)M00 dead./ CCC. We(. 1H Cov. H013 3uttner) 6o(ert. .+i'e to +#an1 Dd*ard no*den./ We(. 10 Cov. H013

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