Kezia Story Starter 6a

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The folk tale about an annoying lawyer who only looks at things through a microscope -by Kezia

Once upon a time there are a annoying lawyer named Oba,he has a wife named Jenie,and he has kids named barac.Oba is a smart lawyer but there are one things stick in his mind that is annoying.One days Oba is late for him work because he watch Mr.Bean movie,and that is not the first times he late for work this is the 16 times.He watch the Mr.Bean movie because Oba want to be like him/want to be stupid and be a jokers.One day he has a job that the problem is DRUNK.But Oba not believe because he not see in the microscope,then he make a joke in the council.He saidThis problem is not to important,he just drink a soda.Then he leave the room.Then he go home,then all the people in the council is very angry.In the next day he been called with president.You know the next he F.I.R.E.D.

Oba sayOk,bye-bye.He always make a joke when there are sometings important.Day by Day he looks very lonely.Then he go to the law court,He not see anyone.He then go to the toilet he say to him self I am handsome,why they fired me.Then he go out from toilet and go to the car then go back home.Then he arrive to him home with sad face,his wife ask Why are you??.I not want to be annoying anymore,are you feel a I am annoying?Oba said.She saidLittle.Then he change to be kind.He looking for a jobs,then he got that job that are a bussnise man.he never want annoying anymore because he know people not want annoying guy.

Short Story Starter Rubric

Excellent 9-10 Short Story Starter is complete and is a minimum of 1 page long Short Story Starter is organized and flows effectively Good 8 Short Story Starter is page long Fair 7 Short Story Starter is page long Short Story Starter is organized somewhat, but could flow better Short Story Starter is neat, but there are a few spelling and grammar errors Short Story Starter attempts to be original and creative, but could be better Needs Work 6 or below Short Story Starter is less than page long Short Story Starter tries to be organized and flow but does not succeed Short Story Starter is not very neat and there are more than a few spelling and grammar errors Short Story Starter attempts to be original and creative, but could be much better Minimal Effort 0 Short Story Starter is just a couple of sentences Short Story Starter doesnt attempt to be organized or flow Short Story Starter is not neat and there are many spelling and grammar errors Short Story Starter does not attempt to be original or creative

Short Story Starter is fairly organized and flows effectively Short Story Short Story Starter is neat Starter is neat with no and spelling spelling or and grammar grammar are correct but errors with minor problems Short Story Starter is original and creatively compiled Short Story Starter is fairly original and creatively compiled


Total= 28/40

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