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RUNNING HEAD: 4MAT Lesson Plan 4

4MAT Lesson Plan 4 Shepherd Warrior Kaitlin Rice La Sierra University

RUNNING HEAD: 4MAT Lesson Plan 4

RUNNING HEAD: 4MAT Lesson Plan 4 Title: Shepherd Warrior by Bradley Booth Theme: Big things can come in small packages - Book and lesson unit give to me by my Teacher- Unit Lesson Plan is by Chris Juhl - Reorganization to fit 4MAT was done by Kaitlin Rice Grade Level: 5 EL and CCSS:

1. A. Collaborative: 2. Interacting with others in written English in various communicative forms (print, communicative technology, and multimedia) CCSS W.6.6; WHST.6.6;SL.6.2;L.6.2;L.6.3,6 2. A. Collaborative: 3. Offering and justifying options, negotiating with an persuading others in communicative exchanges. CCSS W.6.1;WHST.6.1;SL.6.1,4,6;L.6.3,6 3. A. Collaborative: 1. Exchange information and ideas with others through oral collaborative discussions on a range of social and academic topics. CCSS SL.5.1,6;L.5.13,6 4. B. Interpretive: 5. Listen actively to spoken English in a range of social and academic contexts. CCSS SL. 5.1-3; L.5.3 5. C. Productive: 9. Expressing information and ideas in formal oral presentations on academic topics CCSS SL.6.4-6;L.6.1,3 6. C. Productive: 11. Supporting own opinions and evaluating others opinions in speaking and writing. CCSS W.5.1,4, 9-10;SL.5.4,6;L.5.1-3,6 Assessment: Verbal checkpoints will be made through out the lesson, when Turning to your neighbor or Think Pair Share. In addition a quiz over the material covered in this lesson will be given the next day. Also reading the students options and personal experience will show that they understand the concept. In addition there will be a portfolio of the student work that will be due at the end. This portfolio will be worth more than the quizzes, showing their knowledge, and not their ability to take a test. Materials Needed: 1. The Shepard Warrior book for each student. 2. Journals

RUNNING HEAD: 4MAT Lesson Plan 4 3. Writing implement 4. EWE by R.W. Metlen 5. Portfolio

Objectives: 1. Given the class discussion, Students will learn how to support their answer. 2. Given listening ability, students will write a summary and reflection of the story EWE. 3. Given the T-Charts, students will have a greater understanding of what a Warrior and Shepard are. How they are similar and different. 4. Given the readings, Students will show their comprehension of the material by answering the questions and working on their portfolio. Time: 1 week 1. Meaning a. Why? i. Connect (R).Read the Book EWE by R.W. Metlen. This book will give an intro for what a Shepard does, in a fun and unique perspective of the sheep. 1. Support/ Scaffold for ELs: Allow students to see the pictures during the reading, and if they need to can look at the book while completing the assignment. 2. Support/ Scaffold for Special Needs: Have time before and after to discuss the book. What they might think

RUNNING HEAD: 4MAT Lesson Plan 4 will happen. What a Shepard is, what they look like, or phrases that they might say. Allow students to see the

pictures during the reading, and if they need to can look at the book while completing the assignment. ii. Attend (L) Students will write a summary of the story and a reflection. In their own words they will retell the story and share how they felt about it. 1. Support/ Scaffold for ELs: Allow the student to look at the book again if they need. I will share about what a summary and reflections are, giving examples of each from another story. 2. Support/ Scaffold for Special Needs: If they need to draw pictures or share the retelling of the story then that can be done on an individual level.

2. Concepts a. What? i. Image (R) Have the students create two T-Charts. One for Shepard and one for warrior. (Looks Like/ Sounds Like) 2 per column per page. 1. Support/ Scaffold for ELs: I will give examples on the board of 1 per section, and allow the students to work

RUNNING HEAD: 4MAT Lesson Plan 4 in groups. Having the students draw a picture of a shepherd and a warrior.

2. Support/ Scaffold for Special Needs: Allow the students to help answer the ones done together and then that is all they have to write down. Have the student draw pictures of a shepherd and of a warrior.

ii. Inform (L) Read three chapters this week, during this time I will make sure to pause for comprehension questions. Give students time to Think-Pair-Share, fill out one of the worksheets in their portfolio about the chapter or go over a vocabulary word in context. 1. Support/ Scaffold for ELs: Rereading the chapter at home. Allowing the students to take the book home. In addition write questions about the book on the board before we start to read. 2. Support/ Scaffold for Special Needs: Having the questions on the board before we start to read overloads the students, so they can think about the questions before we read the chapter. As we read the chapter they can keep up with the conversations with their classmates. They will also be allowed to take home the book to reread if they need. I will try to find a

RUNNING HEAD: 4MAT Lesson Plan 4 audio book for the Shepard Warrior so that they can listen to it at home.

3. Skills a. How? i. Practice (L) Giving time for students to write down the vocabulary words for the week, practicing saying the words and their definitions. In addition they will draw a picture that helps them to remember, and come up with sign language in order to remember the word better. 1. Support/ Scaffold for ELs: Continue to repeat the words. Start with the picture/ motions to remember the word. Break the word down in to parts. 2. Support/ Scaffold for Special Needs: have a worksheet with different columns for what is required. To have the directions right on the paper. Have an example of one of the vocabulary words. This will be given to all of the class so that no one feels left out, or have the attention on them.

ii. Extend (R) Have the students draw and color a worksheet of two lambs. One of the lambs they will draw as if they were that

RUNNING HEAD: 4MAT Lesson Plan 4 lamb and one being Jesus. Relating EWE to their lives and adding their life to the story. 1. Support/ Scaffold for ELs: Write instructions on the board, and show an example of student work.

2. Support/ Scaffold for Special Needs: Write instructions on the board, and show an example of student work. This assignment is not do at the end of class, but the end of the unit, so they have as much time as they need.

4. Adaptations a. If? i. Refine (L) Continue to work on David A Man After Gods Own Heart worksheet. Having a class discussion on if someone can change. Ask questions such as Is David Growing up? , How has he changed since chapter 1 1. Support/ Scaffold for ELs: Write all answers on the board. Use random call cards, and think-pair-share in order to have more student participation. 2. Support/ Scaffold for Special Needs: Give the students time to get up and move. Have this discussion be lead by yes or no questions. One side of the room will be yes and the other will be no. As long as they can defend

RUNNING HEAD: 4MAT Lesson Plan 4

their answers, they will get participation points for this part of the lesson.

ii. Reform (R) Students will start to write their Hero paper. Applying what they have learned from reading the first 9 chapters of the book and the discussions in class. 1. Support/ Scaffold for ELs: All of the students will be given a worksheet that will help them outline their paper. If they feel that the two pages in length is too much, then they can come and talk to me and we can adjust the length. 2. Support/ Scaffold for Special Needs: Create differently make up opportunities if they are not able to complete this assignment. However for the first day I will have an example on the projector to help them work on their paper.

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