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December 8, 2013

To Whom It May Concern, I am writing in support of, and to highly recommend, Jorge Guillen for an administrative position at any public or private school. I have known Mr. Guillen for 4 years now as a second grade teacher. We both have participated in the same Educational Administration program at Cal State Los Angeles, and he has excelled at every administrative challenge that we have faced in our fieldwork. He has strong core beliefs and transformative leadership qualities that will allow for positive school climate. He comes to work with a strong conviction every day to maximize his instructional practice. He is more than an excellent teacher; he is a caring and loving colleague who is there to mentor any teacher who is struggling. He is open to ideas, and never hesitates to lend a helping had. He has a wide breath of knowledge in early literacy, and his classroom management style is comparable to no one I have ever known in 20 years. He is a talented man who shares his professional music skills with the whole school community, helping to create a festive and happy school culture. Wherever he goes, Mr. Guillen has a presence that energizes people, students and teachers. He has and endless supply of energy, and when he was our administrative designee at our school, he was very visible, approachable and there for everyone. He takes care of his health and cares for the future of our students. He makes sure we are always moving to the beat of the music, and thinking beyond the beat. Again, I would highly recommend Mr. Jorge Guillen, with with no hesitation. If you have any questions, please call me at (626) 824-6347. Thank you, Virginia Lares-Jamieson 2nd grade Teacher Dolores Huerta School, LAUSD

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