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Pump efficiency.

The ratio of power imparted on the fluid by the pump to the power supplied to drive the pump is called the pump efficiency. For every pump the value of efficiency is not fixed. Centrifugal pump uses impellers to increase the flow rate and pressure of the fluid. For centrifugal pumps, the efficiency tends to follow a bell distribution curve where the efficiency increases as the flow rate increases until the peak is reached, and then decreasing as the flow rate further rises. Pump efficiency data is usually given by the manufacturer so that suitable pumps can be used in different situations. The efficiency of pumps may decrease over time due to wear. So how do we calculate the efficiency of a pump system? For instance if we look at a centrifugal pump the efficiency of the pump is simply the ratio of liquid(output) power to the shaft (input) power as shown in this equation. Efficiency = Power Water / Power Shaft (Ef = P W / P S). =(Q X H)/3960 where Q is the flow rate and H is the head(feet). The value 3960 converts the product of flow and head into (BHP) break horse power. Pumps are commonly rated by horsepower, flow rate, outlet pressure in metres (or feet) of head, inlet suction in suction feet (or metres) of head. The overall efficiency of the pump is the product of 3 individual efficiencies such as mechanical, volumetric and hydraulic. Mechanical efficiency includes losses in the bearing frame, stuffing box and mechanical seals. Volumetric efficiency includes losses due to leakage through the wear rings, balancing holes and vane clearances in the case of semi-open impellers. Hydraulic efficiency includes liquid friction and other losses in the volute or chamber and impeller. Pumps are used almost everywhere especially when there are pipelines structures. Since few centuries ago till this day application of pumps are so vital. For instance for irrigation, water supply, gasoline supply, air conditioning systems, refrigeration, chemical movement, sewage movement, flood control, marine services, lots more. Because of the wide variety of applications, pumps have a tons of shapes and sizes. From very large to very small, from handling gas to handling liquid, from high pressure to low pressure, and from high volume to low volume.

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