Oracle Inventory

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Oracle Applications 11i

Training On Oracle Inventory


Introduction to Oracle inventory management Inventory Enterprise Structure Inventory Setup Creating and Maintaining Items Inventory Controls Inventory Transactions Inventory Accuracy Control Inventory Planning
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Introduction to Oracle inventory management

What is Inventory?
Stocking ,tracking and maintaining the level of
different items like Raw material, Finished Goods, etc in an organization.

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Introduction to Oracle inventory management

Oracle Inventory enables users to satisfy a companys business needs, area such as: Defining part numbers Modeling organization structures Tracking perpetual inventory Maintaining accurate on-hand balances Planning material replenishments Forecasting anticipated demand

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Inventory Integration with other modules

Oracle WIP Oracle Cost Management Oracle Purchasing

Oracle Flow Manufacturing

Oracle Project Manufacturing

External Systems

Oracle Inventory Oracle Order Management Oracle Engineering

Oracle Shipping

Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP Oracle Bills of Material

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Inventory Integration with finance modules

External Systems

Oracle Payables

Oracle General Ledger

Oracle Inventory Oracle Receivables

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Oracle Assets

Introduction to Oracle inventory management

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Introduction to Oracle inventory management

An item is a part or service that are purchased, sold, planned, manufactured, stocked, distributed, or prototyped .

Item Statuses and Attributes

Status attributes are item attributes that enable key functionality for each item. An item status is defined by selecting the value check boxes for the status attributes. Both status attributes and item status can be controlled at the item level or organization levels.
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Introduction to Oracle inventory management

Unit of Measure
A unit of measure (UOM) is a term used along with a numeric value, to specify the quantity of an item. For example, each is a unit of measure that used to specify the number of units of an item. A unit of measure class is a group of units of measure with similar characteristics. For example, weight can be a unit of measure class with units of measure such as kilogram, gram, pound, and ounce. A unit of measure conversion is a mathematical relationship between two different units of measure.
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Introduction to Oracle inventory management

UOM Class = Weight


UOM Conversion
1 kg = 2.208 X lbs 1 g = 0.002208 X lbs

lbs kg g

Yes No No

UOM Interclass Conversion

Item Destination Destination Source Source Base UOM UOM Class Conversion Base UOM UOM Class






2 Each = 1 lb

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Introduction to Oracle inventory management

Organization Calendar
workday calendar must be defined in Inventory if the following are to be performed : inventory forecasting ,reorder-point planning, available-to-promise analysis or cycle counting. Inventory automatically generates a workday pattern (the base calendar) that includes all days, including non-workdays, between the start and end dates specified. workday exceptions can be assigned to the base calendar to denote holidays, schedule maintenance, or overtime.
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Introduction to Oracle inventory management

Categories and Category Sets
Categories are logical groupings of items that have similar characteristics.

A category set is a distinct category grouping scheme and consists of categories.

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Introduction to Oracle inventory management

Category Grouping
Inventory Category Set Purchasing Category Set

Craig Category Set

Finished Good



Other Subassembly Software

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Introduction to Oracle inventory management

Inventory Controls
With Oracle Inventory locator, revision, lot, and serial number control can be implemented.

Any combination of the four controls (locator, revision, lot, and serial number) can be implemented for each item. Inventory controls are optional for all items. User can choose to implement inventory controls for specific items.
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Introduction to Oracle inventory management

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Introduction to Oracle inventory management

Inventory Transactions
Transaction A transaction is an item movement into, within, or out of inventory. A transaction changes the quantity, location, or cost of an item. Inventory supports a number of predefined and user-defined transaction types. Every material movement has a corresponding set of accounting transactions that Oracle Inventory automatically generates. All transactions validate the various controls (revision, locator, lot number, and serial number) enabled for items.
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Introduction to Oracle inventory management

Material Flow Business Flow

Receive Goods WIP Purchasing

Move Goods


Ship Goods
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Order Entry


Introduction to Oracle inventory management Inventory Enterprise Structure Inventory Setup Creating and Maintaining Items Inventory Controls Inventory Transactions Inventory Accuracy Control Inventory Planning
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Inventory Enterprise Structure

Inventory Enterprise Structure
The Oracle Applications organization models define organizations and the relationships among them in arbitrarily complex enterprises. This organization model serves as the cornerstone for all of the Oracle Applications products. It dictates how transactions flow through different organizations and how those organizations interact with each other.

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Inventory Enterprise Structure

Organization Structure

Set of Books






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Inventory Enterprise Structure

Multi-Org is a key component that provides secure access to the different organizations of the enterprise supports multiple organizations of the enterprise structure in a single database. Operating Unit is the primary organization unit through which user secures transaction data, but also creates processes and reports on financial applications data. An Operating Unit can be used to model an autonomous business unit that performs one or more business activities and creates transactions with financial impact.
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Inventory Enterprise Structure

Business Group
This is an Organization that represents the consolidated enterprise, a major division, or an operation company and has no accounting impact. The Business Group partitions Human Resources information and the Purchasing Approval Hierarchy. If you request a list of employees (in any module) you will see only those employees in the Business Group of which your Operating Unit is a part. Multiple Legal Entities can relate to a single Business Group.

Business Group

Set of Books

Legal Entity


Inventory Organization

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Inventory Enterprise Structure

Set of Books Set of Books is the financial reporting entity that secures financial entries and account balances within the GL application. SOB will be based on 3Cs (Currency, Calendar, Chart of Accounts) A Set of Books is the highest level that impacts accounting. A Set of Books is associated with a single Business Group, but multiple Sets of Books may be associated with a single Business Group

Business Group

Set of Books

Legal Entity


Inventory Organization

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Inventory Enterprise Structure

GRE/Legal Entity The Legal Entity represents a legal company for which the user prepares fiscal or tax reports. Legal Entities are associated with a Set of Books. One or more Legal Entities may be associated with a single Set of Books, and multiple Legal Entities may be associated with a single Business Group.

Business Group

Set of Books

Legal Entity


Inventory Organization

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Inventory Enterprise Structure

Operating Unit
An operating unit represents an organization that uses any Oracle subledger application, for example, Order Management, Payables. It may be a sales office, a division, or a department. An operating unit is associated with a legal entity. Information is secured by operating unit for these applications. Each user sees information only for their operating unit.
Business Group

Set of Books

Legal Entity

Inventory Organizations
An inventory organization is a facility in your enterprise where you store and transact your inventory items. The items in an inventory organization can be in the form of raw materials, semi-finished goods, or finished goods for varying periods of time. Inventory Organizations belong to an Operating Unit.
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Inventory Organization

Inventory Organization Structure

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Inventory Enterprise Structure

Inventory Organization Structure



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Inventory Enterprise Structure

Inventory Enterprise Structure
An inventory organization is a facility in your enterprise where you store and transact your inventory items. The items in an inventory organization can be in the form of raw materials, semifinished goods, or finished goods for varying periods of time. A physical entity such as a manufacturing facility, warehouse, distribution center, or a branch office. A logical entity such as an item master organization, which you can use just to define items but no transactions. The item master organization is discussed in detail in the lesson titled Defining and Maintaining Items Fundamentals.
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Inventory Enterprise Structure

Subinventory Subinventories are unique physical or logical separations of material inventory, such as raw material inventory, finished goods inventory, or defective goods inventory. In Oracle Inventory, all material within an organization is held in a subinventory. Therefore, you must define at least one subinventory.
Locator You use locators to identify physical areas where you store inventory items. Item quantities can be tracked by locator. Items can also be restricted to specific locators
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Review Question
What are the 3 Cs in Set of Books?

Currency Calendar Chart of Account

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Introduction to Oracle inventory management Inventory Enterprise Structure Inventory Setup Creating and Maintaining Items Inventory Controls Inventory Transactions Inventory Accuracy Control Inventory Planning
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Inventory Setup
Required Setup Steps
Step 1 2 3 4 5 Activity Define Item Flexfield Define Item Categories Flexfield Define Item Catalog Group Flexfield Define Stock Locators Flexfield Define Account Aliases Flexfield Level * Global Global Global Global Global


Define Sales Orders Flexfield

Define Organizations


* Defined Once Globally or for each organization

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Inventory Setup
Required Setup Steps
Step 8 9 10 11 12 Activity Organization access Defining Intercompany Relations Define Unit of Measure Classes Define Subinventories Define Item Attribute Controls Level * Organization Global Global Organization Global


Define Categories
Define Category Sets

Either Level
Either Level

* Defined Once Globally or for each organization

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Inventory Setup
Required Setup Steps
Step 15 16 17 18 19 Activity Define Default Category Sets Define Statuses Define Cost Types Define Accounting Periods Set Profile Options Level * Global Global

Global Global

* Defined Once Globally or for each organization

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Inventory Setup
Flexfield Definitions
* Refer System Administrator & AOL training for Flexfield set up
Flexfield Name
2 3

Table Name


Account Aliases
Item Catalogs Item Categories


It supports just one structure

It supports only one structure This should be defined before defining items. There Can be multiple structures per instance

Sales Orders


Defined as Order Number, Order Type, and Order Source to make each transaction unique. Its defined before placing demand /reservations
Used to capture more information about stock locators and items This should be configured before defining items. OE: Item Flexfield profile option should be set to specify the Item Flexfield structure that will be used for Oracle applications.

Stock Locators System Items (Items Flexfield)


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Inventory Setup
Profile Options
Oracle Inventory users use the Personal Profile Values window to set profile values only at the user level. System administrators use the System Profile Values window to set profile values at the site, application, responsibility, and user levels.

Required profiles have no default; they require input from a user or an administrator. Optional profiles have defaults which may be accepted or manually overridden.

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Inventory Setup
These profiles are updateable at all levels:
Profile Option
INV: Allow Expense to Asset Transaction
INV: Default Item Status INV: Default Primary Unit of Measure INV: Dynamic Precision Option INV: Inter-Organization Currency Conv INV: Item Master Flexfield INV: MinMax Reorder Approval
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No No No No Yes No

Active Each -9,999,999.00 Corporate No Default Approved

Inventory Setup
These profiles are updateable at all levels:
Profile Option
INV: Proj Misc Trans Expenditure Type INV: RC Line Failure INV: Requisition Approval

Reqd No No No

Default User Entered

Continue Processing


INV: Save Search Items

INV: Updateable Customer Item INV: Updateable Item Name

No No No

No No
Concurrent Processing

TP:INV: Cycle Count Approvals Form

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Inventory Setup
These profiles are updateable at all levels:
Profile Option
TP:INV: Cycle Count Entries Form
TP:INV: Enter Replenishment Count Form


Concurrent Processing Concurrent Processing Online Processing Online Processing
Immediate Concurrent Processing

No No No No No No

TP:INV: Inter-Organization Transfer Form

TP:INV: Misc Issue and Receipt Form

TP:INV: Transaction Processing Mode TP:INV: Transfer Between SubInv Form TP:INV: Update Average Cost Form
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Online Processing Online Processing

Inventory Setup

These profiles are updateable at all levels:

Profile Option
TP:INV: Server Side Online Processing
INV: CCEOI Commit Point INV: Override Negative Qty for Backflush INV: Order Transact Form INV: Purchasing by Revision INV: Debug Trace INV: Debug File (Include complete path)
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Concurrent Processing

Yes No No No Yes Yes

No Default No
Online Processing

Yes No Default No Default

Inventory Setup

These profiles are updateable at all levels:

Profile Option
INV: FIFO for Original Receipt Date
INV: Debug Level INV: Detail Serial Numbers



Yes No

No Default No

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Inventory Setup
These profiles are updateable only at the Site level:
Profile Option
INV: Accounting Category Set
INV: Capable to Promise INV: External ATP INV: Use Catalog Name in Item Desc. INV: Minimum Number of Quantity Trees INV: CCEOI Workers INV: Detect Truncation on UOM Conversn
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Reqd Yes Yes Yes


No Default
No Default No Default

No Yes Yes

500 No Default No Default

Inventory Setup
Organization Setup
Before using Oracle Inventory, one or more organizations need to be defined. Organizations represent distinct entities in a company and can include separate manufacturing facilities, warehouses, distribution centers, and branch offices. Organizations can be classified and connected to model the overall enterprise structure. The classifications include: - Business Groups - Legal Entities (LE) / Government Reporting Entities (GRE) - Operating Units - Inventory Organizations
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Inventory Setup
Organization Setup
(N)> Inventory>Setup>Organizations>Locations
Flagged as global, physical locations of Employees and Organizations. Locations are shared between Inventory, Purchasing and Human Resources. Each organization can be associated with only one location. One or more organizations can be associated with the same location

locations are
available to all Business Groups

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Inventory Setup
Organization Setup
(N)>setup>Organizations> Organizations
organization classification is used to describe the general purpose of organization. Examples are Inventory Org, GRE / Legal Entity, and HR Organization. Inventory Organization classification is used for inventory management.

Organization location field links a location to an organization to a location. This is a must for Legal Entity organizations
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Inventory Setup
Organization Setup
(N)>setup>Organizations> Organizations

Link Between Organization & Legal entity/Set of Books &

Operating Unit.

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Inventory Setup
Using an Item Master Organization
Item Master Organization is usually the first Inventory organization that is set up. Its single purpose is for entering items. It has no subinventories and is not used for inventory transactions. Items are entered in an item master organization and then assigned to be used in child organizations.

Child Organization is an inventory organization with at least one subinventory that is set up for processing inventory transactions. It is not used to enter items. It gets a list of items from the master.
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Inventory Setup

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Inventory Setup
(N)>setup>Organizations> Parameters

Organization Setup

This must be the first organization to be defined as this is a required field in parameters. Later it can be changed. There For forecasting, planning, available-to-promise analysis, or cycle counting, workday calendar must be defined. This calendar is entered in the parameters screen in order to be used by the above Item master can be common across operating units, legal entity & SOB. It can be optionally common across business groups also. It is also advised that there are no transactions carried in an item master can be any number of Item masters in an instance but it is advised that there is only one item master unless absolutely necessary.

functions. When defining a calendar

system assumes a workday pattern that includes all days, between the

start and end dates unless specified.

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Inventory Setup
Organization Setup
(N)>setup>Organizations> Parameters

Locator control option determines at which level the locator is controlled. Options are None, Pre specified, Dynamic & Controlled at subinventory

Decides Whether the inventory

balance in the organization can

go below zero. If enabled ,does allow the inventory to go below zero.

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Inventory Setup
Organization Setup
(N)>setup>Organizations> Parameters
Costing organization determines which is the costing organization for the Determines the costing method used in the organization. Options are organization in question. However for an average costing organization the costing organization is the same organization i.e. the costs cannot be shared.

Standard costing, Average

costing, FIFO & LIFO

Valuation accounts for the organization. Once any transaction takes place in an organization ,these accounts cannot be changed in an Average
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Indicate whether all transactions are posted in detail or summary to the general ledger.

costing scenario.

Inventory Setup
Organization Setup
(N)>setup>Organizations> Parameters
Enforces unique lot numbers across items, if set. The options are Across items & None

option for lot number generation. It can be generated at item level, org level or User defined Can be generated at org level or at item level option for serial number uniqueness. Options are Within organization, Within inventory & items Across organizations

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Inventory Setup
Organization Access

This setup controls access to organizations based on the user responsibility assigned to a user by the system administrator. If

implemented for one user

responsibility, it is then required for all other user responsibilities accessing the same organization.
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Inventory Setup
Organization Setup
Inventory Organizations are made up of one or more

subinventories which can be made up of one or more




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Inventory Setup
Subinventory set up
A subinventory is a physical or logical grouping of inventory, such as raw material, finished goods, defective material, or a freezer compartment. The subinventory is the primary place where items are

physically stocked. A subinventory must be specified for

every inventory transaction Subinventories can be further divided into areas designated as locators.
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Inventory Setup
Subinventory set up
(N) INV> Setup>Organizations>Subinventories
Indicates whether to include items in this subinventory in ATP calculations. Indicates whether each transaction for this subinventory updates the quantity on hand for the subinventory Indicates whether to maintain the Indicates whether to include this subinventory while performing available to reserve calculations.
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value of this subinventory on the balance sheet

Inventory Setup
Subinventory set up
(N) INV> Setup>Organizations>Subinventories
Can only be selected if locator control is set as Determined at subinventory

level in the Organization

Parameters window

Indicate whether the planning process uses the onhand balance of these subinventory items as available inventory
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indicates the priority with which items are picked from this subinventory, relative to another subinventory, where a given item resides.

Inventory Setup
Subinventory set up
(N) INV> Setup>Organizations>Subinventories

These valuation accounts are used in a standard costing scenario. For average costing org, system picks up the accounts from org level

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Inventory Setup
Workday Calendar
Workday calendar can be defined both in Inventory and Bills of Material. It defines which days are ON within an organization and which shifts are available to be worked. The workday calendar is the Oracle term for a manufacturing calendar.

The workday calendar is separate from the Oracle General

Ledger calendar. Each organization references a workday calendar.
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Inventory Setup
Workday Calendar
(N) INV> Setup>Organizations>Calendar

workday calendar consists of a start date, and end date, and on and off days that follow one or more defined workday patterns. A workday calendar can also include shift information and exception dates, such as holidays/scheduled down time. Workday exceptions identify deviations to the workday calendar. Shift exceptions identify deviations for a shift. Note: Before using a calendar it must be built using tools>build option
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Attention: Shift exceptions take precedence over workday exceptions.

Inventory Setup
Units of Measure
Units of measure (UOM) are defined for tracking/moving/storing & counting items. Each item defined in Inventory must have a primary UOM. Each transaction performed in Inventory must have a UOM associated with the transaction quantity and a conversion defined back to the primary UOM. Multiple related UOMs are grouped together in a class with a base unit of measure Inventory uses the base UOM to perform conversions between units of measure in each class and between

two different unit of measure classes.

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Inventory Setup
Units of Measure
Perform the following steps to define multiple UOMs and set up conversions:
Define UOM classes Define one base UOM for each UOM class

Define multiple non base UOMs for each class

Define intraclass conversions Define interclass conversions
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Inventory Setup
Units of Measure Classes
(N) Inventory>Setup>Units of Measure>Classes

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Inventory Setup
Units of Measure (UOM)
(N) Inventory>Setup>Units of Measure>Units of Measure

A unit of measure (UOM) is a term used along with a numeric value, to specify the quantity of an item. For example, each is a unit of measure used to specify the number of units of an item.

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Inventory Setup
Units of Measure Conversions
(N) Inventory>Setup>Units of Measure>Conversions
If items are transacted in UOM belonging to classes other than their primary UOM class, conversions between the base units of measure in different UOM classes must be defined

unit of measure conversion

is a mathematical
relationship between two different units of measure. For example, 10 Kilograms = 1 Each, or 2.2 pounds = 1 kilogram.

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Introduction to Oracle inventory management Inventory Enterprise Structure Inventory Setup Creating and Maintaining Items Inventory Controls Inventory Transactions Inventory Accuracy Control Inventory Planning
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Creating and Maintaining Items

Setting up item Definition

1 Choose Item Attribute Control Levels 2

Define UOMs

Define Status Control Levels Define Statuses

Define Categories and Category Sets

Create Templates

Define Catalogs

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3 Define Items

Creating and Maintaining Items

Item Attributes
Item attributes are fields in the item table used to store specific characteristics of an item, such as item status, unit of measure, revision control, etc.. These can be controlled at either the master or the organization level.
Attributes Controlled at the Master Level An item has the same value for such attributes in all organizations in which it is defined. Master-level attributes can be only updated by using the Master Item window. Inventory reflects your changes in all organizations that carry the item.
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Creating and Maintaining Items

Item Attributes
Attributes Controlled at the Organization Level An item may have different values for such attributes in each organization in which it is defined.

When defining items in the item master, defaults for

organization-level attributes can be specified. Values of organization-level attributes can be updated only by using the Organization Item form in each organization that carries the item.
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Creating and Maintaining Items

Item Attributes
(N) Inventory>Setup>Items >Attribute Controls

Control level can be

determined using this


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Creating and Maintaining Items

Status Attributes
Each status attribute is dependent on at least one other attribute. For example Stockable attribute cannot be set to yes if Inventory Item attribute is set to No.

Defaults Value: Value of this attribute defaults when assigning the status to an item. Can be changed. Not Used: Use neither default nor status control. Sets Value: Value of this attribute defaults when assigning the status to an item. Once assigned the default cannot be changed.


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Creating and Maintaining Items

Status Attributes and Functionality
Status Attribute Stockable Functional Area Inventory Functionality Allows to store the item in an asset subinventory Allows to transact the item Inventory, OM, PO and WIP Allows to place the item on a purchase order Allows to build the item on a discrete job and/or a repetitive schedule


Inventory, Order Management, Purchasing, WIP



Build in WIP

Work in Process

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Creating and Maintaining Items

Status Attributes and Functionality
Status Attribute Functional Area Order Management Inventory, Order Management, Purchasing Bills of Material Functionality Allows to place the item on a sales order Allows to create an internal sales order for the item

Customer Orders Enabled

Internal Orders Enabled

BOM Allowed

Allows to create a bill of material for the item

Invoice Enabled


Allows to create an invoice for the item

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Creating and Maintaining Items

Item Status
When defining an item, status must be given by using the Item

Status attribute. The Item Status attribute has a user defined set of yes/no values for the status attributes. The values are applied to the status attributes when an item status code is chosen when defining an item.
For example, in the beginning of a product development cycle Item Status attribute is set to Prototype with all of the status

attributes defaulted to yes except for Customer Orders Enabled. When the item is ready the Item Status attribute is set to Active to allow all functions for the item.
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Creating and Maintaining Items

Item Status
(N) Inventory>Setup>Items>Status Codes

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Creating and Maintaining Items

Item Attributes
Status Control
An unlimited number of status codes can be defined by the user.

One or more of these status codes can be assigned to an Item

for implementation on a future date. The status codes then

automatically change on their user specified effectivity dates.

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Creating and Maintaining Items

Item Templates
Templates are defined sets of attributes that can be used
over and over to create many similar items. Templates make initial item definition easier and more consistent.

Templates can be applied at any time after the item is

created. Multiple templates can be applied to a single item. Templates can hold a complete set of attributes or a partial set. If a partial set, then only values stored in the template overwrite those on the item
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Creating and Maintaining Items

Item Templates
Users can define their own templates or predefined templates include:
ATO Model PTO Model Subassembly Finished Good Planning Item Product Family ATO Item Phantom Item Freight Kit Purchased ATO Option Class

Outside Processing Item PTO Option Class Reference Item Supply Item

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Creating and Maintaining Items

Item Templates
(N) Inventory>Setup>Items>Templates

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Creating and Maintaining Items

Item Categories
A category is a logical classification of items that have similar characteristics. A category set is a distinct grouping scheme and consists of multiple categories. Some application modules, Inventory , for example require that all items are assigned to a category. The user specifies a default category for this purpose in each of these modules. Categories and category sets are used to group items for various reports and programs.

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Creating and Maintaining Items

Item Categories - Setup
Define the Flexfield structures for the item categories Flexfield.

Define categories.
Define category sets and assign the categories to the sets. Each set can use a different Flexfield definition if required. Assign default category sets to each functional area, like Purchasing, Planning and Inventory Assign items to categories. An item can be assigned to only one category within a set.

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Creating and Maintaining Items

Item Categories - Define Categories
(N) Inventory>Setup>items>Categories>Category Codes

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Creating and Maintaining Items

Item Categories - Define Category sets
(N) Inventory>Setup>items>Categories>Category sets

This option should only be enabled for user defined category sets. Functional Category is assigned to category set from here. category sets cannot have same item with multiple categories within itself.
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Creating and Maintaining Items

Item Categories - Assign items to Categories
(N) Inventory>Setup>items>Categories>Category sets>Assign

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Creating and Maintaining Items

Defining Items
With the Master Item window, items and the attributes associated with them (such as description, unit of measure or lot control) can be defined and updated. Much of the information for an item is optional. Only the

information needed to maintain the item are defined.

An item cannot be defined at the Organizational level. Oracle will automatically switch to the Master Item window when defining a new item.
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Creating and Maintaining Items

Defining Items
An item is a part or service that is purchased, sold, planned, manufactured, stocked, distributed, or prototyped. The following Modules use items:
Inventory Attributes Service Attributes Work in Process Attributes Receiving Attributes Lead Time Attributes Planning Attributes
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Purchasing Attributes Order Management Attributes Bills of Material


Attributes Costing Attributes MRP/MPS Attributes Invoicing Attributes

Creating and Maintaining Items

Steps to Setup, Define and Maintain items

1 Copy templates Copy items Enter attribute values Enable in child organizations Update organization level attributes

Define item costs

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Creating and Maintaining Items

Master Item vs. Organizational Item
Whether an item attribute is defined/maintained at the Master level or the Organization level can be designated.
Attributes at the Master level are the same across all organizations that the item is assigned to. If an attribute is maintained at the Organization level, it can have different values in each organization the item is assigned. Some attributes can be maintained at only the Master level or the Organizational Level. Unit of Measure should be maintained at the Master level. Min-Max should be maintained at the organizational level if multiple organizations are used.
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Creating and Maintaining Items

Organization Assignment and Organization Item
Item can be enabled in all child organizations under master organization or child organizations where the item to be used is chosen. Inventory propagates item to all organizations in which the item is to be defined. Organizational attributes for item attributes which are enabled in that organization, can be entered or changed which are enabled in that organization. For example, go to an organization to choose reorder point planning for an item, and then go to another organization and choose Min-Max planning for the same item.

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Creating and Maintaining Items

Defining Items
(N) Inventory>Items>Master Items

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Creating and Maintaining Items

Defining Items
Organization Assignment

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Creating and Maintaining Items

Defining Item Relationships
The following types of relationships can be defined for items: Item cross-references Substitute items Related items

Manufacturer part numbers

Customer item numbers Relationships between items can be defined to improve purchasing management and item searching capabilities. Substitute items can be received in Oracle Purchasing.
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Creating and Maintaining Items

Defining Item Relationships
(N) Inventory>Items>Item Relationships

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Creating and Maintaining Items

Crossreference types
Crossreference types define relationships between items and entities such as old item numbers or supplier item numbers. For example, a crossreference type Old can be created to track the old item numbers , and a cross-reference type Supplier to track supplier part numbers. multiple cross-reference types can be assigned to a single item.

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Creating and Maintaining Items

Crossreference types
(N) Inventory>Items>Cross References

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Creating and Maintaining Items

Customer Items
(N) Inventory>Items>Customer Items>Customer Items
Allows the entry of customer part numbers and the customer(s) they are associated with. These items can also be associated with commodity codes and container types

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Creating and Maintaining Items

Customer Item Cross References
(N) Inventory>Items>Customer Items>Customer Items Used to define cross references between inventory items and the customer items defined above.

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Introduction to Oracle inventory management Inventory Enterprise Structure Inventory Setup Creating and Maintaining Items Inventory Controls Inventory Transactions Inventory Accuracy Control Inventory Planning
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Inventory Controls
With Inventory locator, revision, lot and serial number control can be implemented Flexibility:

- Inventory controls are optional for all items.

- any combination of the four controls (locator, revision, lot and serial number) for each item can be implemented.

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Inventory Controls

Locator setup
Locators are optional structures within subinventories. Locators are the third level in the enterprise structuring scheme of Oracle Inventory . Locators may represent rows, aisles, or bins in warehouses.

Items can be received directly into and shipped items directly

from locators.

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Inventory Controls
Locator setup
(N) INV> Setup>Organizations>Subinventories

Indicates the priority for picking items from this locator relative to another Subinventory to which the locator belongs locator.

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Inventory Controls
Revision Control
A revision is a particular version of an item, bill of material, or routing. By using the Revision control option while defining items item quantities can be tracked by item revision. To do so a revision is a must for each material transaction. Revision control is enabled for items for which version changes or changes that are significant enough to track but are not affecting the function and feature of the item are tracked .

Control item attribute cannot be changed when an item has quantity on hand.

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Inventory Controls
Revision Control
When defining Revision numbers letters, numbers and characters such as A, A1, 2B, etc can be used. Letters are always in upper case and numbers may include decimals. To ensure that revisions sort properly, decimals should always be followed by a number. Revisions are sorted according to ASCII rules. Each revision must be greater than the previous revision. For example, revision 10 cannot be used after revision 9 because, according to ASCII sorting, 10 precedes 9.
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Inventory Controls
Lot Control
Inventory provides complete lot number support for inventory transactions.
A lot identifies a specific batch of an item that is received and stored in an organization.

Lot control is a technique for enforcing the use of lot numbers during material transactions, thus enabling the tracking of batches of items throughout their movement in and out of inventory.
If Lot Control is turned on for an item, the lot number must be indicated to perform a transaction.
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Inventory Controls
Lot Control
Lot Control must be turned on at the item level.
lot numbers must be assigned whenever items under lot control are received into inventory. An inventory receipt can be split in to several lots, as necessary. Quantities can be added to existing lot numbers. Inventory will generate default lot numbers by using the default lot number generation method which is configured in the Organization Parameters window during setup.
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Inventory Controls
Lot Control
Lot can have an expiration date by assigning a number of lot control shelf life days or by entering a lot expiration date.
The expiration date controls the availability of the lot for transacting and planning purposes.
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Inventory Controls
Lot Control
An Expired Lot:

is not considered as on-hand supply when performing min-max, reorder point or MRP planning calculations.
cannot be reserved for a date beyond the expiration date.

can be transacted and is included in on-hand quantities.

is included in all inquiries and reports. is included in a cycle count and count entry and adjustments are allowed. is included in a physical inventory and tag entry and adjustments are allowed.
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Inventory Controls
Lot Control
Disabled Lots:
Disabling a lot only prevents it from appearing in a list of values when performing receipt transactions.

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Inventory Controls
Lot Control
A Disabled Lot:
is included in available to transact, available to promise and available to reserve calculations. is included as on-hand supply when performing min-max, reorder point or MRP planning calculations. is included as on-hand in all inquiries and reports, including inventory valuation reports.

can be transacted with Inventory functions and the Transaction Open Interface.

can be reserved.
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Inventory Controls
Serial Control
A serial number is an alphanumeric piece of information assigned to an individual unit of an item. A serialized unit is a combination of an item number and a serial number.
Individual units of items can be tracked by using serial numbers. Serial number control is a system technique for enforcing the use of serial numbers during a material transaction. Serial numbers can be used to track items over which a very tight control is to be maintained.

One serial number per unit of an item can be assigned

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Inventory Controls
Serial Control
Generating Serial Numbers
Depending on how Serial Number Control is set at the Master Item level will determine how serial numbers are generated. If No Control is specified as the serial number control type, no serial number control will be enforced. If Predefined is specified as the serial number control type, serial numbers for that item must be predefined.

If control At inventory receipt or At sales order issue, optionally serial numbers for the item can be predefined.
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Inventory Controls
Serial Control
Generating Serial Numbers Inventory uses the starting serial number prefix and the starting serial number specified in the Item screen . The process of generating serial numbers is done through a concurrent report. This does not assign numbers to units in inventory, it simply reserves serial numbers for an item, for later use.
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Introduction to Oracle inventory management Inventory Enterprise Structure Inventory Setup Creating and Maintaining Items Inventory Controls Inventory Transactions Inventory Accuracy Control Inventory Planning
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Inventory Transactions Overview

Understanding of Transaction Types Overview of Inventory Transactions Miscellaneous Transactions Subinventory Transfer Inter Organization Transfer Receipts

Move Orders

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Inventory Transactions

A transaction type is the combination of a transaction source type and a transaction action. It is used to classify a particular transaction for reporting and querying purposes.
Transaction Source Type Transaction Action

Transaction Type

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Inventory Transactions System Defined Transaction Types

System defined transaction type codes for different inventory transactions. Each transaction type is linked to source type and action

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Inventory Transactions User Defined Transaction Types

Use user defined terminology to define transaction type. The transaction type can be only linked to pre seeded values of source type and action
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Inventory Transactions Types of Inventory Transactions

Miscellaneous Transactions- This transaction is used to do adjustments in stock due to damage, obsolescence, issuing items for R & D or issuing track able expense items. Subinventory Transfer- This transaction is used to transfer goods from one stockroom to another with in the same inventory organization. Inter ORG Transfers- This transaction is used to transfer goods from one inventory organization to another.

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Inventory Transactions Types of Inventory Transactions

Receiving Transactions- This transaction is used to move goods from receiving dock to specified subinventory and locator. Sales Issue- This transaction is used to move goods from pick subinventory to staged subinventory. WIP Issue- This transaction is used to issue materials against production orders.

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Inventory Transactions
Miscellaneous Receipt
Subinventory Locator

Miscellaneous Issue Organization

Subinventory Locator


Subinventory Transfer

Subinventory Transfer Locator

Direct Interorganization Transfer

Interorganization Transfer by Way of Intransit


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Inventory Transactions Miscellaneous Transactions

Select the transaction type

Account for passing adjustment transactions

If you want to enter transaction line by serial number for serialized item check this box

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Inventory Transactions

Initial loading of item on-hand quantities when you start implementing Oracle Inventory Scrapping items by issuing them to expense accounts denoting scrap Issuing items to individuals, departments, or projects Receiving items that were acquired by assorted means (without purchase orders) Entering adjustments and corrections to system quantities due to theft, vandalism, loss, shelf-life expiration, or inaccurate record keeping

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Inventory Transactions

Miscellaneous Transactions - Transaction Lines

Enter the quantity to be adjusted

Lot or serial number can be entered if item is a serial controlled or Lot Controlled
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Inventory Transactions Subinventory transfer

Use the Subinventory transfer window to: Transfer material within your current organization between subinventories, or between two locators within the same subinventory

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Inventory Transactions Subinventory Transfer

The type can be Subinventory transfer to transfer from one subinventory to another or any of the user defined transaction type for source inventory & action subinventory transfer
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Inventory Transactions Subinventory Transfer Transaction Lines

Enter source subinventory

Enter destination subinventory

Enter Quantity


Saving the record will complete the transaction.

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Inventory Transactions Inter Org Transfer

We can perform interorganization transfers as direct or in transit shipments.
Goods that have departed from the dispatch, loading, or shipping point but have not yet arrived at the receipt, offloading, or delivery point. Also called in transit inventory or stock in transit

We can transfer one or more items in a single transaction. We can also transfer partial quantities of the same item to different subinventories and locators in a single transaction. We can also transfer expense and asset items from one organization to another using in transit inventory

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Inventory Transactions Inter Org Transfer

You need to define shipping network before doing inter organization transfer
Pune Organization Use Intransit Inventory (FOB = Receiving) Austin Organization Require Internal Order to Ship Direct Transfer Pune Organization Mumbai Organization

Use Intransit Inventory (FOB = Shipping)

Delhi Organization
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Inventory Transactions Inter Org Transfer

Direct Interorganization Transfers We can use a direct interorganization transfer to move inventory directly from a shipping organization to a destination organization. The validity of a transfer transaction depends on the controls we have defined in both the shipping and destination organizations for the items we want to transfer.

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Inventory Transactions Inter Org Transfer

InterOrganization Transfers via Intransit Inventory We usually transfer material to intransit inventory when transportation time is significant. When we perform the transfer transaction, we do not need to specify the delivery location. We only need to enter the subinventory we are shipping from, a shipment number, the freight information, and, depending on the interorganization transfer charge that applies between the organizations, a percentage of the transaction value or a discrete amount that Oracle Inventory uses to compute transfer charges.
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Inventory Transactions

Inter Org Transfer Shipping Network

Check this box if internal order is required

Select Transfer type as Intransit or Direct

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Enter FOB as receipt or shipment to identify who owns the inventory after shipment has been made

Inventory Transactions Inter Org Transfer Shipping Network

There are three options for transfer charge. Predefined % of transaction value. The % is maintained here. The other two options are requested % or requested value. In this case value is mentioned at the time of entering Inter ORG transaction
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Inventory Transactions Inter Org Transfer Shipping Network

Enter the accounts for transfer credit and PPV if destination organization uses standard cost

On these form maintain Inter ORG receivable and payable account

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Inventory Transactions Inter Org Transfer - In transit

Enter Source & Destination Organization

Select type as Intransit or Direct shipment

Enter the order number

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Inventory Transactions

Subinventory in the shipping organization

Subinventory in the receiving organization

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Inventory Transactions

As transaction type in Inter ORG order was in transit shipment, the inventory is shown in transit after shipping


Note: Receiving for Inter ORG orders will be covered as a part of receiving transactions
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Inventory Transactions Receipts

Type of Receipt Transactions Receive both internally and externally sourced shipments Process unordered receipts Receive substitute items Inspect items for quality control and invoice matching needs Correct transaction errors Receive returned items into invento Return delivered items to receiving
Note: As part of inventory training only standard receiving transaction will be covered with receipt routing as Direct Delivery


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Inventory Transactions Receipts

Use the Find Expected Receipts window to: Find source documents for which you can enter receipts. Use the Supplier and Internal tabbed region to search for Purchasing documents.

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Inventory Transactions Receipts

Use the Receipt Header window to enter header information for all types of receipts.

Enter packing slip number

Enter other information like shipped date, number of containers etc.

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Inventory Transactions

Use the Receipts window to enter receipt line information.

Enter the receipt quantity

Default subinventory from PO. It can be overridden

As routing is direct receipt, the inventory is delivered on saving the transaction

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Inventory Transactions Move Orders

Overview Of Move Orders Move orders are requests for the movement of material within a single organization.

Manage all material requisition and request processes within an organization by manually or automatically creating, approving, and transacting a move order.
Used for movement of material within a warehouse or facility for purposes like replenishment, material storage relocations, and quality handling.
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Inventory Transactions Move Orders

Move Order Type Transaction Type Generation & Approval

Move Order Requisition

Account Transfer Subinventory Transfer Kanban Min Max Replenishment Count

Manually Generated Optional Approval Processing

Automatically Generated Pre-approved Ready for Transaction Pre approved Print Pick Slip

Replenishment Move Orders

Pick Wave Move Orders

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Sales Order Pick Internal Order Pick

Inventory Transactions Move Order Process Flow

Approve Move order move order requisition created
In case of shortage move order can be re-planned

Move order locates material sources

Pick Ticket

Put away Destination location

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Picking Source location

Inventory Transactions Move Order Header

Default source subinventory for move order Select Transaction Type

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Inventory Transactions Move Order Lines

Enter Item and for transfer

Default transaction type from header. It can be overridden

Quantity to be transferred

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Inventory Transactions Move Order Allocation

Press Allocate to generate reservation from source subinventory to destination subinventory

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After allocation reservation can be viewed and updated manually if required.

Inventory Transactions Transact Move Orders

Print Pick List for Picker

Press Transact to move the inventory from source to destination subinventory

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Introduction to Oracle inventory management Inventory Enterprise Structure Inventory Setup Creating and Maintaining Items Inventory Controls Inventory Transactions Inventory Accuracy Control Inventory Planning
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Inventory Accuracy Control

Cycle Counting Cycle counting is the periodic counting of individual items throughout the year. Count items of higher value more frequently than items of lower value. The differences between the system quantity and counted quantity are adjusted to correct the system quantity and inventory value in the system. Physical inventory A physical inventory is a periodic reconciliation of system onhand balances with physical counts in inventory. It is normally done once in a year as a part of financial auditing requirement to verify inventory assets on balance sheet. Production is stopped at the time of carrying out this activity.
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Inventory Accuracy Control

Cycle Counting
ABC Classification of items

Define cycle count header

Update cycle-count items Schedule items to count

Generate count requests

Enter cycle counts

Approve cycle counts

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Inventory Accuracy Control

ABC Classification
ABC Analysis
ABC analysis is a method of determining the relative value of items in your inventory sites. An ABC analysis involves ranking your items according to a criterion and then grouping items into classes.

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Inventory Accuracy Control

ABC Classification
ABC Analysis
Define ABC compilation Define ABC classes

Define ABC group

Assign items to ABC classes

Update class assignments

Purge ABC information

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Inventory Accuracy Control

ABC Classification
ABC Compilation

Criterion for categorizing your items in Organization. It can be based on current value or historical usage value Cost type to pick up the unit cost of items in compile set

Press Compile to generate compile results

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Inventory Accuracy Control

ABC Classification
ABC Compilation- Descending Value Report

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Inventory Accuracy Control

ABC Classification
Use ABC classes to identify the value groupings to which items belong. Define these classes using own terminology. For example, you might define classes High value, Medium value, Low value. Assign items of highest rank to the High class, those of lower rank to the Medium class and those of lowest rank to the Low class. Can use ABC classes to group items for a cycle count where you count A items more frequently than B items.

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Inventory Accuracy Control

ABC Classification

ABC Classes

Define class names for your ABC Classification purpose

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Inventory Accuracy Control

ABC Classification
Define ABC Assignment Group

Define Group name to link compile class and set of ABC Classes defined

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Inventory Accuracy Control

ABC Classification
Define ABC Assignment Group

Link ABC Classes to ABC assignment group

Give a priority to all classes. The class with lowest priority is assumed to have the highest rank.

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Inventory Accuracy Control

ABC Classification
ABC Item Assignments

Choose the sequence value from ABC descending value report to assign a range of items to class

Shows % of total items and % of total value assigned to a specific class with in an Organization

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Inventory Accuracy Control

ABC Classification
Updating Item Assignments


ABC assignments generated automatically by assigning cut off sequence numbers for each class. If required classes can be changed manually

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Inventory Accuracy Control

Cycle Counting
Maintain Cycle Count

If items not scheduled for counting to be included

Adjustment account to store variance amount by which inventory is adjusted

If automatic recount required for out of tolerance items

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Inventory Accuracy Control

Cycle Counting
Maintain Cycle Count

Cycle counting to be allowed for serialized items or not. If allowed will there be multiple serial numbers per request or one serial number per request

What Details to be printed. Quantity only or quantity with serial numbers


Scheduling daily or weekly or by periods

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Inventory Accuracy Control

Cycle Counting
Maintain Cycle Count Header

Tolerances set by quantity, value and hot/miss analysis

ABC group lined for identifying item classes

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Use this option as re-initialization to upload items for the first time from ABC group. Make it to update to add new items added in ABC group to cycle count items

Inventory Accuracy Control

Cycle Counting
Cycle Count Classes
Cycle count class specific tolerances can be maintained here. If it is not maintained here it is taken from cycle count header

Mentions the numbers of times the item to be counted in a year

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Inventory Accuracy Control

Cycle Counting
Cycle Count Items

Item specific quantity tolerance can be maintained here Cycle count classes and item generated from ABC initialization at the time of linking cycle count to ABC group
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Inventory Accuracy Control

Cycle Counting
Schedule Cycle Count Automatic Scheduling Oracle inventory uses the number of items in each cycle count class, the frequency of each class, and the workday calendar of your organization to determine how many and which items you need to count during the scheduling frequency. Manual Scheduling You can manually schedule counts in addition to or instead of those generated with automatic scheduling.
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Inventory Accuracy Control

Cycle Counting
Generate Cycle Count Request
Cycle count Scheduler for automatic scheduling

Generate Cycle count request to generate cycle count entries

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Inventory Accuracy Control

Cycle Counting
Cycle Counting List Report
Print this report to show items scheduled for cycle counting in a specific period. This report is given to people who physically count items

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Inventory Accuracy Control

Cycle Counting
Cycle Count Entries

Enter the quantity counted at the locator in the warehouse

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Inventory Accuracy Control

Cycle Counting
Approve Cycle Count

Approve cycle count entries that are out of tolerance. The entries with variance with in tolerance will be approved by system.
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Inventory Accuracy Control

Cycle Counting
Cycle Count Entries and Adjustments Report:
This report shows all cycle count entries for a specified time period. It analyzes the number of cycle count transactions you make against an item, and the number of units you actually adjust. The report also calculates the value, in your functional currency, of the adjustments to inventory.

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Inventory Accuracy Control

Physical Inventory
Define physical inventory Take snapshot of on-hand quantities Generate tags Count items Enter counts Void tags Approve counts Run adjustment program

Purge physical inventory

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Inventory Accuracy Control

Physical Inventory
Define Physical Inventory

Set the option for approval of physical inventory tags

Tolerances for Quantity and value

Use this option when tags are generated outside oracle inventory Click snapshot to generate the snapshot of inventory on hand for count subinventories

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Inventory Accuracy Control

Physical Inventory
Generate Tags

You can generate blank tags for stock points not recorded in your system

Generates a unique tag for each unique combination of item, sub inventory, locator, revision, lot, serial number

Starting tag number and in what order you want to increment to generate the next tag number
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Inventory Accuracy Control

Physical Inventory
Physical Inventory Tags Counts

Enter the quantity physically counted at specific location with in the warehouse
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You can void a tag if damaged or lost. If default tag is void it sets the inventory to zero for that SKU

Inventory Accuracy Control

Physical Inventory
Approve Counts Approval option- Always the system requires approval of all counts entered. You must approve or reject each adjustment before running the physical adjustments program. After the system adjusts all the approved counts the status of the adjustment changes to Posted Approval option If Out of Tolerance the system requires approval of all adjustments exceeding the tolerances entered in the physical inventory definition. You must accept or reject each of these adjustments before running the physical inventory adjustments program. After the system adjusts all the approved counts the status of the adjustment changes to Posted. 176
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Inventory Accuracy Control

Physical Inventory
Approve Counts

Approve or reject the count

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Inventory Accuracy Control

Physical Inventory
Perform Physical Inventory Adjustments The system performs adjustments by creating a material transaction for the +/- quantity of the adjustment. Once adjustment program is run the system does not allow a new tag generation or any further updates to the tag counts. You must approve or reject all adjustments or the system will not run the adjustments program. Tag quantities, adjustment quantities, and adjustment values can be reported before performing the adjustments. You can use the adjustment report to authorize approvals or request recounts of items with large pending adjustments.
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Inventory Accuracy Control

Physical Inventory
Perform Physical Inventory Adjustments

Account for passing transactions due to variance in system and counted quantity

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Inventory Accuracy Control

Physical Inventory
Purge Physical Inventory Purging tags only: You can purge all tags associated with a physical inventory definition. If irreversible mistakes are made in the countentry phase, you can start over without refreezing your inventory. Purging All Information You can purge the physical inventory definition, frozen quantities, tags and count quantities. This purge deletes adjustments but not the 180 adjustment material transactions.
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Inventory Planning
Planning methods:
Performing reorder-point planning Performing Min-Max planning Subinventory replenishment planning Creating and executing Kanban cards

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Inventory Planning
MIN MAX Planning
Min-max planning is a method of determining when and how much to order based on user-defined minimum and maximum inventory levels. In Oracle Inventory you can perform min-max planning at two levels:
Organization: To perform organization-level min-max planning for an item, you must specify organization-level minimum and maximum quantities. Subinventory: To perform subinventory-level min-max planning for an item, you must specify subinventory-level minimum and maximum quantities.
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Inventory Planning
MIN MAX Planning
1.0 Define Planning attributes for Min-Max planned items at Org level
A Item Av ailable quantity below Min quantity ? No Stop Y es

No Org Min-Max Planning at Org or Subinv entory lev el? Supplier

Auto Replenishment?

Y es

Min-Max report


Make or Buy ?


2.0 Run Min-Max Planning Report at Org level

3.0 Define Planning attributes for MinMax planned items at SubInv level

Source ?
Supplier Internal

7.0 Create Unreleased Job

4.0 Run Min-Max Planning Report at SubInv level

5.0 Create Purchase Requisitions 6.1 Create Internal Requisitions

6.0 Create Internal Requisitions

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Inventory Planning
MIN MAX Planning
Determine minimum and maximum quantities
Enter minimum quantity

Enter maximum quantity

Do you want specific lot increments?


Enter fixed lot increments


Enter minimum order quantity

Run min-max report

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Enter maximum order quantity

Inventory Planning
The following equation represents when you should order:

Quantity Available= Min QTY- on hand quantity + quantity on order If Quantity Available is>0, the order should be placed Order quantity = (maximum quantity) - [(on-hand quantity) + (quantity on order) ]
You can constrain the order quantity by specifying the following order modifiers for an item: Fixed lot multiplier Minimum order quantity Maximum order quantity
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Inventory Planning
MIN MAX Planning
Enter item planning attributes.

Define subinventorylevel min-max information (optional).

Run the Min-max report.

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Inventory Planning
MIN MAX Planning
Set up the appropriate profile value for requisition approval. Select an Inventory Planning method.

Specify a planning level (either Organization or Subinventory).

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Enter the following: Min-max minimum quantity Min-max maximum quantity Fixed-lot-size multiplier Minimum order quantity Maximum order quantity

Inventory Planning
MIN MAX Planning

Enter the minimum and maximum quantity

Enter the planning method as Min Max Planning


Enter the source type as supplier if you want to generate purchase requisitions. Enter subinventory or organization if you want to generate move orders

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Inventory Planning
MIN MAX Planning
Min Max Report

Planning level can be organization or subinventory. If it is subinventory the min max quantity should have been maintained at subinventory level

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Demand cut off date for demand calculation

Inventory Planning
MIN MAX Planning
If you dont want to generate orders keep the option as No. it will print report for all those items where quantity available is less than Min Quantity

What are the different sources of supply to be considered for calculation of quantity available

The program includes nettable subinventory as supply. In order to include non nettable subinventory make it yes
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Inventory Planning

Oracle Inventory Processes Reorder-Point Min-Max Planning Planning

Subinventory Replenishment


Populate Requisition Interface Oracle Purchasing Processes Run Req. Import Create Purchase Requisition Create Purchase Order Oracle Order Entry Processes Run Order Import
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Create Internal Requisition Create Internal Order

Inventory Planning
Reorder-point planning
Reorder-point planning is a method of determining the size and timing of item replenishment orders. Reorder-point planning uses the following pieces of information: Safety stock Replenishment lead time item demand Order cost Carrying cost

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Inventory Planning
Reorder-point planning

Reorder Point

Safety Stock

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Inventory Planning
Reorder-point planning
You can perform-reorder point planning for the entire organization. You can use Reorder-point planning for items under independent demand. You can specify Reorder-point planning as the inventory planning method when you define an item. You can use Reorder-point planning for items that you do not need to control very tightly and that are not very expensive to carry in inventory.
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Inventory Planning
Reorder-point planning
Reorder Point Planning Steps
Enter item planning attributes.

Define safety stocks.

Forecast item demand

Forecast Item Demand

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Run Reorder-point report.

Inventory Planning
Reorder-point planning
Item Planning Attributes
Select Reorder-point as the inventory planning method. Enter a carrying cost percent.

Enter an order cost.

Specify a fixed-lot size multiplier.

Specify a minimumorder quantity.

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Specify a maximumorder quantity.

Inventory Planning
Reorder-point planning
Enter Lead Times
Enter preprocessing lead time.

Enter processing lead time.

Enter postprocessing lead time.

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Inventory Planning
Reorder-point planning
Item Planning Attributes

Set your planning method

Safety Stock method

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Set your lead times on the lead time tab

Inventory Planning
Reorder-point planning -Entering Safety Stock
You can select one of the following three safety stock calculation methods for each item: User-defined quantity You can enter safety stock quantities and the date for which each quantity is effective. You can update safety stock quantities that you previously entered or that Oracle Inventory calculated for you. User-defined percentage To use the user-defined percentage method, you must use the Reload Safety Stock window and specify the following information for the item: A forecast A safety stock percent 199
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Inventory Planning
Reorder-point planning -Entering Safety Stock
You can select one of the following three safety stock calculation methods for each item: Mean absolute deviation To calculate safety stock using this method, you submit a concurrent request using the Reload Safety Stock window. In this window, you must specify the following information: A forecast A service level percent safety stock = Z 1.25 (mean absolute deviation) where Z is the appropriate value from a table of standard normal distribution, corresponding to the service level. The mean absolute deviation is a measure of how the forecast demand 200 deviates form the actual demand.
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Inventory Planning
Reorder-point planning
Entering Safety Stock- User Defined

Enter a default item if multiple entries are to be maintained for the same item

User defined safety stock

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Inventory Planning
Reorder-point planning
Entering Safety Stock
Method as MAD or safety stock %

Enter the forecast for MAD calculation If method is safety stock % enter safety stock %. F method is MAD enter service level

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Inventory Planning
Reorder-point planning
Forecast Item Demand
Define a forecast set for your forecasting scenario. With in your forecast set define your forecast name

Choose a item that had a planning method as reorder point

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Inventory Planning
Reorder-point planning
Forecast Item Demand

Enter your forecast bucket. It can be daily, week or periods

Enter the forecast quantity

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Inventory Planning
Reorder-point planning
Reorder Point Program

Give your demand supply and supply cut off date. Till this date your forecast will be taken for reorder point calculation

Use this option as no if you dont want to generate requisitions and want to generate report for items will quantity less than reorder point

Enter the forecast set to be used for EOQ and reorder point calculation

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Inventory Planning
Reorder-point planning
Reorder Point Program

Mention what supply should be considered as availability for reorder point calculation

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