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# # Malabar naval war-games r between India and ......? Ans -USA # # Where is Fort William located? Ans: Kolkata . .# # Who was the first Indian woman to win a medal in the Olympics? Ans: Karnam Malleshwari . .# # Whose birthday is celebrated as Teachers Day in India? Ans Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan . .# # Which comic strip character has the dog named Ruff? Ans: Dennis the Menace . .# # Vijay Ghat is the memorial ground of which leader? Ans: Lal Bahadur Shashtri . .# # Which is the highest point in Tamil Nadu? Ans: Doda Betta . .# # In which state would you find the longest cave of India? Ans: Meghalaya . .# # Which of these is the only navigable river in Dadra and Nagar Haveli? Ans: Damanganga . .# # What is Therukoothu .Ans: It is a type of street play .# # Which batsman hit the last six of the T20 World cup 2007? Ans: Misbah-ul-Haq # # What is the reason for tilt of earth?
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Which factors makes it to tilt by 23.4 degree??? # # Which word was added into the Pre-amble of the Constitution by the 42nd Amendment A ct, 1976? Socialist and secular # # Rice cultivation is associated with Harappan site of : Lothal .## Consider the following statements: 1. The inhabitants of Harappa grew and used cotton. 2. The inhabitants of Harappa had no knowledge of copper and bronze. 3. The standard Harappan seals were made of clay. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3 ANSWER. (a) . # # The learned lady who is said to have debated with the famous law-giver Yajnavalkya was Gargi # # The Indus Valley people had trade relations with: Mesopotamia .# # The Great Granary of the Indus Valley Civilization has been discovered at: Mohenjodaro # # the chief feature of Rig Vedic religion? Performance of sacrifices . # # Match the following Harappan site Location A. Kalibangan 1. Bhuj-Katch B. Surkotada 2. Sindh C. Kot-Diji 3. Rajasthan D. Banwali 4. Haryana ABCD
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(a) 2 4 3 1 (b) 3 1 2 4 (c) 2 1 3 4 (d) 3 4 2 1 ANSWER. (b) . .# # The Vedic deity Indra was the god of; Rain and thunder . # # Mohenjodaro is also known as: Mound of the Dead . # # the word gotra first appear with the meaning of a clan? Atharva Veda . # # The dockyard at Lothal is connected through a channel to which one of the following river s? Bhogavo Match the following A. Rigveda 1. Musical hymns B. Yajurveda 2. Hymns and rituals C. Samaveda 3. Charms and spells D. Atharvaveda 4. Hymns and prayers ABCD (a) 4 2 1 3 (b) 3 2 4 1 (c) 4 1 2 3 (d) 2 3 1 4 ANSWER. (a) . ## The God not worshipped during the time of Rigvedic Aryans was: Shiva . .# # Which of the following gives the correct chronological order of the Vedas? Rig, Sama, Atharva, Yaj Planing Commission is a Like our facebook page at and visit my blog at

[a] Political body [b] Non-political body [c] Quasi-political body [d] Statutory body Ans- none of the above.. It is neither a constitutional body nor statutary body. It is extra constit utional body. # # What can be the maximum period of gap between any two session of the Indian Parliamen t? Six months # # The aim of which Five Year Plan was to correct the disequilibrium in the economy? First Five year plan .. # # . Which of the following is the Central bank of India? Reserve bank of India .. # # The Reserve Bank of India came into existence on April 1, 1936 .. # # Which of the following was the first Indian bank? Bank of Hindustan .. # # . In which of the following years was power development initiated in India? 1900 .. # # How many banks were nationalized in 1969? 14 . .# # . Who was the Prime Minister of India when nationalization of banks took place in 1969? Indira Gandhi # # At which of the following places was the first hydroelectric power station commissioned? Shivasamudram .. ..# # Garland canal project envisages the conservation of water resources in the country throug h the construction of canals
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.. # # The largest percentage of bonded labour in India belongs to scheduled tribes # # In which of the following year was the mining of coal started in India? 1774 .. # # Which of the following is Indias biggest dam? Bhakra Nangal .. # # On which river is the Pong Dam hydro electric power project built? Beas # # . In India which crop is sown on the largest area? rice .. # # Bakra Nangal is a joint project of Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan. On which river is this b uilt? Sutlej # # On which river is the Hirakud dam built? Mahanadi # # On which river is the Tehri dam built? Bhagirathi . # # Which Indian state leads in the production of rubber? Kerala . # # Which Indian state tops in the production of gypsum? Rajasthan . # # Into how many PIN code zones is India divided? eight . 6. Which state has the highest percentage of people living below the poverty line? Orissa .
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# # Which of the following is the most populous city in India? Mumbai . # # Which Indian state has the lowest percentage of people living below the poverty line? Punjab # # Which Indian state has the highest per capita income? Punjab . # # Which Indian state stands first in the production of coffee? Karnataka # # Who announced partition of India? Lord Mountbatten # # which Rajasthani school of painting remains completely uninfluenced by the Mughal style ? Marwar # # difference beteen Tanjore style and Mysore style of Miniature painting ? Tanjore on cloth....Mysore on paper # # Themes of tiger and bear hunt were very popular in which style of painting ?> Kotah school of painting # # Hamza-nama ? Collecn of adventures of hamza, uncle of Mohammed # # Composer of Tamil Ramayana ? kamban ; (12 century ) # # Who wrote the book The Philosophy of the Bomb ? Bhagwati charan vohra influenced by Chandrashekhar azad # # what is mihrab and mimbar in Mosques /.? mihrab is the direction of prayers while mimbar is where the imam sits # # Tuti-nama ? Its mean 'Tales of parrot' 14 century persian list of 52 stories.
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16th Cancun COP launched Green climate fund....true or false False.Established in 2010, COP 16 but not yet be launched soon as per UN # # What is Micro-Lettice It's the smallest portion of space lattice # # Mullerian duct syndrome is a disorder of sexual development that affects males only. True or False? True # # Who wrote the literary piece Kadambari. banabhatta # # The Persian scribes brought into India a new style of writing. It is called ...? kharoshti # # When and where Rani Laxmi Bai, queen of Jhanzi, was killed in fighting with British? On 18 June 1858 at Gwalior, India # # He was also known by the sobriquet, Rashtraguru (the teacher of the nation).....who is he ? surendranath benerji # # What is the difference between RBI's Financial year and Goverment's financial year? => govt. financial year april to march and RBI financial year july to june.. # # a typical feature of the Tanjore painting. ? conical crown ; a deity, with a well-rounded face, body and oval shaped eyes. # # Tsomoriri wetland ramsar site found in the state of ? j&k # # give exmples of dormant volcanoes ? => Narcondum , Mount Kilimangaro # # what is the frequency range of 3G and 4G ? Frequency range of 3G- 2100 MHZ & Frequency range of 4G- 1.8-2.5 GHZ
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# # Lake Vostok, a freshwater lake which has been isolated from the world beneath 4 km is fo und in the Arctic . true or false ? FALSE # # Who founded the Congress Socialist Party ? Jay prakash narayan, aachary Narendra dev... # # 'Why Socialism ' is a book written by ? JP Narayan # # Max ramsar sites in which state? Itz J n K Name the Chief Executive Officer of Prasar Bharati who was suspended on charges of irregula rities. [A] Vinod Rai [B] M V Nair [C] B S Lalli [D] Ranjan Mittal Ans- C

# # What is known as the Dutt - Bradley thesis ? => this is thesis given by rajni dutt and ben bradley who were members of cpb. => most important points are---> a. line of consistent struggle against imperialism, and against the existing slave constitution, for t he complete independence of India. b. struggle for vital needs for working masses

# # What is Portfolio investment ? What r the three ways thru which Portfolio investmnt is do ne in India ? => A portfolio investment is a passive investment in securities, which entails no active manage ment or control of the securities by the investor . => It is an investment made by an investor who is not particularly interested in involvement in the management of a company =>The purpose of the investment is solely financial gain.
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=> It includes investment in an assortment or range of securities, or other types of investment v ehicles, to spread the risk of possible loss due to below-expectations performance of one or a f ew of them. It is done thru ADR/GDR ....offshore investmnt...FII nd NRI

# # The congress socialist party => The Congress Socialist Party (CSP) was founded in 1934 as a socialist caucus within the Ind ian National Congress[INC]. Its members rejected what they saw as the anti-rational mysticism of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi as well as the sectarian attitude of the Communist Party of India towards the Congress Party. => Influenced by Fabianism as well as Marxism-Leninism , the CSP included advocates of ar med struggle or sabotage (such as Jai Prakash Narayan and Basawon Singh (Sinha) as well as th ose who insisted upon ahimsa or nonviolent resistance (such as Acharya Narendra Deva). => The CSP advocated decentralized socialism in which co-operatives , trade unions, indepen dent farmers, and local authorities would hold a substantial share of the economic power.

# # food security issue of wto breaching 10 % subsidy under agreement of agriculture .. and wh y western countries were opposing our food security bill.?? => USA considers it to be trade distorting thus wants to bring it under amber box .....but india contests saying firstly base rate should be calculated by applying GDP deflator to base price of 1985 - 86.. => .secondly subsidy should b calculated only on procured food not total produced food.....but US wants its hegemonic policies to be imposed on india and wants to benefit its own farmers to which are given green box subsidies which accd. to US r not trade distorting ... => They are opposing because they need a shield against their policies....which is pro-capitalis m! => they fear that subsidized foodgrains would be exported and it may hamper their exports

Short notes , 2 markers ....

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1. NOTA:- stands for non of the above. Passed by SC on 27 Sept 2013. directing EC to introd uce a button in EVM as well as ballot paperto exercise their right to reject undeserving candida tes in the election. 2. 120th amendment bill:- Also known as judicial appointment bill. passed by Rajya Sabha envi sages to replace 20 years old system of appointment of judges by collegium. 3. SVEEP:- Systematic Voters education and electors Participation started in 2009 aims at incr easing voter's awareness and education towards electoral participation to inprove overall partici pative democracy. 4.VVPAT:- Voters-verified paper audit trial. first used in elections in Nagaland where a printer is attached to the EVM. when the voter caste his vote by EVM printer generates a slip showing the serial no., name and symbol of the candidate in whose favour the vote is caste. So that the voter can verify his vote. 5.OEEC:- Organisation for European Economic Cooperation. Organisation created for econ omic corporation among European countries. Set up in 1948.

As per the ancient Indian Texts, the land between which among the following two rivers has be en called 'Brahamavarta' : (a) Saraswati river and Drsadvati River (b) Saraswati river and Saryu River (c) Sutudri (Satluj) River and Vipas (Beas) River (d) Ganga River and Yamuna River Ans - A

# # What are the technical differences between RBI and Federal Reserve(USA) => RBI prints & issues currency while federal resrve also being a central bank of USA,doesnt i ssue currency.. This is done by the private banks. # # Englishman called ................................ built the Connaught Place. Robert Tor Tussell..[.lutyens - overall plan of delhi, rashtrapati bhawan & india gate . herbert baker added north block and south block]

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# # Golden Temple at Amritsar built by ? ...nd who provided the land for that ? ==> it was fourth guru ramdas and Mughal Emperor akbar gifted the land ==> In 1764, it was rebuilt by Jassa Singh Ahluwalia

# # what are kadals and ziarats found in Kashmir => ziarets - wooden mosques => Kadals are also known as bridges while ziyarats are those places were some holy pieces of quranic verses or something else are to be hidden.

# # who built the CHARMINAR .,..and why ? . => The Charminar was built in 1591 by Mohammed Quli Qutub Shah, the fifth sultan of the Qutub Shahi dynasty of India to commemorate the elimination of a plague epidemic from this city.

# # Delhi's fourth city Jahanpanah was built by ? => Jahanpanah was the fourth medieval city of Delhi established in 13261327 by Muhammad bin Tughlaq (132151), of the Delhi Sultanate . To address the constant threat of the Mongol s , Tughlaq built the fortified city of Jahanpanah .

# # Difference between Capital Market and Money Market ? => capital market provides long term market is for short term capital requiremen ts.

# # What is the Book Buillding Process in Share Market ? => It is a price discovey mechanism of IPO where companies fix floor price and cap price of d asset n allows investors to bid between floor price n cap price.. => After offer period(7-15 days) is over, the company determines d exact price of each share n refunds d differentials in investors bidding prices..
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# # What is selected as Central Recordkeeping Agency by the PFRDA ? => NSDL- National Secuirities Depositary Limited

# # Diffrence between Capital Account and Current Account ? => current account : short term or current scenerio => capital account : long term => current account is opened by some firm or company either through sole proprietership or partnership mode! => capital account is opened with the amount obtained from selling some property! => capital account is related with the owner ac and current ac is related with bank. => Current account is used for receipt and payment cash and non capital items and capital acc ount is used for sources andutilization of capital.

# # Where do u see Nigeria in International scenario in the near future ? Ans -=> In top 10 global economies of world by the year 2050 by a report of world economic forum Nigeria's economy today remains monocultural and heavily dependent on the oil sector, which accounts for around 80% of government revenues, 90-95% of export revenues, and over 90% of foreign exchange earnings. => Its economy will hurt deeply because of climate change abatement process.developed and d eveloping countries have no option other than to move towards sustainable energy resources.d ue to this cruide oil demand will be deemed.

# # Loya Jirga. ? Ans - it is an Afghan assembly. when in afghanistan some important decision take for example to elect a new king , to make a constitution, taking decision about the security of the country all the tribes of afghanistan meet and take a decision.. * group of tribal elders and civil leaders in afganistan

# # Cry1Ac gene ?
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Ans - It is gene that is incorporated in Bt brinjal via e coli gene madiated transfter. this gene alt er with digestive tract of leaf eating larvae of cotton plant. * its a gene derived from soil bacterium (bacillus thuringensis). this gene synthesise a protein to xic to fruit n shoot borer pest and provide resistance against it..

# # fruit and shoot borer (FSB) ...what's that ? => Its an insect which destroys fruits of many plants by boring a hole in the fruit thus affecting t he yield. Brinjal and guava r affected more by this disease

# # The term 'Sanskriti' literally means ? => The word for culture is Sanskriti, "refinement," suggesting a means for extracting the spiritua l essence of life (Brahman). => "Sanskrit" similarly means "the most refined language." The similarity of the two words reflects the close relationship between (1) religious scholarship and (2) culture as a vehicle of spiritual expression.

# # why Indian Culture has survived throughout the ages ? => because it is comprehensive and had more strength of adaptibility => besides being modern and to be asia's next superpower.... it is still connected to its roots.... t raditions, culture are still prevalent here...... => today pizza may be very popular bt still masses are connected to basic daal roti...... => humanity and proximity to religion is its basic essence..... whichever may be the gives strength and keep the human ego grounded..... => due to its diversity and tolerancealong wit spirituality nd code of conduct it also had a scienti fic temperament along wit spirituality and code of conduct it also had a scientific temperament

# # what is the historical significnace of the stupa found at Amravati ?

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=> it was orignially built by ashoka....historical signifiance lies in the fact that at first it was Hina yana later it was converted into mahayana. => the temple construction started in 200 BC nd complted in 200 AD...which means it saw ma ny dynasties in the course.

# # how is Buddha portrayed in Mathura Art of School ? => The Mathur images are related to the earlier yaka (male nature deity) figures, a resemblan ce particularly evident in the colossal standing Buddha images of the early Kushn period. => In these, and in the more representative seated Buddhas, the overall effect is one of enorm ous energy. The shoulders are broad, the chest swells, and the legs are firmly planted with feet spaced apart. => Other characteristics are the shaven head; the ua (protuberance on the top of the head) indicated by a tiered spiral; a round smiling face; the right arm raised in abhaya-mudr (gesture of reassurance); the left arm akimbo or resting on the thigh; the drapery closely molding the body and arranged in folds over the left arm, leaving the right shoulder bar e; and the presence of the lion throne rather than the lotus throne. Later, the hair began to be treated as a series of short flat spirals lying close to the head, the typ e that came to be the standard representation throughout the Buddhist world.

# # Bodhisattavas, ? => In Buddhism , a bodhisattva is an enlightenment ( bodhi) being ( sattva). => Traditionally, a bodhisattva is anyone who, motivated by great compassion, has generated b odhicitta , which is a spontaneous wish to attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient bei ngs . => According to Tibetan Buddhism, a Bodhisattva is one of the four sublime states a human can achieve in life (the others being an Arhat, Buddha, or Pratyekabuddha ). => The bodhisattva is a popular subject in Buddhist art . Usage of the term bodhisattva has evo lved over time. In early Indian Buddhism, for example, the term bodhisattva was primarily use d to refer specifically to the Buddha in his former lives. => The Jatakas , which are the stories of his lives, depict the various attempts of the bodhisattva to embrace qualities like self-sacrifice and morality.

# # significance of the stupa at Nagarjunaconda ?

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=> The great stupa at Nagarjunakonda belongs to the class of uncased stupas, its brickwork bei ng plastered over and the stupa decorated by a large garland-ornament. => The original stupa was renovated by the Ikshvaku princess Chamtisiri in the 3rd century AD, when ayaka-pillars o f stone were erected. => The outer railing, if any, was of wood, its uprights erected over a brick plinth. The stupa, 32 .3 m in diameter, rose to a height of 18 m with a 4 m wide circumambulatory. => The medhi st ood 1.5 m and the ayaka-platforms were rectangular offsets measuring 6.7 by 1.5 m.

# # how Fa Hein described Ashoka's palace ? * 600 years after Ashoka, a Chinese traveller , Fa-Hien, visited the place. The city flourished th en and was rich and prosperous, but even then Ashokas palace of stone was in ruins. Even the se ruins impressed Fa-Hien, who says in his travel record that they did not appear to be human work.

# # write something about Skanda Purana ? => The Skanda Purana is the largest Mahapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts. => The text is devoted mainly to the lilas of Kartikeya , a son of Shiva and Parvati. => It also contains a number of legends about Shiva, and the holy places associated with him. => This Mahapurana was recited by the sage Vyasa , and is available in distinct parts, sometime s fragmented too. => It also describes the Shaiva tradition in Hemakuta region (near Vijayanagar ) of Karnataka , Kashi Khanda describes the Shaiva tradition of Varanasi , and the Utkala Khanda part tells of Odisha 's Puruottamaketramhtmya. => The Padma Purana categorizes Skanda Purana as a Tamas Purana (Purana of darkness or i gnorance).

# # largest Buddhist stupa of South India. ? => The Great Stupa at Amaravati was a large Buddhist monument built in south-eastern India between the second century B.C. and the third century A.D. => It was a centre for religious activity and worship for hundreds of years.
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# # what are Chaultries in Dravidian style of temple architecture?? => Pillard halls ( Chaultris or Chawadis ) are used for many purposes and are the invariable accompaniments of dravidian style of temples.

# # what is the fundamental difference between Ajanta AND Ellora caves ? => difference is- ajantha is strictly buddhist ...while in ellora we find buddhism, jainism, hindui sm

## give exmples of Vesara style of Temple Architecture in India ? => Vesara (Karnataka Dravida style ) is a type of Indian architecture primarily used in temples. => The two other prominent styles are Dravida and Nagara . Vesara is a combination of these t wo temple styles. => the prevalence of Vesara style of architecture in the Deccan and central parts of South Asia vis--vis Nagara style prevalent in North India and Dravida style prevalent in South India. => The trend was started by the Chalukyas of Badami (500-753AD) who built temples in a styl e that was essentially a mixture of the nagara and the dravida styles, further refined by the Rash trakutas of Manyakheta in Ellora , Chalukyas of Kalyani in Lakkundi, Dambal , Gadag etc. an d epitomized by the Hoysala empire. => The Hoysala temples at Belur, Halebidu and Somnathpura are supreme examples of this st yle.

# # where are the MAHAKALI CAVES found ? ** The Mahakali Caves (also known as the Kondivita Caves) are a group of 19 rock-cut monu ments built between 1st century BCE and 6th century CE. ** This Buddhist monastery is located in the western suburb of Andheri in the city of Mumbai (Bombay) in western India . ** Monument consists of two groups of rock-cut caves - 4 caves more to the north-west and 15 caves more to the south-east. ** Most caves are viharas and cells for monks, but Cave 9 of south-eastern group is chaitya. **Caves in north-west have been created mainly in 4th - 5th century, while south-eastern group
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is older. ** Monument contains also rock-cut cisterns and remnants of other structures.

# # describe the JODHPUR FORT ? The jodhpur fort also known as Mehrangarh Fort, located in Jodhpur, Rajasthan , is one of the largest forts in India. => Though the fortress was originally started in 1459 by Rao Jodha, founder of Jodhpur, most of the fort which stands today dates from the period of Jaswant Singh (1638 78). => The fort is located at the centre of the city spreading over 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) atop a high hill. => Its walls, which are up to 36 metres (118 ft) high and 21 metres (69 ft) wide, protect some of the most beautiful and historic palaces in Rajasthan.

# # Describe Lord Shiva as found at the Elephanta Caves ? => The Elephanta Shiva cave resembles in some aspects the 8th century Rashtrakuta rock-tem ple Kailash at Ellora . => The Trimurti of Elephanta showing the three faces of Shiva is akin to the Trinity of Brahm a , Vishnu and Mahesh (Shiva), which was the royal insignia of the Rashtrakutas.

# # Describe the pecularity of Jain Temples....? => Jain temples are built with various architectural designs. Jain temples in North India are co mpletely different from the Jain temples in South India, which in turn are quite different from Jain temples in West India. => All Jain temples have many marble pillars which are carved beautifully with Demi god post ure. => There is always a main deity also known as mulnayak in each derasar. => The main part of Jain temple is called "Gambhara" (Garbha Graha) in which there is the sto ne carved God idol. => The main deity of a Jain temple is known as a mulanayak . A Manastambha (column of honor) is a pillar that is often constructed in front of Jain temples. => chamukhs means four faced temples ; chamukh temple of Adi Nath 1619 AD is a characte ristic of chamukh temple => Jainism flag
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# # what is 'qibla' in Islam ? => it is a ditection that should be faced when a muslim prays during salat => it is fixed at d direction of kabba in mecca => Pray to Allah in west direction... => its a centre point of the Earth as mentioned in Islam it has been made by Prophet Ibrahim a.s. with Black Rock sent by God from Heaven to Earth to Construct an Holy Kaaba (i.e. Qibl a)

# # what is the difference between True Fresco and Tempora /Fresco-Secco methods of painti ngs ? => True fresco on wet ,,,in tempero plaster is allowed to dry den painted

# # master painter Nihal Chand belongs to which school of painting..and under whose patrona ge did he work ? => Nihl Chand (17101782) was an Indian artist who produced some of the best known exa mples of Rajput painting. => He was the chief painter at the court of Kishangarh during the time of the ruler Savant Sing h (also known as Nagari Das). => His paintings capture the romantic and religious passions of his patron Savant Singh. Nihal Chand is known for his idealized depiction of the female form called Bani Thani .

# # in which region KALAMKARI PAINTINGS are found?.and what is the theme of these p aintings ? => Kalamkari Qalamkari is a type of hand-painted or block-printed cotton textile, produced in parts of India. => The word is derived from the Persian words kalam (pen) and kari (craftmanship), meaning drawing with a pen. => Found mostly in Aandhra pradesh => colors made of vegetables dyes... => 2 types Srikalahasti style and the other, the Machilipatnam style
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=> evolved with patronage of the Mughals and the Golconda sultanate.

# # BHAND PATHER.....elaborate on this ? => Bhand Pather is a bhand of the Kashmir region in which stories commemorating the lives o f reshis (Islamic sages, or rishis) or more contemporary real or fictional figures are enacted. => The storylines (or pathers) are often humorous and satirical, and farce is an essential component of the plays.

# # what is the role of Nand Das as far as RAAS LEELA is concerned ? => He has written intial plays on life of Lord Krishna early life

# # In TAMASHA female actress is the chief exponent of dance movements in the play. She i s known as .............. ? => MURKI...

# #THEYYAM...write about this form ? => Theyyam ( Teyyam , Theyyattam or Thira ) is a popular ritual form of worship of North M alabar in Kerala , India, predominant in the Kolathunadu area as a living cult with several thou sand-year- old traditions, rituals and customs. => Theyyam provides a good example for the religious evolution of, and the subsequent different stages in modern Hinduism , with the overall understanding that within Hindu sycreti sms lay propitiation as ancient practices and rituals of ancient worship intended for the blessing s of the supernatural not unlike, "in Indus Valley and other ancient civilizations, mother godde ss had been invoked for fertility and prosperity". => Those communities who did not accept the Brahminical supremacy in temple worship, eg. Thiyyars were patrons of Theyyam. => The dance or invocation is generally performed in front of the village Shrine. It is also performed in the houses as ancestor-worship with elaborate rites and rituals.

# # Natya Shastra, compiled by Bharat Muni, divides musical instruments into four main categ ories on the basis of how sound is produced...which r they ??
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=> Bharata Muni, divides instruments into four main classification groups: 1. instruments where the sound is produced by vibrating strings (tata vadya, "stretched instrume nts"); 2. instruments where the sound is produced by vibrating columns of air (susira vadya, "hollow instruments"); 3. percussion instruments made of wood or metal (ghana vadya, "solid instruments"); 4. percussion instruments with skin heads, or drums (avanaddha vadya,"covereed instruments") .

# # Anti Corn League in Britain...was all about...and how did it influence Indian struggle ? => The Anti-Corn Law League was in effect the resumption of the Anti-Corn Law Association, which had been created in London in 1836 but did not obtain widespread popularity. => The Anti-Corn Law League was founded in Manchester in 1838. Richard Cobden and Joh n Bright were the two principal persons of the league while George Wilson, the president of th e League, was in charge of administrative duties. Joseph Ivimey, the Superintendent Registrar f or St Pancras, was an active member and acted as theLeague's solicitor. => The goal of the league was the abolition of the Corn Laws ; this was achieved in 1846, and on 4 July 1846 the League dissolved itself. # # What is significnt of the fish eyed Meenakshi in Madurai frm Sociology angle ? => Meenakshi was incarneted as Goddess a result of which there was rich exchanges betwe en the lower classes and higher classes of the society !!

# # New Shaivite sect Nathpanthis was initiated by ? And influenced by ? = > Its Goraksnath nd it was influenced by Tantric Buddhism

# # Fawaidul Fawal =>Fawaid al Fawad is a great book on Sufism having the conversations of Hazrat Khawaja Niza m ud Din Aoulia recorded by his disciple Hazrat Amir Hassan Ala Sijzi .
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# # The Kalachuris belonged to which region...who was the famous poet in the Kalachuris cou rt ? => kalachuris basically belonged to central india and the famous poet was Rajasekhara

# # Jayadeva the composer of Gita Govinda ....belonged to the court of which King ? => Jayadeva was a Sanskrit poet circa 1200 AD. He is most known for his composition, the epi c poem Gita Govinda, which depicts the divine love of Krishna, and his consort, Radha. => This poem, which presents the view that Radha is greater than Hari, is considered an impor tant text in the Bhakti movement of Hinduism .

# # What was the difference between 'ur' nd 'sabha' in Chola period ? => General assemblies of local residents..ur composed of tax paying villagers whereas sabha wa s formed by brahmins.. => Local self governing bodies... Sabha - brahmin villages, ur - non brahmin, all the rest

# # Describe Gita Govinda of Jayadeva => The Gita Govinda is a work composed by the 12th-century poet, Jayadeva, said to have bee n born in Kenduli Sasan near Puri in Odisha. => It describes the relationship between Krishna and the gopis (female cow herders) of Vrinda vana, and in particular one gopi named Radha. => The Gita Govinda is organized into twelve chapters. Each chapter is further sub-divided int o twenty four divisions called Prabandhas. => The prabandhas contain couplets grouped into eights, called Ashtapadis. It is mentioned th at Radha is greater than Krishna. => The text also elaborates the eight moods of Heroine, the Ashta Nayika, which has has been an inspiration for many compositions and choreographic works in Indian classical dances.

# # Which was the court poet belonging to Prithviraj Chauhan ?

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=> Chand Bardai , Prithviraj Raso , an epic poem composed by him..

# # "Je rakhak te bhakak" => 'our protector is also our devourer'. => The popular saying ' je rakhak se bhakak' is related with the Indigo revolt of 1859-60.

# # What were Gandhiji s views on Capitalism ? => "destruction of the capitalist must mean destruction in the end of the worker and as no hum an being is so bad as to be beyond redemption, no human being is so perfect as to warrant his destroying him whom he wrongly considers to be wholly evil. ** We invite the capitalist to regard himself as trustee for those on whom he depends for the making, the retention, and the increase of his capital. ** Nor need the worker wait for his conversion. If capital is power, so is work. ... Either is dep endent on the other. ** Immediately the worker realizes his strength, he is in a position to become co-sharer with th e capitalist instead of remaining his slave. ** If he aims at becoming the sole owner, he will most likely be killing the hen that lays golden eggs. ** Inequalities in intelligence and even opportunity will last till the end of time. "

# # National Technical Research Organisation...itz duties ...itz work...? => NTRO -- primary advisor on security issues to the PM and union CoM. => Set up in 2004 after Kargil intrusion with an intention to act as advisory body to RAW, IB e tc. => .Its responsibility is to catch up with global technology to help counter terrorism (generate t echnical intelligence). => It was established on the lines of GCHQ and NSA. => It does Hi Tech surveillance jobs, including satellite monitoring, internet monitoring, terrest rial monitoring, data management, cybersecurity,develop cryptology etc..
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# # 120th Amendment Bill in detail => The constitution (120th amendment) bill, 2013. *the constitution (one hundred and twentie th amendment) bill, 2013 was introduced in the rajya sabha on august 24, 2013 by the minniste r of law and justice, Mr. Kapil sibbal. *pursuat to a review of constitutional provisions providing for the appointment and transfer of judges, and relevant supreme court decisions on the matter, the need for a broad based judicial appointment commission, for making recommendations for selection of judges was felt.

# # Comet ISON => long peroidicity comet (means period greater than 200 years and originating from oort clou d) would be passing close to sun and would provide with a long tail as it approches sun.

# # Rajbhasha Bharti magazine => It is a magazine published by Hindi Nideshalaya Govt of India. => It deals with policies regarding rajbhasha.

# # COMPUTER full form ? => Communication Oriented Machine Purposely Utilized Technical Educational Research => Common Oriented Machine Particularly United and Used under Technical and Education al Research

# # What was the recommendation of Prof GK Chadha Committee regarding CPI ? => the base year of the new series of Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers ( CPI-IW) should not go beyond 10 years so as to be in line with the recommendation of the Int ernational Labour Conference. => The Labour Bureau has been advised to undertake suitable follow-up action.

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# # Which are the recnt new Maize varieties found by ICAR ? => Total 7 new varieties have been found => New Hybrid varieties of full season maturity are JH-10655, NECH-117 and HQPM-1 and J C-1441 is the composite variety. => Early maturing hybrid variety identified is JKMH-1701 whereas extra early maturing hybrid s are FH-3211 and FQH-4567. For Rabi season, X-1280 hybrid has been recommended.

# # What is Hand guided technique in cloning ? Indian exmplees ? => In this technique immature oocytes are isolated from ovaries and are matured in-vitro. * Th ese are then treated with an enzyme to digest the outer covering called 'zona pellucida' and the n treated with chemicals to push their genetic material to one side. * This side is then cut off wi th the help of a hand-held fine microblade to remove the genetic material .* The enucleated o ocyte is then electrofused with a somatic cell taken from any source.* The resulting embryos are cultured and grown in the laboratory for a bout seven days to develop them to the blastocyst stage.* The embryos are then transferred to recipient for producing cloned offspring. * Eg: A cloned buffalo named Mahima.

# # Integrated Farming System Model by ICAR ? 2 marker => Integrated Farming System Research emphasized the need for System approach in the cont ext of fragmented land holdings in the country. # # Warsaw international mechanism for loss and damage (IMLD)....2 marker => to address loss and damage associated with impacts of climate change, including extreme e vents and slow onset events, in developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adve rse effects of climate change. => establish an executive committee of the Warsaw mechanism to guide the implementation o f the functions referred to in paragraph 5 below => fulfill the role under the Convention of the implementation of approaches to address loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change
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# # Sarva shiksha abhiyan was first introduced in which state? => Rajsthan # # National Clean energy Fund (NCEF)...write about it => Fund for research and innovation projects in clean energy technology. This concept of fund raising is on the basis of 'polluter pays' principle. => To finance NCEF, nationwide carbon tax of 50 per metric tonne of coal ( produced as w ell as imported) has been introduced

# # Quranic concept of marmuz led him to study Hindu scriptures specially Upanishads...whic h Muhgal personality it is? => Dara Shikoh

# # Ganj i Sawai incident in Mughal history is related to ? => Heavily armed trading ship belonging to Auranzeb which was captured by english pirate He nry. => Looting of this ship is termed as 'Richest Single crime in the world' . => The ship was also a part of trading activity of women of the mughal royal family. Auranzeb dint take this capture and stopped all the trade of EIC in India. => It happened in 1695 when EIC could not dare to earn a wrath of the Mughal E IC offered a reward to capture. => the ship also carried Mecca pilgrims

# # Describe the 28 months of Congress rule ? =>july 1937-october 1939 => in 1937 congress gained absolute majority in 8 provinces other 3 league gained majority ....congress effectively functioned but forced to resign after india was declared party to ww2 wit hout permission...league celebrated the day of delieverance.... => funtion both as government in the provinces and as the oposition vis a vis the central govern ment where effective state power lay. => bring about social reforms through the legislature and administration in the provinces and a t the same time carry on the struggle for independence and prepare the people for the next ph
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ase of mass struggle.

# # central African country of Angola is making some news which has a international repurcuss ion.....what is it ? => it has banned islam and destroyed mosques in the country! # # ......... is obtained from muscovite, biotic and phlogopite ores. => Mica # # Angle of earth in relation to Sun during revolution is ? => It is 66.5 # # Gravitational force travel at speed of light and extnd to infinity....true or false => False because G=M1.M2/M1+M2 => first force does not travel and second gravitinal force has its limit, hence false .gravitional f orce become infinity with infinity distance..but force does not travel with speed of light. # # Angle between the central oxygen nd two hydrogen atoms in water is ? => It is 105

Vander Waals Bond ? Exmple ? => dipole - dipole interaction, hydrogen bond => A weak force of attraction between electrically neutral molecules that collide with or pass ve ry close to each other. => The van der Waals force is caused by the attraction between electron-rich regions of one m olecule and electron-poor regions of another (the attraction between the molecules seen as electric dipoles). => The attraction is much weaker than a chemical bond. => Van der Waals forces are the intermolecular forces that cause molecules to cohere in liquid and solid states of matter, and are responsible for surface tension and capillary action.

# # plant tissue Chlorenchyma functions ?

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=> They constitute a part of parenchyma... => Functions:.Carbohydrate synthesis during photosynthesis => It contains chloroplast which carry out the photosynthesis. => Strong,flexible wall and to help the larges Plants chlorophyl preservation => Collenchyma cells provide strength, flexibility: plants

# # Exactly wat is meaning of or the theme of 'LEFTIST' n ' RIGHTiST' ??? historical bckgro und ? => leftists/ radicals - aim at establishing a new order by overthrowing the existing institutions. => rightiest/ reactionary/conservative - cling to the old socio-economic and political institution.. Belive in the status -quo..

# # Gundia project was in controversary...why and where ? => gundia project is a hydroelectric project to be established in karnataka and is in controversy due to the disatourous consequences it may cause =>Also because it will result in the loss of biodiversity and environmental impacts => Further, the proposed project falls in an ecologically sensitive zone and no large dams shoul d be permitted in the zone.

# # Adar tribe belongs to which reason....and why are the reason of our discussion ? => it is the most primitive forest tribe of south india.only 1500 left.they are food gatherers and hunters.they are going to be affected if dam in kerala is built.even gadgil report mentiond abou t this.

# # Kasturirangan report recommended setting up an autonomous statutory authority Western Ghats Ecology Authority (WGEA) to oversee the conservation of Western Ghats in the 6 stat es. true or false ? => False, gadgil committee

# # quantified emission limitation and reduction objectives (QELROs).....2 marker

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=> to curtail the temp rise below 2 degree celcius...every country is given a fixed quota of emiss ions...

# # GPS collar used in Tiger Conservation....write abt it => its a better tech. than surveillance of foot marks of tigers used earlier because it prevents du plication of counting has also been tried in migratory birds coming from siberia going to africa.... => it is a device tied around tigers neck, in order to trace the animal in jungle by passing physic al work,.. to identify the animal,, it could also be used by poachers with opposite intension

# # Vitamin B12 => Vitamin B-12, also called cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin with a key role in the norma l functioning of the brain and nervous system, and for the formation of blood. => It is one of th e eight B vitamins. It is normally involved in the metabolism of every cell of the human body, especially affecting DNA synthesis and regulation, but also fatty acid synthesis and energy production. => Neither fungi, plants, nor animals are capable of producing vitamin B12. Only bacteria and archaea have the enzymes required for its synthesis, although many foods are a natural source of B12 because of bacterial symbiosis. => The vitamin is the largest and most structurally complicated vitamin and can be produced i ndustrially only through bacterial fermentation-synthesis.

# # HFC-134a => 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane , R-134a , Forane 134a , Genetron 134a , Suva 134a or HFC-134 a , is a haloalkane refrigerant with thermodynamic properties similar to R-12 (dichlorodifluoro methane) but with less ozone depletion potential. => an inert gas used primarily as a "high-temperature" refrigerant for domestic refrigeration and automobile air conditioners . => Other uses include plastic foam blowing, as a cleaning solvent, a propellant for the delivery of pharmaceuticals (e.g. bronchodilators), wine cork removers, gas dusters and in air driers for removing the moisture from compressed air .
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=> has also been used to cool computers in some overclocking attempts. It is also commonly u sed as a propellant for airsoft airguns.Hfc-134a is the refrigerant used in moble air conditioning systems (MVAC).

# # Budge Budge and history => Budge budge is a town and a municipality in South 24 Parganas district in the state of West Bengal , India . => .Swami Vivekananda landed at Budge Budge ferry ghat when he returned from his Chicago visit. => A curious feature of this small and old town is the large number of Sikhs who live here. => Budge Budge was the site where the ship Komagata Maru was allowed to land following its return from Vancouver. The ship was chartered by a group of Sikhs to challenge the exclusion laws enacted by Canada to restrict Indian immigration.

# # Neglected Tropical Diseases ....what is it ? => The neglected diseases are a group of tropical infections which are especially endemic in lo w- income populations in developing regions of Africa , Asia , and the Americas. => Some of these diseases have known preventive measures or acute medical treatments whic h are available in the developed world but which are not universally available in poorer areas. I n some cases, the treatments are relatively inexpensive. => Neglected tropical diseases include in order of decreasing prevalence: *Soil transmitted helminths, including: roundworms such as Ascaris lumbricoides which cause s ascariasis ; *whipworm which causes trichuriasis; *hookworms which, depending on the species, cause necatoriasis and ancylostomiasis. *Snail fever ( schistosomiasis ) *Lymphatic filariasis (one cause of elephantiasis ) *Trachoma *River blindness ( onchocerciasis) *Kala-azar black fever (and other clinical forms of leishmaniasis) *Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis) *Leprosy *African sleeping sickness (Human African Trypanosomiasis) *Guinea-worm ( dracunculiasis)
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*Buruli ulcer The World Health Organization (WHO) list of neglected tropical diseases also adds the follo wing additional diseases: Cysticercosis, Dengue /severe dengue, Echinococcosis, Fascioliasis, R abies , Yaws ; and includes two other 'neglected' conditions: Podoconiosis (the other cause of elephantiasis ) and snakebite .

# # Star Flower Healthy Remedy ?

=> Starflower is also commonly known as Borage and originates from Syria. It is naturalized in the Mediterranean countries as well as North Africa and South America. => Tra ditionally starflower has been used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. => Starflower is used in naturopathic medicine to regulate the hormonal and metabolic system. It is widely used today in capsule form as a supplement for many ailments and conditions. => The GLA that is found in starflower oil is an Omega-6 fatty acid Most Omega-6 fatty acids a re known for their inflammatory purposes; however GLA is believed to reduce inflammation. => Diabetic neuropathy nerve pain may be reduced and probably more beneficial if blood s ugars are stable. Rheumatoid Arthritis may reduce swelling and pain in joints (1-3 months to benefit). ADHD some clinical studies show there may be a link between children with ADHD and lo wer levels of essential acids, further research required. Eczema may reduce the symptoms in eczema and other skin conditions. High Blood Pressure may reduce blood pressure Menopausal and PMS symptoms starflower is widely used to relieve these symptoms althoug h there appears to be no strong clinical evidence many women believe the supplement to work . Mastalgia cyclic breast pain - may reduce mild to moderate but not severe Osteoporosis Women over 65 in one study was reported to have lost less bone density over 3 years and in some there was an increase. # # GM Mosquitoes => Genetically modified mosquitoes.. => scientiests think that they may be effective in prevetning vector borne diseases, malaria and dangue..

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# # LOral-UNESCO Awards are given for ? Any Indian who got it recently ? => Awards for women in science aims to improve the position of women in science... => Indira nath from aiims....she is immunologist

# # Major Goals of India's Mission Mars in detail ... ** Mission Objectives => One of the main objectives of the first Indian mission to Mars is to develop the technologie s required for design, planning, management and operations of an interplanetary mission. Following are the major objectives of the mission: A. Technological Objectives: => Design and realisation of a Mars orbiter with a capability to survive and perform Earth bou nd manoeuvres, cruise phase of 300 days, Mars orbit insertion / capture, and on-orbit phase ar ound Mars. => Deep space communication, navigation, mission planning and management. Incorporate autonomous features to handle contingency situations. B. Scientific Objectives: => Exploration of Mars surface features, morphology, mineralogy and Martian atmosphere by indigenous scientific instruments.

# # difference between Knilefelter syndrome and Turner's syndrome ? => Turner syndrome-the disorder due to the absence of one of the X chromosome..... => klinfelter syndrome-this genetic disorder caused due to the presenc of an additional copy of X chromosome => knilefelter syndrome is the set of symptoms resulting from additional 'x' genetic material in males..........and......turner syndrome is a chromosal abnormality.

# # Barr body Test is regarding ? => A Barr body test is an examination that is carried out to check for an inactivated X chromosome that is found in cell nuclei of most female mammals. The Barr body test was introduced in the 1966 Olympic Games to detect and deter male athletes who were trying to compete as female athletes.
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# # What is Karyotyping ? => Karyotyping is a test to examine chromosomes in a sample of cells, which can help identify genetic problems as the cause of a disorder or disease. => This test can: * Count the number of chromosomes * Look for structural changes in chromosomes => How the Test is Performed The test can be performed on almost any tissue, including: Amniotic fluid, Blood, Bone marr ow, Tissue from the organ that develops during pregnancy to feed a growing baby (placenta) => This test may be done: *On a couple that has a history of miscarriage *To examine any child or baby who has unusual features or developmental delays

# # What is meant by Geopolitics ? Explain in context of Indian Ocean region => Study of effects of geography on international politics & international relations.... => almost 80 percent ships cross Indian oceans during their voyage , so the country having infl uence on that region will be the supreme power... => Thas is why the u.s.a and china specially interested in command over this region..example... coco island and diagogartia..... = geopolitical is the study of the effects of geography (both human and physical) on internation al politics nd international relations

# # Non Alignment Movement is a need, not a creed.....Elaborate ? => The Cold War has ended but peace in the world is still threatened by forces of extremism, discord, aggressive nationalism and terrorism and large stocks of weapons of mass destruction. The dynamics of globalisation have produced a whole set of new problems which the Non-Alig ned Movement must take note of. The trends are not encouraging: While the developing world is largely supportive of mutually beneficial global integration, it has major concerns which are not being addressed in the (new) global agenda. These are equitable balance between rights and obligations of investors, particularly multinatio
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nals, extra-territorial application of domestic laws, intrusive and calculated invoking of human r ights, and conditionalities of environmental protection and preservation and opening up of nati onal economies tied to grant of aid and trade concessions. NAM provides the ideal forum to oppose inroads being made - disregarding the U.N. and dilu ting the authority of the Security Council by ignoring or simply bypassing it. Insidious theories of curtailed sovereignty are being hawked by to justify humanitarian intervention to restore civil order inside sovereign states. Non-alignment is not a doctrine. It is not a dogma. It is a process. It is a way of looking at issue s in a particular way. It is a need, not a creed. It is against hegemony, against arm-twisting by th e powerful ("if you are not with us, then you are against us") and the mighty.

# # Bardoli Satyagraha in detail => The Bardoli Satyagraha of 1928, in Gujarat, was a major episode of civil disobedience and r evolt in the Indian Independence Movement. => Its success gave rise to Vallabhbhai Patel as one of the greatest leaders of the independence struggle. => In 1925, the taluka of Bardoli in Gujarat suffered from floods and famine, causing crop pro duction to suffer and leaving farmers facing great financial troubles. However, the government of the Bombay Presidency had raised the tax rate by 30% that year, and despite petitions from civic groups, refused to cancel the rise in the face of the calamities. The situation for the farme rs was grave enough that they barely had enough property and crops to pay off the tax, let alon e for feeding themselves afterwards. => Patel first wrote to the Governor of Bombay, asking him to reduce the taxes for the year in f ace of the calamities. But the Governor ignored the letter, and reciprocated by announcing the date of collection. => Patel then instructed all the farmers of Bardoli taluka to refuse payment of their taxes. Above all, Patel instructed the farmers to remain completely non-violent, and not respond phy sically to any incitements or aggressive actions from officials. => The Government declared that it would crush the revolt. Along with tax inspectors, bands o f Pathans were gathered from northwest India to forcibly seize the property of the villagers and terrorize them. The Pathans and the men of the collectors forced themselves into the houses, took all property, including cattle. => The government began to auction the houses and the lands. But not a single man from Guj arat or anywhere else in India came forward to buy them. Patel had appointed volunteers in ev ery village to keep watch. As soon as he sighted the officials who were coming to auction the property, the volunteer would sound his bugle. The farmers would leave
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the village and hide in the jungles. The officials would find the entire village empty. They coul d never find out who owned a particular house. => However, some rich people from Bombay came to buy some lands. A complete social boycott was organized against them, wherein relatives broke their ties to families in the vi llage. => Members of the legislative councils of Bombay and across India were angered by the terribl e treatment of the protesting farmers. => Indian members resigned their offices, and expressed open support of the farmers. The Go vernment was heavily criticized, even by many in the Raj's offices. => In 1928, an agreement was finally brokered by a Parsi member of the Bombay government. The Government agreed to restore the confiscated lands and properties, as welpeople across t he nation recognized his vital leadership. It was women of bardoli who bestowed the title Sarda r for the first time, which in Gujarati and most Indian languages means Chief or Leader . It was after Bardoli that Sardar Patel became one of India's most important leaders.

# # Second Green revolution?? => started in 2004...more emphasis on crop diversification...enhanced the scope from rice whe at and invited bajra jowar...emphasis on agriculture allied of anic farming => The scheme comes under national agri devlopment program. => The other area focus on asset building activity such as water managnt contrsn farm pond an d repair irrigation channel. => MAIN MOTTO TO ENSURE FOOD SECURITY AND TO TAP THE EASTERN R EGION FOR FOOD GRAIN AND PULSES..

# # Lakshadweep atolls....describe => The beautiful islands of Lakshadweep are all coral islands and it is most probably the only e xample of lovely chain of coral islands in the sub-continent of India. => Lakshadweep Atolls ar e very famous and it is for these atolls that a large number of tourists flock to the place. => Atolls is a kind of coral reef, which forms the beautiful islands of Lakshadweep. => Lakshad weep reefs have the distinction of being the only atolls in seas of India. => The Atolls of Lakshadweep fall at a distance of around two hundred Kilometers from the w estern coast of the country. => The Bitra is the smallest atoll of the region and lies in the northernmost direction. => The s
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outhernmost atoll of the region is the Minicoy Atoll. => The significant aspect of the Lakshadweep Atolls is its high biodiversity. The areas have ric h flora and fauna. Almost six hundred types of fish are found in the shallow waters of the regio ns. => The atolls of Lakshadweep are home to thirty-six islands with a total area of thirty-two Squa re Kilometers. Among these islands, some are inhabited while the rest are uninhabited. => The Maldives-chagos-lakshadweep atolls are the most extensive coral reef system in the indi an ocean nd the largest atoll system in the world....

# # Importance of sea grass in aquatic environment => They maintain the level of oxygen in water, provide food to various aquatic animals. => The y also stabilize ground sediments with their dense deep roots. This prevents erosion during sto rms and hurricanes. => They also remove nutrients from the water thus increasing its clarity. Also,nutrient-poor wat ers are required for the survival of coral reefs => Seagrass health does affect the entire ecosystem significantly due to the amount of life living in and around it. => seagrass itself is extremely sensitive to changes in the environment, including pH, ppt (parts per thousand) or dilution of the water,temperature, and water levels.

# # Green turtles in India...conservation...issues of fisher man ? => listed as endangered by the IUCN and CITES and is protected from exploitation in most c ountries. => It is illegal to collect, harm or kill them. In addition, many countries have laws and ordinan ces to protect nesting areas. However, turtles are still in danger because of several human practices. In some countries, turtles and their eggs are hunted for food. => Poll ution indirectly harms turtles at both population and individual scales. => Many turtles die caught in fishing nets. Also, real estate development often causes habitat lo ss by eliminating nesting beaches. => During the study period, a total of 69 stranded green turtles were recorded along the sauras htra coast. No other sea turtles species were recorded during this study all the stranded turtles were found dead on the beaches. ...... => It is the only species in the genus chelonia
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##Plays writtn by Jyotiba Phule ? Satyashodhak, Tritiya Ratna

# # NG Ranga , Swami Shajanand?? => All india kisan mahasabha => Sahajanana-president => N.g.ranga-general secretary

# # Purshottam Das Thakur ** He was president of FICCI at one time * * Purshottam Das Thakur was a freedom fighter from up.. he played a major role achieving Hindi as the official language of India.. he associated congress party and represented allahabad the All India Congress Committee...

# # Antonio Gramsci. .who is this historical figure... => Antonio Gramsci was an Italian writer, politician, political theorist , philosopher, sociologist , and linguist. => He was a founding member and onetime leader of the Communist Party of Italy and was i mprisoned by Benito Mussolini 's Fascist regime. => Gramsci was one of the most important Marxist thinkers in the 20th century. He is a notabl e figure within modern European thought and his writings analyze culture and political leaders hip. => He is known for his theory of cultural hegemony , which describes how states use cultural i nstitutions to maintain power in capitalist societies.

# # Important figure related to AITUC in freedom struggle => It was founded on 31 October 1920 in Bombay by N. M. Joshi, Lala Lajpat Rai and a few o thers and, until 1945 when unions became organised on party lines, it was the primary trade un ion organisation in India. Since then it has been associated with the Communist Party of India. => Lala lajpat rai
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# # Two lquidity norms under the Basel III norms..explain them => Basel III introduced two required liquidity ratios.The "Liquidity Coverage Ratio" was suppo sed to require a bank to hold sufficient high- quality liquid assets to cover its total net cash outfl ows over 30 days; => the Net Stable Funding Ratio was to require the available amount of stable funding to exce ed the required amount of stable funding over a one-year period of extended stress.

# # Whale hunt issue in the intrnationl arena ? => The whaling controversy is the international environmental and ethical debate over whale h unting. => The debate has focused on issues of sustainability and conservation as well as ownership an d national sovereignty. => Also raised in debates is the question of cetacean intelligence and the level of suffering whic h the animals undergo when caught and killed. => Since the International Whaling Commission (IWC) 1986 moratorium on commercial wha ling, the value of lethal sampling of whales for scientific research in order to establish catch quo tas has also been debated. => The value of whaling to fisheries as a method of controlling whales' perceived negative impa ct on fish stocks is another point of debate.

# # Tuaregs ? => They were in news in Mali crisis => Tuaregs are a berber people with a traditionally nomadic pastoralist lifestyle. Tuareg is an ar abic term meaning "abandoned by god" => . Principal inhabitants if saharan interior of the north Africa...belongs to islamic religion. .. => It can also possibly be derived from Targa, the Berber name of Libya's Fezzan province. T he name Tuareg thus in origin designated the inhabitants of Fezzan from the perspective of the Berbers living closer to the Mediterranean coast, and was adopted from them into English, Fr
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ench and German during the colonial period.

# # Which international projects r taking place in the fields of Telescope right now... * 30 mt telescope( large segmented mirror reflecting telescope diameter 98 ft) recent world's m ost advanced telescope and very usefull in astronomy.... * Hubble space, liquid mirror on the moon.. * atacama large milimeter/ submilimeter array (ALMA) largest astronomical project in existenc e in CHILE... * solar telescope - the Rs 300-crore state-of-the-art National Large Solar Telescope (NLST) tha t will be set up in Ladakh.

# # What is the 'Tamarod' campaign regarding => rebellion against Mohammad Mursi in Egypt. => Tamarod is an Egyptian grassroots movements that was founded to register opposition to pr esident Mohamed morsi nd forse him to call early presidential election. ... # # Describe the Caucasian region => A region between the Black and Caspian seas that includes southwest Russia, Georgia, Azer baijan, and Armenia, and that forms part of the traditional boundary between Europe and Asia . => Inhabited before 2000 b.c., it was the scene of countless invasions over the millennia. => It is the home to the Caucasus mountain.. Politically it is separated between northern & sou thern parts.

# # Why is German Nazism and Italian Fascism regarded as Right Wing movemnts ? => due to anti semitism policy under which they cosidered themselves as pure aryan race and j ewish as inferiors as evident from meincamph....otherwise they were inspired from russian and other socialist revolutions occurring at that tym.... => overthrowing status quo ; because they believe in monachy not in democracy.

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# # Ministry of Rural Developmnt initiative GOALS => 12 tribal districts in CJO => Social and economic development of the rural areas... => The vision and mission of the Ministry is sustainable and inclusive growth of rural India thr ough a multipronged strategy for eradication of poverty by increasing livelihoods opportunities, providing social safety net and developing infrastructure for growth => Governance accelerated livelihood security- collaboration with undp aims at strengthening e ffectiveness of governance and livelihood promotion programmes in naxal affected areas. i) Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) for providing wage employment, (ii) National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM) for self employment and skill development, (iii) Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) for providing housing to BPL households, (iv) Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) for construction of quality roads (v) National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) for social pension (vi) Integrated Watershed Management Prog

# # monsoon forests are found in which countries...enlist => Monsoon forests are find in central and north-east india... .myanmar vietnm thailand laos c ambodia and north east australia => Imp tree sal reak sisam...high rainfall bamboo rubber cinchona mahogany

# # Explain the colonial term 'sheltered markets' => "Sheltered market" shall mean a procurement procedure whereby certain contracts are selec ted and specifically set aside for businesses owned by minorities, females and person with disa bilities. on a competitive bid or negotiated basis. # # Integrated Action Plan...provide details districts => a special scheme to address the development of those districts where more than 20% of the Police Stations experienced some incidents of naxal violence. => Total plan of 1000 crore => Under the IAP, so far 62327 projects for an amount of Rs. 3230.02 crore have been taken up in 88 districts across 9 states, funding 30cr per district under supervision of panel comprisin
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g collector, s.p, district forest officer. => The district level committee will have flexibility to spend the amount for development schemes according to need, as assessed by it. The Committee would draw up a P lan consisting of concrete proposals for public infrastructure and services such as School Build ings/School Furniture, Anganwadi Centres, Drinking Water facilities, Rural roads, Panchyat B hawan/Community Halls, Godowns/ PDS shops, livelihood activities, skill development/trainin gs, minor irrigation works, electric lighting, health centres/facilities, Ashram Schools, constructi on of toilets, construction of multi-purpose chabutra, construction of passenger waiting hall, sp ecial coaching classes for students, construction of ANM centres, development of play grounds etc.

# # Ranbaxy fraud in EU & US ..?? => EU fined for delaying the marketing of its generic version of depression drug citalopram made by Danish company Lundbeck. =>baned in US for producing off-patent copies of two blockbuster drugs -- Novartis AG's bloo d-pressure pill Diovan and AstraZeneca Plc's stomach ulcer medicine Nexium. => found lapses, including tablets embedded with 'black fibre' suspected to be hair from an em ployee's arm and 'black spots' of oil from machines in tablets. => also charged with data falsification. Ranbaxy created a complicated trail of falsified records a nd dangerous manufacturing practices. # # What are moraines? => A moraine is any glacially formed accumulation of unconsolidated glacial debris (soil and ro ck) which can occur in currently glaciated and formerly glaciated regions, such as those areas a cted upon by a past glacial maximum. => This debris may have been plucked off a valley floor as a glacier advanced or it may have fal len off the valley walls as a result of frost wedging or landslide. => Moraines may be composed of debris ranging in size from silt-sized glacial flour to large bo ulders. The debris is typically sub-angular to rounded in shape. => Moraines may be on the glaciers surface or deposited as piles or sheets of debris where the glacier has melted. => Moraines may also occur when glacier- or iceberg-transported rocks fall into a body of wate r as the ice melts.

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# # Srikurmam Temple => The tortoise avatar...dravidian style architecture. => according to d inscription of temple dated1281 AD the holy place of kumakshetra was actu ally reestablished by ramanujacharya under the influence of jaganatha deva at puri later d temp le came under d jurisdiction of king of vijaynagara. => Sri kurmam is a village near Srikakulam, Andhrapradesh...There is a temple of Sri Kurman atha ( srikurmam), which is 2nd avatar of lord Vishnu..There is also a Yoganandha Narasimha n temple in front of Sri Kurmam temple.

# # Dolotsavam? => Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams oversee the worship of the Lord and His finances. There are three kinds of Sevas: Daily Seva, Weekly Seva and Periodical Sevas. => dolotsavam is one of the daily sevas. Dola means Cradle/OOnjal. Dolothsavam, literally me ans keeping God in the Cradle/Oonjal and swinging it. => Dolotsavam is performed in the adhala meda (Mirror Hall) as it is popularly known. The h all is in Aina Mahal (Addala Mantapam) opposite Ranganayaka mantapam where Arjita Brah motsavam is performed. The Aina Mahal consists of mirrors on four walls and a central stage with a provision for unjal (Swing). Sri Malayappaswami, Sridevi and Bhudevi are seated in the unjal (Swing) and the deities are swung to the accompaniment of Veda parayanam and mangal avadyam.

# # Difference between effect and affect ? => Affect uses as a noun nd effect uses as a verb.....affect means pretend nd effect means impr ession

# # Finger prints on a piece of paper can be detected by => *by using ink on paper cards.; * Livescan devices ; *use of argon ion lasers for fingerprint detection; * ninhydrin , diazafluore none and vacuum metal deposition ; * a powder or chemical reagent, to produce a high degre e of visual contrast between the ridge patterns and the surface on which a fingerprint has been deposited. => By two methods namely- Fuming with Cyanoacrylate and Rubber-Gelatin Lifters
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# # What are pyrometers ? => A pyrometer is a type of thermometer used to measure high temperatures. Various forms o f pyrometers have historically existed. => In the modern usage, it is a non-contacting device that intercepts and measures thermal rad iation, a process known as pyrometry. => The thermal radiation can be used to determine the temperature of an object's surface. It is used for measure high temp. => Pyrometers are very useful for monitoring manually fired kilns.

# # What are colloids ? => it is the intermediate stage between homogenous nd heterogeneous solutions..... => Colloid is a substance microscopically dispersed throughout another substance. => colloidal system is betn solution and suspension depending upon partile size => Colloids are aqueous and oil mixtures...based on their proportionality they called with diff names.

# # What is Tyndall effect ? => TheTyndall effect, also known as Tyndall scattering, is light scattering by particles in a coll oid or particles in a fine suspension. => It is named after the 19th century physicist John Tyndall. => It is similar to Rayleigh scattering, in that the intensity of the scattered light depends on the f ourth power of the frequency, so blue light is scattered much more strongly than red light. => An example in everyday life is the blue colour. sometimes seen in the smoke emitted by m otorcycles, particularly two stroke machines where the burnt engine oil provides the particles. => it is nothing but light scattering by particles in a colloid or particles in a fine suspension. => visible particle in the air due to beam of light

# # karez water system.....describe => The Turpan water system or Turfan water system (locally called karez water syste ) in Turp
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an , located in the Turpan Depression , Xinjiang, China, is a vertical tunnel system adapted by the Turpan people. => Turpan's karez water system is made up of a horizontal series of vertically dug wells that are then linked by underground water canals to collect water from the watershed surface runoff fr om the base of the Tian Shan Mountains and the nearby Flaming Mountains. => The canals channel the water to the surface, taking advantage of the current provided by th e gravity of the downward slope of the Turpan Depression. The canals are mostly undergroun d to reduce water evaporation. => The local geography makes karez wells practical for agricultural irrigation and other uses. T urpan is located in the second deepest geographical depression in the world. => The Turpan summer is very hot and dry with periods of wind and blowing sand. The water from the underground channels provides a stable water source year round, independent of sea son.

# # EMF limit for mobile towers in India ? => The EMF limit in India is 450 milliwatts/sq m

# # Define Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)...its unit ...its limit in India ? => rate of energy absorped by human body,in human body it is calculated on energy absorbed by mass of tissue( usually 1 or 10 gm) => its unit is watt/ u know previously made cellphones emitted huge radiation so negative i mpact sern on tissue so now govt made certain rules concerning mobile in Indi a, SAR is 1.6 watt/kg on 1 gm tissue previously it was 2 watt/kg in 10 gm tissue.. => .International commission on non-ionizing radiatiob protection regulates it.

# # Kittur Utsav => famous utsav in karnataka.. it's organised to commemorate the historic rebellion of Kitturs queen Rani Chennamma against British imperialism.. The focus of attraction is Adventurous sports there.. # # what is the Preferential market access (PMA) policy of the by Department of Electronics a nd IT
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=> According to this policy any company foreign or indian investing in some industry related t o IT and electronics have to buy some part of the input from domestic market

# # Zendrive? => zen drive is a gadget funded by jerry yang (yahoo) aims to make driving better by using data from smart phone sensors. => it can make driving less stressful, and more rewarding. => The app gathers data about your driving habits and gives you real-world rewards for makin g good decisions. => ZenDrive aims to help users make purchasing decisions. By understanding your driving pat terns and history, and cross- referencing this against the choices and preferences of similar driv ers, the app can make intelligent suggestions about which car is right for you. => In the short term, the goal is to make driving a safer and more pleasurable experience.

# # clause 49 of Listing agreement => Kumar mangalam committee recommended dis.. => Clause 49 Listing agreement to indian stock exchange.. As per clause 49 for a company wit h an Executive chairman at least 50% of the board should comprise independent directors. => In case of non executive chairman atleast 1/3 rd board should be independent directors.....

# # Write a brief note about any five women freedom fighters of India- except Rani Laxmibai, Annie Besant, Meeraben, Kasturba and Sarojini Naidu. ** Vijaylakshmi Pandit - JLN's sister...participated in quit india movement and NC movement. elected as first female president of UN general assembly....worked against caste, customs and women empowerment ** Sucheta Kriplani - contributed in Quit india movement..became first woman CM of UP

# # Golden rice
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=> Golden Rice is a new type of rice that is unique because it contains beta- carotene - giving it a golden color. # # The zero mile stone => The Zero Mile Stone was erected by the British who used this point to measure all the dista nces.The English rulers considered Nagpur as the centre of India and hence identified this poi nt and constructed the Zero Mile Stone.

# # Why does the Earth assume the shape of an oblate ellipsoid? => due to combined effect of centrifugal force and gravity..if there wud not have been any rotat ion then only force acting wud have been gravity which wud have made the shape of earth sphe rical.

# # example of Birds-foot delta ? => the river splits on the way to the sea, each part of the river juts out into the sea, rather like a bird's foot. => they are the most sediment rich rivers which form such deltas => exmples are The Ural River (Kazakhstan), the Saskatchewan River (into Cedar Lake), and t he end of the Mitchell River into Australia's Lake King (of the Gippsland Lakes) , mississipi..

# # sedimentary rocks are classified into three major groups...which are they ? => Organic- coal Chemical- gypsum Mechanical-sandstone

# # what is the status of tax/GDP ratio in iNDIA ? => 15.5 as in Mar 2013

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# # 38th amendment => The Thirty-eighth Amendment of the Constitution of India, made the declaration of the E mergency final and conclusive an enlarged the State's power to cut fundamental rights during e mergency => Enhances the powers of president and governors to pass ordinance..

# # El Nino Modoki => it is the extreme temparature changes in northern central Pacific. => El Nino is The traditional Nio, while modoki is non traditional nino observed in the last t wo decades. => El nino arises in the Eastern Pacific while el nino modoki arises in the central Pacific. => The effects of the CP El Nio are different from those of the traditional EP El Nio e.g., t he new El Nio leads to more hurricanes more frequently making landfall in the Atlantic. => Modoki drives a climate pattern known as the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO). => El Nino warming is stronger in the Central Pacific rather than the Eastern Pacific, a pheno menon known as El Nino Modoki.

# # who resigned from Bombay Legislative council during the Bardoli Satyagraha => KM Munshi

# # what was the Jajmani system ? => Jajmani system or Yardman system was an Indian social caste system and its interaction bet ween upper castes and lower castes . =>It was an economic system where lower castes performed various functions for upper castes and received grain in return. => According to the Jajmani System there is exchange of goods and services between landowni ng higher castes and landless service castes. The service castes are traditionally weavers, leather workers, blacksmiths, goldsmiths, barbers, washermen and so far constituting a group of artisans serving the community. The landed higher castes Jajman or the patron and the service castes are the kameen of the jajman. The Jajmani system is based on agr
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icultural system of production and distribution of goods and services. It is the link between the landowning high caste groups and occupational castes. => Characteristics of Jajmani Systems 1. Relationship under Jajmani was permanent 2. Jajmani was hereditary 3. Castes received grains against services rendered 4. Barter system


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