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Semantics 5:

Lexical and Grammatical Meaning

Lexical Meaning: concrete, specific e.g. gwo3 cross, pass, gan2 tight Grammatical Meaning: abstract, vague e.g. lek1 gwo3 ngo5 smarter than me (comparative gwo3 as in heoi3!gwo3 have been (experiential aspect gan2 as in dang2!gan2 "aiting (progressive aspect #elationship bet"een lexical an$ grammatical meaning: (i historical $erivation (comparative gwo $erives from the verb gwo pass (ii s%nchronic pol%sem% (gwo can mean cross, pass or surpass Grammaticali&ation: the process b% "hich lexical morphemes ac'uire grammatical meanings(functions
general h%pothesis: all grammatical morphemes $erive from lexical sources specific h%potheses: e.g. all(most progressive morphemes $erive from locative expressions) future tense t%picall% $erives from motion verbs

Grammaticali&ation path"a%s: routes from lexical to grammatical meaning location !* action in progress locative Ta zai Taiwan s(he at +ai"an progressive Ta zai chang ge s(he at sing song


Mala%: sedang mi$$le) sedang , verb !* progressive $ia sedang berca-ap $engan .irann%a. he mi$$le chat "ith neighbour!his /e "as (in the mi$$le of tal-ing to his neighbour. motion ! * future

0e1re going to stu$% 2rench next %ear. 2rench: 3n va 4tu$ier l1alleman$. one goes stu$% German 0e1re going to stu$% German.

5vi$ence for s%nchronic relationships bet"een lexical an$ grammatical meaning lexical retention: prior lexical meanings constrain grammatical functions

going to 6, intentional7 81m going to have m% hair cut (causative, intentional 9 81m going to have m% car stolen (in$irect passive, unintentional interme$iate cases as missing lin-s:

5nglish: 0e1re going to have lunch no". (movement an$(or imme$iate future Man$arin: +a &ai tushuguan $u shu (locative an$ progressive She1s in the librar% stu$%ing. :antonese: Lei5 hang;$ing< leng= $a-> g"o= -eoi5. ?ou can $efinitel% beat (surpass her for loo-s. +ransparenc% of lexical sources @ especiall% in creoles $ue to recent $evelopment

+o- Aisin: belong (lexical !* possessive (grammatical mi no save nem bilong en 8 not -no" name belong her 8 $on1t -no" her name #4unionnais (2rench creole : finish (lexical !* perfect tense (grammatical li fini fatig4 he finish tire$ he has become tire$ /aitian creole: pass (lexical !* excee$ (grammatical: comparative bel pase tout beautiful pass all the most beautiful

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