Appendix - Tabulated Results

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Oral Contraceptives: Bad for Womens Health

TABULATED RESULTS Number of questionnaires distributed: 120 Number of questionnaires returned: 11 Number of usable returns: 110 1! Distribution to the respondents on whether they are taking oral contraceptives or not "a#in$: % Not ta#in$: %& 2! Classi ication o oral contraceptives taken by respondents 'ro$estin onl( pills: 1& Both classifications: ) Combined hormone pills: 1) *espondent does not #no+: 12 ,! !nowledge o the respondents about the risks o taking the pills -no+s the ris#s: 2 .oesnt #no+ the ris#s: 12 ! "ossible risks that the respondents are a#iliar with /ncrease ris# of cervical and breast cancer: 0 1dverse ph(sical effects on the bod(: ,1 1dverse emotional effects on the bod(: 22 Other ris#s: 0 %! The appro$i#ate length o ti#e the respondents have taken the pills 3ess than a (ear: 12 ,4% (ears: % 142 (ears: 2) 5ore than % (ears: &! Respondents% possible reasons or taking oral contraceptives .octors prescription: 2 Normal menstruation: 10 6ffective contraceptive: ,) Health( s#in: 2 Other reasons: 1 )! Bene its o taking the pills according to the respondents 6ffective contraceptive: ,& Health( s#in: 2 Normal 5enstruation: 2& Other benefits: 0

2! Distribution to respondents whether they e$perience adverse physical e ects in their body a ter taking oral contraceptives "he respondents +ho e7perience adverse ph(sical effects: %

"he respondents +ho do not e7perience ph(sical effects: 0 0! Adverse physical e ects related to oral contraceptives as e$perienced by the respondents .i88iness: 20 9allstones: 11 Nausea: 1) .ifficult( in urinatin$: 2 H(pertension: 21 Others: 0 10! Distribution to respondents whether they e$perience adverse e#otional e ects in their body a ter taking oral contraceptives "he respondents +ho e7perience adverse emotional effects: 2 "he respondents +ho do not e7perience emotional effects: 12 11! Adverse e#otional e ects related to oral contraceptives as e$perienced by the respondents 5ood s+in$s: 2% 1n7iet(: 1& 3oss of libido: 1, Others: 2 12! Distribution to the respondents who take oral contraceptives on whether they believe that taking it would increase probability o cancer *espondents +ho believe: 10 *espondents +ho do not believe: ,% 1,! Respondents possible actions i proven that oral contraceptives can increase probability o cervical and breast cancer *espondents +ho +ould stop ta#in$ the pill: 12 *espondents +ho +ould not stop ta#in$ the pill: 1& Numbers 1 41& are ans+ers of the respondents +ho ans+ered :no; in number 1 1 ! Respondents% possible reasons or not taking oral contraceptives No need to use contraceptives: 2 <ses other t(pes of contraceptives: % "hin#s that pills are not effective: 0 Other reasons: ) -no+s the ris#s: & Omits: , 1%! Distribution to the respondents who do not take oral contraceptives as to whether they believe that taking it would increase probability o cancer *espondents +ho believe: 0 *espondents +ho do not believe: 0 *espondents +ho ans+ered ma(be: Omits: , 1&! Respondents% likelihood o taking oral contraceptives in the uture *espondents +ho have plan: , *espondents +ho do not have plan: %1 Omits: 2

Respondents& opinions' suggestions' co##ents =uestionnaire > 1: ?ince / $ot married and havin$ three @,A #ids / did not use or ta#e an( contraceptives nor have ta#en pillsB / believe that ta#in$ pills or contraceptives have effects on the ph(sical condition of a +oman =uestionnaire > 2: / +ould li#e to su$$est that +e +ill Cust use the normal methodsD its a matter of disciplinin$ ourselves! 6ven thousands of la+s the $overnment +ill enact it cant solve the population E povert( it onl( adds the immoral acts that the individual can do! =uestionnaire >,: NO CO556N" =uestionnaire > : /t is better to use the natural birth control +hich is the calendar method! =uestionnaire >%: <sin$ famil( plannin$ to help population increase! <sin$ calindar to protect earl( pre$nanc(! =uestionnaire >&: <se the natural +a( of birth control to avoid desease in our bod(! =uestionnaire >): "he birth control pills pla(s a bi$ role in an anti4child philosoph(! /t is closel( related to the abortion philosoph( and ! ! ! actuall( cause earl( abortion in some cases! 4 Contraception is not a medical issue! /t is a famil( issueD decided b( mutual famil( values! =uestionnaire >2410,: Blan#

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