Curriculum Vitae Replace With First Name(s) Surname(s)

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Curriculum Vitae

Replace with First name(s) Surname(s)


Replace with First name(s) Surname(s)

All CV hea!in"s are #pti#nal$ Rem#%e an& empt& hea!in"s$'

Replace with h#use num(er) street name) cit&) p#stc#!e) c#untr& Replace with teleph#ne num(er State e*mail a!!ress State pers#nal we(site(s) Replace with t&pe #+ IM ser%ice Replace with messa"in" acc#unt(s) Se, Enter se, - .ate #+ (irth !!/mm/&&&& - Nati#nalit& Enter nati#nalit&/*ies 7O8 APPLIE. FOR POSITION PREFERRE. 7O8 ST3.IES APPLIE. FOR 0OR1 E2PERIENCE
A!! separate entries +#r each e,perience$ Start +r#m the m#st recent$'

Replace with m#(ile num(er

Replace with 9#( applie! +#r / p#siti#n / pre+erre! 9#( / stu!ies applie! +#r (!elete n#n rele%ant hea!in"s in le+t c#lumn)

Replace with !ates (+r#m * t#)

Replace with #ccupati#n #r p#siti#n hel!

Replace with empl#&er:s name an! l#calit& (i+ rele%ant) +ull a!!ress an! we(site) Replace with main acti%ities an! resp#nsi(ilities 8usiness #r sect#r Replace with t&pe #+ (usiness #r sect#r


A!! separate entries +#r each c#urse$ Start +r#m the m#st recent$'

Replace with !ates (+r#m * t#)

Replace with ;uali+icati#n awar!e!

Replace with E<F (#r #ther) le%el i+ rele%ant

Replace with e!ucati#n #r trainin" #r"anisati#n:s name an! l#calit& (i+ rele%ant) c#untr&) PERSONAL S1ILLS
Rem#%e an& hea!in"s le+t empt&$'

Replace with a list #+ principal su(9ects c#%ere! #r s=ills ac;uire!

M#ther t#n"ue(s) Other lan"ua"e(s)

Replace with m#ther t#n"ue(s)






Sp#=en interacti#n

Sp#=en pr#!ucti#n

Replace with lan"ua"e Replace with lan"ua"e

Enter le%el Enter le%el

Enter le%el Enter le%el

Enter le%el Enter le%el

Enter le%el Enter le%el

Enter le%el Enter le%el

Replace with name #+ lan"ua"e certi+icate$ Enter le%el i+ =n#wn$ Replace with name #+ lan"ua"e certi+icate$ Enter le%el i+ =n#wn$
Le%els> A5/6> 8asic user * 85/6> In!epen!ent user * C5/6 Pr#+icient user C#mm#n Eur#pean Framew#r= #+ Re+erence +#r Lan"ua"es

C#mmunicati#n s=ills

Replace with &#ur c#mmunicati#n s=ills$ Speci+& in what c#nte,t the& were ac;uire!$ E,ample> "##! c#mmunicati#n s=ills "aine! thr#u"h m& e,perience as sales mana"er Replace with &#ur #r"anisati#nal / mana"erial s=ills$ Speci+& in what c#nte,t the& were ac;uire!$ E,ample> lea!ership (currentl& resp#nsi(le +#r a team #+ 5? pe#ple)

Or"anisati#nal / mana"erial s=ills

European Union, 2002-2013 |

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Curriculum Vitae
7#(*relate! s=ills

Replace with First name(s) Surname(s)

Replace with an& 9#(*relate! s=ills n#t liste! elsewhere$ Speci+& in what c#nte,t the& were ac;uire!$ E,ample> "##! c#mman! #+ ;ualit& c#ntr#l pr#cesses (currentl& resp#nsi(le +#r ;ualit& au!it) Replace with &#ur c#mputer s=ills$ Speci+& in what c#nte,t the& were ac;uire!$ E,ample> "##! c#mman! #+ Micr#s#+t O++ice@ t##ls Replace with #ther rele%ant s=ills n#t alrea!& menti#ne!$ Speci+& in what c#nte,t the& were ac;uire!$ E,ample> carpentr& Replace with !ri%in" licence cate"#r&/*ies$ E,ample> 8

C#mputer s=ills

Other s=ills

.ri%in" licence

A..ITIONAL INFORMATION Pu(licati#ns Presentati#ns Pr#9ects C#n+erences Seminars A#n#urs an! awar!s Mem(erships Re+erences ANNE2ES Replace with list #+ !#cuments anne,e! t# &#ur CV$ E,amples> c#pies #+ !e"rees an! ;uali+icati#nsC testim#nial #+ empl#&ment #r w#r= placementC pu(licati#ns #r research$ Replace with rele%ant pu(licati#ns) presentati#ns) pr#9ects) c#n+erences) seminars) h#n#urs an! awar!s) mem(erships) re+erences$ Rem#%e hea!in"s n#t rele%ant in the le+t c#lumn$ E,ample #+ pu(licati#n> A#w t# write a success+ul CV) New Ass#ciate! Pu(lishers) L#n!#n) 6??6$ E,ample #+ pr#9ect> .e%#n new pu(lic li(rar&$ Principal architect in char"e #+ !esi"n) pr#!ucti#n) (i!!in" an! c#nstructi#n super%isi#n (6??B*6?56)$

European Union, 2002-2013 |

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