Heat Transfer With Hot Coffee

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Name: Nimuel H. Gumanoy Year & Sec.

: BSAG-CS I Sub$ect: G%N%&A' CH%(IS)&Y

Score: Date of Submission: 0 -!"-!# Section: G%NCH%(-A

Heat Transfer with Hot Coffee

)*e *ot coffee *eats t*e +a+er cu+ by con,uction. )*e cu+ +ro-i,es little insulation. so many coffee s*o+s +ro-i,e a car,boar, insulator to +rotect your fin/ers from /ettin/ burne,. A +lastic to+ not only +re-ents s+illin/ 0*en you ta1e out t*e coffee cu+2 but it also *el+s to re,uce con-ection coolin/ of t*e coffee. )*e ty+ical ta1e-out coffee cu+ is usually ma,e of a *ea-y +a+er material. Alt*ou/* +a+er is a fair insulator2 t*e cu+ material is t*in enou/* t*at t*e *ot coffee *eats it by conduction2 ma1in/ t*e outsi,e surface *ot to t*e touc*. Styrofoam coffee cu+s ,o a better $ob of insulatin/2 because t*e material ,oes not con,uct *eat 0ell. Also2 a Styrofoam cu+ is se-eral times t*ic1er t*an a +a+er coffee cu+2 a,,in/ to its insulatin/ +ro+erties. (ost businesses no lon/er use Styrofoam cu+s because t*ey are not bio,e/ra,able an, are t*us not /oo, for t*e en-ironment. )*ere also is concern about c*emicals from t*e Styrofoam leac*in/ into t*e *ot coffee. Since t*e +a+er coffee cu+ /ets so *ot2 many coffee s*o+s +ro-i,e a t*in car,boar, *ol,er so t*at you 0on3t burn your fin/ers 0*en *ol,in/ t*e cu+. )*e *ol,er is corru/ate,2 suc* t*at are t*ere air /a+s an, only t*e ri,/es touc* t*e cu+. )*e air /a+s mean t*e *eat transfer must be ,one by convection2 0*ic* is less effecti-e t*an con,uction. 4it* only t*e ri,/es of t*e *ol,er touc*in/ t*e *ot cu+2 muc* less *eat transfer by con,uction occurs. 5sually2 a +lastic li, is inclu,e, 0it* t*e ta1e-out coffee cu+. )*is is +rimarily to +re-ent s+illin/ t*e coffee 0*en you 0al1 or ,ri-e. But also2 t*e li, tra+s in t*e *ot air surroun,in/ t*e coffee2 +re-entin/ *eat loss from con-ection. Heat transfer can be seen 0*en you buy a cu+ of *ot coffee2 0*ic* *eats t*e +a+er cu+ by con,uction. )*e cu+ +ro-i,es little insulation2 so a car,boar, insulator is +ro-i,e, to +rotect your fin/ers from /ettin/ burne,. A +lastic to+ +re-ents s+illin/ an, *el+s to re,uce con-ection coolin/ of t*e coffee.

Aut*or: &on 6urtus Date of +ublication: 7 A+ril #00 Sources: *tt+:88000.sc*ool-for-c*am+ions.com8science8*eat9transfer9coffee.*tm

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