MLT 413 Assessment of Learning in A Learner

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MLT 413


CLASSROOM ASSESSMENT PROJECT QUARTER 3 THEME: BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS SUB-THEME: How Others See Me PRIMARY SELECTION: The Centipede Student Instructional Assessment Description Learning Activity Strategy Outcomes EO 1. IA 1. Using AS 1. PreNarrate Webs, assessment: The students were asked to make two specific students Who am I? webs on two separate sheets of paper personal describe and Inventory showing the following impressions: experiences discuss how related to others see How do I view myself? ( this will done the ideas them and individually) presented in how they see How others see me? the themselves. selection. In triads, they share specific personal experiences to support the impression cited. EO IA 2. AS 2. Literal This is a pen and paper test where 2.Distinguish Students or students are asked to decide whether between validate their Figurative each of the statements conveys a literal literal and answers by or figurative meaning. figurative explaining expression the

EO 3. Use predictive and antipatory devices/ tasks to activate prior knowledge about the topic of reading selection.

difference between the literal and figurative meaning of the given sentences. IA 3. Students read, appreciate, discuss and analyze the relationship between Eddie and his sister, Delia. This shall be related with the current relationships students have with their respective siblings.

AS 3. Perspectives Graphic Organizer

This is a graphic organizer showing the perception of young Eddie about himself and towards his sister, Delia, and vice versa.
How Eddie viewed himself How Eddie Viewed Delia How Delia viewed herself How Delia viewed Eddie

EO 4. Determine the relevance and unity of the

IA 4. Students show the significance of the technique

AS 4. Sequencing of events and discussion

In a timeline, the students presented how the events in the story occurred by drawing images or symbols that best represent those episodes. Likewise, they re tell the story in their own words.

elements of a literary text vis--vis its intended purpose and production millieu.

used by the writer in relating the story and derive the reasons why he did so.

EO 5. Identify figures of speech that show comparison

IA 5. Students identify the figures of speech in the text that show comparisons ( e.g. of Eddie and Delia, etc). EO 6 Use IA 6. correct Students determiners. underscore the correct determiners to complete the given text. EO 7. IA 7. Respond to Students ideas, present their issues, and ideas/ issues concerns and concerns presented in similar to

AS 5. Using Context Clues in finding synonyms

This pen and paper test ask the students to accomplish the task and validate their responses.

AS 6. Examining Sentences

Students examine the soundness of sentences about narratives and correct whenever necessary.

AS 7. Postassessment: Alternative Ending

In view of the celebration of the National Reading Month, your team has been chosen to represent your class in the contest called Create an Alternative Ending of the short story , The Centipede. You must limit the

a reading or viewing selection in creative forms.

Eddies and how they were able to overcome them. Otherwise, show their plan what steps they have to take to solve their predicament.

alternative ending/s to two to three paragraphs only. Entries will be submitted to the committee who will critique and examine each of the submitted outputs based on its organization, plausibility, viability, mechanics, and originality.

EO 8 Identify the features of primary information sources.

IA 8. Students recall the features of primary information sources and

AS 8. Tracing influences

After reading your entry, explain your primary information sources in coming up with your original and alternative endings.

how they could possibly influence narratives they tell.





EO 5, IA EO 2, AS 2, 5, AS 6 EO 6, IA 6 EO 3 EO 8, IA 8, AS 8

IA 2

AS 5

IA 3, AS EO 4, IA 3 4, AS 4 EO 7, IA 7 EO 1 IA 1, AS 1 AS 7

THEME: BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS SUB-THEME: Valuing My Family PRIMARY SELECTION: Dont Wait to Give Daddy A Hug Student Instructional Assessment Strategy Learning Activity Outcomes EO 1. Use IA 1. The AS 1. Pre-assessment: predictive students are What are your and asked to impressions about the antipatory demonstrate death ( of someone, of devices/ their personal a loved one)? tasks to impression on How do you and your activated death of family remember your prior someone, of a beloved dead? knowledge loved one. about the topic of reading selection. EO IA 2. The AS 2. We Are Family 2.Determine students the order of extract the significant elements of events in the short the text story, Dont listened to. Wait to Give Daddy a Hug.


Students demonstrate their impression about the death ( of someone, or a loved one) and how they remember their beloved.

Student accomplish the character analysis graphic organizer to describe how their personalities influenced the flow of the story. ( name of the family member, relationship to

EO 3. Use the information presented in a reading or viewing selection to infer, to evaluate, and to express critical ideas. EO 4. Respond to ideas, issues, and concerns presented in a reading or viewing selection in creative forms.

IA 3 Students AS 3.Spoken For answer the Discussion comprehensio n questions to further understand the story.

one another, qualities and characteristics, attitude towards one another, family issues) Students trace the significant incidents in the story from the point of view of the main character.

IA 4 Students AS 4. The Boys in Focus identify similarities and differences between Eddie ( The AS 4B. My Timeline Centipede) and the boy ( Dont Wait to Give Daddy a Hug)

Students make a Venn Diagram showing the similarities and differences between Eddie and the boy in the current story, Filipino customs and traditions in raising a son as well as in considering

IA 4B Students retell their experiences of ups and downs in life in a creative form (i.e. Timeline).

death ( especially of a family member). You are part of a team of researchers compiling stories of ups and downs in the lives of young people. You are particularly assigned to project your findings ( the youths experiences of journeying with their family) by way of a timeline. The team leader is looking for the most creative and accurate way of retelling their stories. Remember that your work will judged according to its

content, originality, mechanics, and creativity.

EO 5. Identify figures of speech that show comparison

AI 5. Students label the figures of speech used in comparisons.

AS 5. As You Like it

EO 6 Use correct determiners .

AI 6. Students identify and use correct determiners in their writing.

AI 6. Certainly Certain

Analyze a set of sentences where these figures of speech are shown. Compare and contrast people people with objects using as and like. (e.g. Your best friend, your favorite artist, A political figure, or you) Students will study some phrases which contain determiners. They have to correctly supply each of them to complete an article.

EO 7.Distinguis h between and among a journal entry, an anecdote, a travelogue, a personal letter, and a blog entry.

AI 7. Students AS 7. Sourcing Information distinguish between and among a journal entry, an anecdote, a travelogue, a personal letter, and a blog entry.

EO 8 Identify the features of primary information sources.

AI 8. Students label which ones are the primary and secondary sources

Students locate examples of primary and secondary sources , particularly of a journal entry, an anecdote, a travelogue, a personal letter, and a blog entry. AS 8. Nothing but the Truth In groups, students are provided a pool of sources which they have to sort based on their difference. ( experiments, newspapers, speeches, encyclopedia, observations, computer software, magazines, questionnaires , documents). Thereafter, they have to explain to the big group their

findings and show how did they arrive at such an arrangement and judgment. THE TAXONOMY TABLE THE COGNITIVE PROCESS DIMENSION

EO 5, EO 6, IA 6, EO 7 EO 2, IA 2, AI 5, AI 7, EO 8, AI 8 AS 5 AS 2, AS 6, AS 8 AS 5, AS 7 IA 4, AS 4

EO 4

IA 4B, AS 4B

EO 1, IA 1, AS 1

EO 7, IA 7 EO 3, IA 3, AS 3

THEME: BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS SUB-THEME: Reconciling the Past and the Present PRIMARY SELECTION: How My Brother Leon Brought Home A Wife Student Learning Instructional Assessment Description Outcomes Activity Strategy EO 1. Use Students unlock predictive and the vocabulary antipatory devices/ difficulties. tasks to activated prior knowledge about the topic of reading selection. Pre-assessment: - Students Password and provide the Once in a Lifetime meanings of words and phrases that show local color through

EO 2.Note specific words or expressions that signal or emphasize crucial details in the narrative listened to.

Students engage Checkmate in a listening activity on a dialogue between father and son.

EO 3. Use the information presented in a reading or viewing selection to infer, to evaluate, and to express critical ideas.

Students look for details describing Maria to have an accurate representation of her in their illustration. Students refer to the text when tracing the journey of Maria and Leon.

First Impressions and Rite of Passage

pictures and context clues. - Students make a list of considerations when choosing a lifetime partner. Students discuss the format of the dialogue, expressions in delivering the lines, and the words or expressions that signal crucial details. Students find the details regarding the first impressions on Maria as cited in the text. Students refer to the text in tracing the journey of Maria and Leon.

EO 4. Express agreement or disagreement with the ideas presented in the selection.

Students engage in a discussion on their points of views regarding the test given to Maria.

Agree or Disagree Students express their agreement or disagreement on the test given to Maria.

EO 5. Identify figures of speech that show comparison

Students identify Mirror Image the words being compared and the figures of speech used in comparison. Students express their opinion regarding the decisions made by the different characters in the story. Students formulate sentences which contain noun complements. Seeking Second Opinion

EO 6 Respond to ideas, issues, and concerns presented in a reading or viewing selection in creative forms. EO 7.Use varied noun complementations.

Paint Me A Picture

Students identify the items being compared in the text and analogies used. Students present their viewpoints on the decisions made by each character in the story. Based on the poem, sky sown with stars, students formulate their own sentences which contain noun complements.

EO 8 Compose an anecdote based on a significant person or experience.

Students write an anecdote based on a situation faced by their family.

A Slice of Life

Students create an anecdote based on an experience of their family. Criteria:

Content 10 Organization 10 Language 10 Mechanics - 10 _____ 40




EO 5, AI 5, AS 5

EO 1, AI 1, AS 1 EO 7, AI 7, AS 7 EO 3, AI 3, AS 3

EO 2, AI 2, AS 2 EO 6, AI 6, AS 6 EO 4, AI 4, AS 4

EO 8, AI 8, AS 8

Student Learning Outcomes EO 1. Use predictive and antipatory devices/ tasks to activate prior knowledge about the topic of reading selection. EO 2.Talk about why and how people react differently to a text listened to, read, or viewed based on ones backgrond knowledge, purpose and point of view. EO 3. Determine the validity and unity of the details of a parallel informative text vis--vis its intended purpose and production milieu. EO 4. Compose a travelogue. Instructional Activity Students derive the prevailing emotions in the picture presented. Assessment Description Strategy PreStudents predict the prevailing emotions/issues in the assessment: picture presented. Active Schema

Students discuss the different reasons why a person has to let go of somebody he or she loves.

Face- toFace

Students express their differing opinions why sometimes people who love each other had to say goodbye.

Students answer an inventory based on their choices.

Locate, Reflect, Evaluate

In pairs, the students make their choices on the options provided by the inventory and prove and provide reasons for the validity and correctness of their answers.

Based on the last three paragraphs of the story, plan and create a travelogue.

Postassessment: A Trip to the Countryside

Performance Task: You are a team of tour guides consulted by a newfound friend from someone in the Netherlands who plans to come and visit the Philippines before Christmas. He is particularly asking about your life in the province. He is requesting for a customized sample travelogue. The potential transaction will largely depend on the following:

EO 5. Follow protocols in electronic search engines to limit the information search process.

Students are expected to follow closely the protocols in navigating the electronic search engines. EO 6 Use varied Students verb formulate complementations. sentences which contain verb complementations EO 7. Respond to Students interpret ideas, issues, and the heartbreak of concerns Awiyao and presented in a Lumnay using reading or viewing creative selection in expressions. creative forms. EO 8 Identify the Students identify features of primary the features of information and primary use the information and information use the presented in a information in te reading or viewing anecdote/ selection to infer, travelogues. to evaluate, and to express critical ideas.

A Travelogue

Travelogue Concept Creativity Resourcefulness Items Title Choices of Scenery Advertisement Appeal Students cite their references in coming up with their travelogues. Citations of references should be evident in the documentation.

A Travelogue

Students utilize verb complementations in expressing their ideas.

PostAssessment: You can Dance

Students (in smaller groups choose the best music and dance that will represent the love story of Lumnay and Awiyao. After the performance, the group is expected to explain what they discovered.

Travelogue/ Anecdote

After identifying the features of primary information, students back up all their responses , oral or written, by cited references ( primary or secondary).




EO 8, AI 8, AS 8

EO 1, AI 1, AS 1 EO 6, AI 6, AS 6 EO 7, AI 7, AS 7 EO 2, AI 2, AS 2

EO 3, AI 3, AS 3

EO 4, AI 4, AS 4

EO 5, AI 5, AS 5

THEME: BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS SUB-THEME: Creating Chances PRIMARY SELECTION: The Bread of Salt Student Learning Instructional Assessment Outcomes Activity Strategy EO 1. Use predictive and antipatory devices/ tasks to activated prior knowledge about the topic of reading selection. Students engage in the tasks that awaken their active schema until they realize that there are common and acceptable mealtime practices. Pre-assessment: Wrap the Food and Please Pass the Food


Students will engage on the following activities: Please Pass the Food where they will highlight their questions regarding the rules or ways that everyone follows in their household during


EO 2.Note familiar and unfamiliar details from th narrative listened to.

Students recognize their ease or difficulty in relating with the text listened to.

Does it Sound Familiar?

EO 3. State the effect of a text listened to, read, or viewed to ones value system.

Students present the effect of the text they listened to.

Locate, Reflect, Evaluate

EO 4. Respond to ideas, issues, and concerns presented in a reading or viewing selection in creative forms.

Students come up The Sound of with a clip of a Music silent movie inspired by the Bread of Salt.

Students pair up for the activity and take turns in doing the task. They identify the ease and difficulty in relating with the text listened to.. Students comment on how the text listened to affect them as persons. They may also share their value judgments concerning the issues they represent. Students interpret the movie clip through their own silent version of a plot choice from the story.

EO 5. Identify figures of speech that show contrast.

Students choose Say What? the figures of speech that show two contradictory terms Students use the information/ expression as basis for their inference, and / or ideas, judgment. Breaded Contradiction

EO 6 Use the information presented in a reading or viewing selection to infer, to evaluate, and to express critical ideas. EO 7. Determine the validity and unity of the details of a parallel informative text vis--vis its intended purpose and production milieu.

Students come up Food Trip! with the survey of varied food delicacies and match them with the region.

Students identify the oxymorons in each of the given statements. Students extract from the reading/viewing selection the information needed for their inference, and judgment. After organizing and gathering a smorgasborg of food delicacies from different regions of the Philippines, each group of may showcase and share what they have discovered.
Compose their write-up for the travelogue using verb complementation.

EO 8 Use varied verb complementations.

Students formulate sentences containing verb complementations

Watch Out!

EO 9 Compose a travelogue

Students organize A Recipe for and come up with Chances a travelogue.

There will be a Party at Don Estebans where each

group will be given a task to engage in discussion about the food delicacies they have discovered. Their performance will be graded using blue and red strips of paper.




EO 5, AI 5, EO 1, AI 1 AS 5 AS 1 EO 2, AI 2, AS 2 EO 8, AI 8, AS 8 EO 3, AI 3, AS 3 EO 4, AI 4, AS 4

EO 6, AI 6, AS 6

EO 9, AI 9 , AS 9


EO 7, AI7, AS 7

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