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4 Basics, 3 Powers and 3 donts[Never]

11:42 AM Dr.Anand Here are very simple and basic steps for building a successful network marketing business for distributors and IBOs of any network business. Especially highlighted Britt (B ! " basic steps focusing on building an on going growing network. #tep $ : #tep % : #tep & : #tep " : $rocess. List Buildin Process. !ontactin and "nvitin #i$s. %&owin t&e Business Plan. 'ollow u$ and 'ollow t&rou & and (ettin a new distri)utor started wit& *it o$enin

'ets understand this basic steps in details one by one Building a list of names. Networ+ ,ar+etin )usiness is success-ul )ecause it is a .$eo$le )usiness/ "- 0ou $ut a nu,)er o$ros$ects in -ront o- t&e ,ar+etin $lan, so,e will et in t&e )usiness. 1- t&ose w&o et in, so,e will develo$ t&e )usiness and so,e will develo$ a )i )usiness w&ic& de$ends on 2ualit0 o- $eo$le t&ere )usiness s+ills and total nu,)er o- $eo$le w&o 3oins 0our networ+. %o to understand and )uild a &u e networ+ one needs to &ave an on oin and increasin list o- $eo$le to et t&e $eo$le see t&e $lan w&ic& is a constant $rocess and ste$ 3 o- t&e )uildin a networ+. (ontacting and Inviting people to see the marketing plan. A s+ill -ull ste$ o- contactin and invitin all t&e $eo$le in t&e list 0ou )uilt in ste$ 1 o- t&e Britt 4B556 reco,,ended 4 )asic ste$s as t&ere are di--erent a$$roac&es to invite so,eone to )usiness ,eetin s, se,inars and see t&e )usiness ,ar+etin $lan. #&is can )e done in -ew di--erent wa0s : a6 !allin $eo$le to )oo+ and a$$oint,ent -or a )rie- overview o- ,ar+etin $lan. )6 !allin $eo$le to &ave a 1ne on 1ne $lan session. c6 !allin Peo$le to invite t&e, to a &o,e ,eetin . d6 !allin $eo$le to invite -or a $lan at 1$en Meetin wit& around 78 to 188 suc& newl0 invited $eo$le. #howing the )arketing *lan. 1nce 0ou &ave $eo$le read0 -ro, ste$ 2 o- Britt 4 )asic ste$s, Ne9t is to s&ow t&e, t&e Business $lan and t&e $ur$ose o- s&owin t&e $lan is to s&ow 0our $ros$ect &ow t&e0 can o)tain t&eir drea, and oals )0 utili:in t&e sales and ,ar+etin $lan. 1ne s&ould +ee$ t&e )usiness $lan as si,$le and )rie- as $ossi)le an u$ to t&e $oint w&ic& created interest and desire to at&er ,ore in-or,ation a)out t&e networ+ )usiness. Mar+etin $lan s&ows &ow &e can )e an "B1 )ein 0our own )oss. "ts ver0 i,$ortant to ive t&e $ros$ect )usiness ,aterial and literature $ac+. Li+e A,wa0 )usiness $lan one can &ave an Business overview, 1ne;on;1ne ,eetin , <o,e Meetin or Brin in $ros$ect to an 1$en ,eetin . +ollow up and +ollow through with #tart up and ,it Opening. 1- all t&e ste$s o- )uildin a success-ul networ+ ,ar+etin )usiness, 'ollowu$ and 'ollow t&rou & $rocess are )0 -ar t&e ,ost i,$ortant. #&e -ollow;u$ $rocess is t&e natural conclusion to new $eo$le=s introduction to t&e )usiness. Now t&at t&e0 &ave seen t&e ,ar+etin $lan, w&at s&ould )e done ne9t > w&ic& will )ase u$on t&e $ros$ect=s interest, sc&edule and ot&er -actors. #&e eneral o)3ective is to et )ac+ to t&e $ros$ect in cou$le as soon as $ossi)le wit& in -ew da0s w&en

)usiness in-or,ation is still -res& in t&e ,ind and )e-ore t&e0 can contact -riends and relatives -or su estions w&ic& will lead to -ew ne ative -eed)ac+.

-hree *owers.
1. Power o- ?nit0 @ 1nl0 do w&at is tau &t )0 t&e s0ste,. Do not tr0 to Areinvent t&e w&eel= or do t&in s 0our own wa0.

2. Power o- %u),ission @ Alwa0s )e in su),ission to 0our u$line.

3. Power o- t&e %$o+en 5ord @ Alwa0s s$ea+ in t&e $ositive, con-ess in t&e $ositive, and never s$ea+ an0t&in ne ative or an0t&in t&at 0ou don=t want to &a$$en.

-hree /evers.
1. 2. Never ,ess wit& so,eone=s s$ouse. Never ,ess wit& so,eone=s ,one0

3. Never $ass an0 ne ative downline.

B !ore %te$s
11:48 AM Dr.Anand

#&e rowt& o- )ot& t&e )usiness are &i & )ecause o- t&e core values and s0ste, t&at is co,,onl0 used )0 all t&e distri)utors in B55 s0ste,. ?sin t&e sa,e A,wa0 B core ste$s, A,wa0 4 )asics and 3 $owers o- $roven Britt s0ste, t&e $rocess o- rowt& and )uildin &u,an networ+ is -aster. Lets loo+s at all t&is core ste$s in de$t&. B55 s0ste, &as nine core ste$s, 3 $owers and 4 )asic )usiness rules to )e -ollowed. #&is &as )een ,ade )0 Mr. Bill Britt, -ounder o- t&e Britt s0ste, a-ter lots o- sel- and till da0 )usiness e9$erience and are t&e ste$s w&ic& can )e used in al,ost all t&e )usiness strate ies. 0 (O1E #-E*# #tep $. Books (1ead Bww recommended books daily for at least half and hour! A,a:in +nowled e is ained )0 one readin t&e )oo+s written )0 $eo$le alread0 success-ul in t&e -ield o- Networ+ Mar+etin and MLM )usiness. Boo+s created and c&an es $eo$les attitude and t&ou &ts towards li-e, it ,otivates and ives a de$t& +nowled e a)out w&at 0ou readin . #tep %. -apes ('isten to Bww recommended tapes2 multiple times2 daily once in morning! #&is are t&e Bww )usiness and rall0 ta$es )0 Bww C A,wa0 leaders li+e *u,ar %ivara,an, %u eet, *anti and Lata (ala -ro, united states and also -ro, leaders in "ndia w&o are alread0 success-ul in t&e )usiness. As t&is is a )usiness o- du$lication one can i,itate e9actl0 w&at a leader &ave done and i nore so,e ,ista+es. #&is wa0 learnin $rocess i,$roves. Business &i &l0 reco,,ends to su)scri)e to %1#, ,eans 4%tandin order #a$es6 w&ere ,ont&l0 ta$es are $rovided to "B1=s at so,e -i9ed c&ar es. #tep &. +unctions 3 )eetings

4 Attend Britt ,eetin s, Mont&l0 %e,inars, 'DD 4'ree Dnter$rise Da06 and PA%D ,eetin s re ularl06. Britt "ndia &as lots o- 5ee+l0 and Mont&l0 ,eetin s in al,ost all t&e states o- "ndia, #&e wee+l0 ,eetin s is +nown as 1$en Meetin , B55 -unctions are once in 2 ,ont&s called %e,inars w&ere Leaders at D,erald and Dia,ond levels teac&in s and tal+s a)out t&e success stories in A,wa0 )usiness. 5&ere as 'DD is a da0 o- -ree enter$rise -or "B1=s w&ere reco nitions -or new Dia,onds &a$$ens w&ic& $roceeds wit& t&ere A,wa0 success stories, &urdles and &ow t&e0 did it. 5&ole (round, %tadiu, roars to et&er wit& words li+e 'ireu$, 'reedo, wit& Eoc+0 Music. "ts a cele)ration da0 -or new dia,onds in Bww s0ste, and a learnin and ,otivatin da0 -or distri)utors. 4 %#DP% 1, 2 C 3 are called $ersonalit0 and attitude )uildin ste$s6 #tep ". #-* (#how the *lan! w&ere new and old )usiness leaders are reco,,ended to %&ow t&e A,wa0 )usiness $lans at least 7 da0 in a wee+. 1ne can s&ow t&e )usiness $lan ,ore also )ut t&e s0ste, reco,,ends ,ini,u, 7 $lans to et t&e $ro$er success rate in )usiness. #tep 4. 5se the *roducts Be-ore reco,,endin so,e $roducts to so,eone it is reco,,ended )0 Britt s0ste, to consu,e t&e $roducts )0 distri)utors t&e,selves as t&is )rin s -ait& in t&e $roducts and also increase t&e PF and )usiness sales volu,e. #tep 6. 7enerate #ales Best )usiness is one wit& )est sales volu,e and so ever0 "B1 is )een reco,,ended to do a $ersonal PF o- 188 to 388 $er ,ont& via sellin and reco,,endin it to -riends and relatives w&o alread0 are usin and wants to. #&is wa0 t&e individual sales volu,e in t&e networ+ rows and ever0one ets )ene-ited o- t&e co,,ission till t&e to$, includin t&e $erson w&o sales. 4%te$ 4,7 C G are t&e Action ste$s in t&e )usiness t&at actuall0 enerates t&e sales, )usiness volu,e and co,,issions6 #tep 8. Be -eachable 4 5&oever 0ou are, 'ro, w&atever 3o), )usiness or $ro-ession 0ou can to t&e Networ+ Mar+etin )usiness, t&e rules o- doin MLM )usiness is di--erent and ever0 one needs to learn t&e sa,e ste$s a ain and a ain to success-ull0 co$0cat ,ar+etin )usiness and )e wit& t&e leaders6. "- 0ou are not teac&a)le 0ou cannot survive in an0 )usiness 0ou started. Dver0 da0 so,e new t&in s &as to )e learned to row. And as MLM )usiness is o- co$0cattin one &as to -ollow t&e si,$le rules odu$lication )ein in t&e )usiness. #tep 9. Be :ccountable Networ+ Mar+etin )usiness is a Peo$le and Mone0 )usiness. #&ere are ver0 ood c&an es t&at $eo$le ,ess u$ wit& ot&er $eo$le ,one0, t&e0 can -or et to ive )ac+ t&e lendin ,one0 etc. Also a ver0 i,$ortant Accounta)le -actor is #i,e, Ees$ect ot&ers ti,e -or 0ou to et t&e sa,e. Hou &ave to )e accounta)le to 0our res$onsi)ilities li+e do cas& )usiness, don=t as+ -or ti,e $eriod to $a0 )ac+, +ee$ t&e transactions clear. Hour u$line is t&ere to &el$, )ut -inall0 its 0our own )usiness so never ta+e advanta es o- sa,e. Iust as+ 0oursel- one t&in : !an 0ou do t&e sa,e in an0 ot&er )usiness or s&o$ 0ou want to $urc&ase t&e oods 0ou want > #tep 0. (ommunication #&is is t&e new ste$ introduces in B55 s0ste, in last 2 to 3 0ears, Be-ore t&is t&ere were onl0 J core ste$s in )usiness. !o,,unication a$ wor+s as a B?( in an0 )usiness w&ic& reduces t&e )usiness out$ut. %o )ritt world wide &as newl0 introduced t&is ste$ w&ere all t&e Distri)utorsK"B1=s

&as to )e in touc& wit& t&ere ?$lines and s&ould not do an0t&in )e0ond t&e reco,,ended s0ste, wit&out as+in and con-ir,in wit& t&ere u$lines.

&ow to )e ric&>
12:1G PM Dr.Anand

<i -riends

one re;uest ; $l: wi$e out 0our e o )e-ore u read it and dont ta+e li &tl0 Last Lines.
As+ ,e w&o r success-ul $erson> ? all &as de-inition li+e Aw&o &ave lots o- ,one0= But its totall0 wron success-ul $erson ,ean w&o &as lots ,one0 L ti,e to e9$ense it L securit0 o- &isK&er ,one0[securit0 ,eans i- &eKs&e sto$s wor+in t&en a-ter ,one0 -lows] we can see 3 t0$es o- &u,an )ein in world [to see better view of image <ust click on it]

rou$ 1 :; w&o &v lots o- ti,e )ut no ,one0,t&en we cant sa0 -or t&eir securit0 t&e0 r alwa0s seen at $an corners,at t&e end o- societies ,etc

rou$ 2 :; t&e0 r ,iddle class $erson w&o wor+s w&ole 0ear wit& or wit&out rest )ut no

savin s e9ce$t -or savin ta9 rou$ 3 :; t&e0 &ave lots o- ,one0 )ut $oor wit& ti,e

rou$ 4 :; onl0 3M o- w&ole world co,es in t&is rou$

" t&in+ now its cleared w&o we areNNN>

Now 2uestion 0oursel5&0 r u wor+in > !o: -or =itamin ) #o -ul-ill our needsKdrea,s

5&ic& r needsKdrea,s>

1st ; )asic needs roti,+a$da aur ,a+an

2nd @ a ood education -or c&ild [i- not ,arried still u &ave sa,e drea,]

3rd @ to &el$ our $arents

4t& @ ve&icle ; )i+eKcar

[i- u &v a car t&en u ,ust drea,ed -or lu9urious car]

7t& @ $ass$ort vacation Gt& @ a$$reciation

Ot& @ $eo$le will re,e,)er 0our na,e PP.

Now u r doin 3o)K$ro-essionK)usiness to ac&ieve t&is needsKdrea,s And u r sellin 0our ti,e !o: Income > -ime ? )oney

"- u r in 3o) t&en u r sellin G;J &ours a da0 "- u r doin )usiness t&en u r sellin 14;1G &ours a da0 "- u r in $ro-ession t&en u r sellin 18;12 &ours a da0

Now co,$are it wit& 0our inco,e circle to needsKdrea,s= circle [to see better view of image <ust click on it]

%o 0ou &ave to co,$ro,ise 0our drea,s to -it wit& 0our inco,e circle li+e, "- one roo,;+itc&en &ouse is o+,i- it is )i t&en ot&er e9$enses also co,es

"- ,0 c&ild is intelli ent t&en &eKs&e s&ud 1st in an0 sc&ool "- " )ou &t a )i car t&en t&ere is a $ar+in $ro)lr,,$etrol $rice is increasin ,etc so s,all car is enou &. 5&ats in $ass$ort vacation; )eac&es,&ill station,etc r also in ,0 stateKcountr0 M0 $arents r &a$$0 wit& t&eir $ension 11K21 ru$ees donation in te,$le, etc are also a c&arit0.

%o now its ti,e to t&in+ w&0 u r in list o- BOM t&at +nown as linear inco,e Means w&en u wor+ 0ou et ,one0,i- sto$,,one0 also sto$$ed.

" &ad told a %lo an Income > -ime ? )oney

%ee it in ra$& [to see better view of image <ust click on it]

"ts calculated $er dail0 )asis

+or e?ample

"- 0ou wor+ J &ours a da0 n u et J88Es so 0ou will et 188E% $er &our and ,ont&l0 salar0Kinco,e is 24,888 Es

"- 0ou wor+ 12 &ours in a da0 so 0ou et 1288Es $er da0 and ,ont&l0 salar0Kinco,e will 3G,888Es.

"- 0ou wor+ 24 &ours in a da0 so 0ou et 2488Es $er da0 and ,ont&l0 salar0Kinco,e will O2.888Es.

But &ere 0ou can see a li,itation ,eans 0ou can wor+ ,a9i,u, 12 &ours a da0 dail0 )ut cant 24 &our dail0 and a-ter 0ou )eco,e old 0our a)ilit0 also decrease so u cant wor+ 12 &our dail0 also.

%ee one e9a,$le o- a doctor "- a doctor c&ar es 18,888Es o- one o$eration and &e do 7 o$erations $er da0 t&en &is inco,e is 78,888Es $er da0. But i- t&at doctor ,eet wit& accident and -racture o- t&at &andK $aralised wit& t&at &and t&en w&at s&ud t&e inco,e>>>>>

I am not #caring you but giving chance to think for your future and family

Be a #mart not Intelligent Meanin o- a)ove sentence is wor+ li+e tata,a,)ani,etc %till didn=t understsnd A,)ani &d started a co,$an0 and t&e0 ave 3o) "- 1888 $eo$le are wor+in in &is -actor0 and t&e0 dail0 wor+ -or J &ours so a,)ani=s total &our is $@@@ ? 9 > 92@@@ hours of a day "ts +nown as du$lication

5e cant start a co,$an0 li+e a,)ani )ut we can du$licates $eo$le n et inco,es li+e t&e,

1ne anot&er t&in 0ou &ave to acce$t t&at we all r custo,er [to see better view of image <ust click on it]

+or e?ample "- " wanna )u0 a -airness crea, o- 38Eu$ees t&en " &ave to o at s&o$ not directl0 to w&olesalerKdistri)utorKstoc+iestK-actor0 Do u +now &ow e9act cost o- a 38 Es. 'airness crea, "t ,ust )e 7 to J Es co: t&ere is G8;48KJ8;28 ratio o- an0 $roduct And u r $a0in 38 Es,w&0> !o: u$to 48M o- costin o- an0 $roduct is at t&is c&ain and 28M at advertiser co: t&e0 r teac&in us, &ow to roo, 0our s+in ,ore w&ite n uses it till deat& )ut 0our s+in cant w&ite,its -actP.. %o 0our 27 ru$ees oes to t&is )etween $eo$le Now calculate i- 0our ,ont&l0 e9$ense is 17,888 Es t&en 18,888 Es oes in t&is c&ain s0ste, $er ,nt& 1.2 lac $er 0ear 12 lacs in 18 0ears "- 0ou r doin 3o)Kelse on avr u wor+ at least 48 0rs and as we )i-urcate in G8;48 ratio t&an u wor+ 24 0ears 3ust -or t&is ,iddle ,enP. #&in+ on itP.

%o t&e0 r livin in 0our &ouse #&e0 drivin 0our car . . .

Now u &ave reason n i- &ave vision t&en its u$to u

"- u wanna c&an e t&en t&in+.

hat we have to doA [1] Iust we &ave to c&an e our )u0in &a)its ,eans "- u c&an e a s&o$,u will et instant 28M discount on an0 $roduct w&enever u )u0 (et $ur and natural $roduct 188M ,one0 )ac+ uarant0 [2] teac& $eo$le &ow to du$licate 5&ic& u r doin nor,all0 n ettin not&in ,eans i- u li+e $roductK,ovie u will as+ 0our -rndsKrelatives

[3] 1nl0 0ou &ave to wor+ 2&ours in a da0 -or 2 to 7 0ears And we can et 188M securit0 o- our earnin . !o: it=s a 'ranc&ise )usiness

Be-ore " as+ a)out it, 1st u s&ud +now a)out conce$t

Do u +now Mr.Ea0 *roc> NoNNNNNNN

<e -ounded rJ restaurants o- McDonalds in 1B78s <e start a restaurant, ot success so o$en anot&er restaurant at di--erent cit0Karea )ut &e cant &andle )ot& restaurant, understand t&e custo,er to -actor0 c&ain and decided to di--erent so o--ered a deal to &is sister[nanc0] -or a -ranc&ise )usiness ,eans deal o- BJM;2M "- nanc0 invest -or a restaurant &e will su$$l0 all ,aterials to run restaurants n s&e will $a0 onl0 2M Now u can see McDonalds in ,an0 cit0 around world n Q31888 restaurants last 0ear

"- dail0 earnin o- 1 McDonald is 1888Es so ra0 +roc is earnin 28Es dail0 -ro, one restaurant n iwe ,ulti$l0 wit& 31888 t&en its G,28,888Es $er da0 "- 1888 Eestaurants not wor+in Kclosed t&en &is earnin will G,88,888Es $er da0 %o u can see onl0 s,all c&an es co,es [onl0 28, 888Es $er da0]

1ne t&in " wanna add ,r. ra0 +roc &d died in 1BJ4 t&at ti,e a$r9.28,888 restaurants n still &is restaurants are increasin n also earnin even a-ter &is deat&P.

-his income known as 1esidualB1oyalty income

But -or t&is )usiness we need )i a,ount %o 2 $erson t&in+ -or ever0one win conce$t in -ranc&ise )usiness,even t&e0 re$laced lar e a,ount -or invest,ent and started in 1B7B #&is 2 reat le end are Cay =an :ndel and 1ichard De=os And &is co,$an0 na,e is :mway2 turnover was ,ore t&an 1J88!r Es in 2818 tal+s in last

%ee $roducts at ,ain site

Lets discuss &ow )e a ,illionaire

$st month

1st clear in ,ind <ere u don=t ,a+e ,e,)ers "t=s a total $ure n le al )usiness. #&ere is need o- a s$onser to $lu in )usiness ,eans u need a license nu,)er to et 0our license nu,)er "ts done )0 onlineK )0 -illin a -or,[wit& ori inal details] wit& address $roo- su),itted at o--ice "t costs BB7 Es. Iust -or e9a,$le n )etter calculation, )ay be m wrong in calculation. M ta+in 188 Point Falue[PF] R G888Es. !o: 1 PF R G8Es 5&en u )u0 a $roducts a-ter c&an in s&o$ on G888,u et 28M instant discount %o 0our )ene-it

G888 9 28M R 1288Es

As discussed a)ove i- u li+e $roducts n )usiness u de-initel0 advertise it "- u &d as+ed G $erson n s$onsored G $erson t&en[t&ere is no rules -or sellin and s$onsorin u can s$onsor as ,an0 as u +now] %o 0our total rou$ is o- O includin u [to see better view of image <ust click on it]

0our Business is 188PF 9 G R G88PF L 0our 188PF R O88PF

so 0our turnover is O88 9 G8 R 42,888Es

Now t&ere r di--erent level co,,ission accordin to 0our )usiness turnover

Eour Business -urnover 1J,888 Es. G8,888 Es.

Eour 7roup *= 388 1888

'evel commission as Business -urnover GM BM

1,28,888 Es. 2,48,888 Es. 4,42,888 Es. G,88,888 Es.

2888 4888 O888 18888

12M 17M 1JM 21M

1st 0our 28M Eetail discount

G,888 9 28M R 1,288Es co: 0ou &ad )u0 $roduct wort& G888 Es. [a] Now 0our level co,,ission is at GM so 42,888 9 GM R 2,728 Es. [)] %o u will et total a L ) R 1,288 L 2,728 R 3,O28Es.

-his income is e?tra income coF u earn it in your e?tra timeBspare time[w&ic& u were s$entin wit& 0our -rnd or in tv] 'riends ,ind on t&is word e?tra income co: i- u r in 3o)K)usinessKnot&in t&is co,es in $resence o- 3o)K)usinessKnot&in

%nd month

Now as u did 0our downline also s$onsor -ew $erson,-or e9a,$le t&e0 s$onsor onl0 4 $erson n all do 188 PF

%o 0our total rou$ is o- 31 includin u [to see better view of image <ust click on it]

%o 0our )usiness is 7889 G R 3888PF L Hour 188 PF R 3188 PF Now 0our turnover is 3188 9 G8 R 1,JG,888 Es Now 0ou r at 12 M so rou$ co,,ission

1,JG,888 9 12M R 22,328Es. [a]

Now 0ou see 0our all G le s r at GM so #&eir co,,ission are 1,J8,888 9 GM R 18,J88 Es [)]

Hour actual co,,ission is . a @ ) R 22,328 ; 18,J88 R 11,4J8 Es. [c]

Hour 28M discount S 0our 188 PF is 1,288Es [d] %o 0our total co,,ission is c L d R 11,4J8 L 1,288 R 12,GJ8 Es.

&rd month

As u n 0our downline did last ,ont& 0our downline little wor+ less n si n u$ onl0 3 $erson n all do 188 PF

%o 0our total rou$ is o- 183 includin u %o 0our )usiness is 1O889 G R 18,288PF L Hour 188 PF R 18,388 PF Now 0our turnover is 18,388 9 G8 R G,1J,888 Es %o 0ou r at 21 M so rou$ co,,ission [to see better view of image <ust click on it]

G,1J,888 9 21M R 1,2B,OJ8Es. [a]

Now see 0our all G le s r at BM so #&eir co,,ission are G,1J,888 9 BM R 77,G28 Es [)]

Hour actual co,,ission is . a @ ) 1,2B,OJ8 @ 77,G28 R O4,1G8Es. [c]

Hour 28M discount S 0our 188 PF is 1,288Es [d] %o 0our total co,,ission is c L d R O4,1G8 L 1,288 R O7,2G8 Es.

%o its ood or )ad Hou r ettin t&is inco,e as e?tra income.

#&is is 3ust e9a,$le u can do as G;4;3 $lan or it can )e as G;G;B or 18;B;18

And ot&er ,ain t&in as " &ad ,ention 3 ,ont& $lan )ut it &a$$ens in one 0ear t&en w&at u lose >>>> Not&in . co: $reviousl0 u did not&in in 0our s$are ti,e n now u r ettin t&is in 0our s$are ti,e. a-ter t&is level ,ain c&ar, o- )usiness starts ,eans i- 0our one o- downline also reac&es at 21M level 0our co,,ission -r, t&is rou$ co: u r also at 21M )ut co,$n0 will ive u 4M ro0alt0 co,,ission -or t&is rou$ co: t&is $erson et t&is level )eause o- u so t&at rou$ turnover is a$r9 O,88,888Es t&en 4M is 2J,888Es now t&is $erson to sto$ )usiness w&ats d &is answer>will &e sto$s> never co: &e is ettin O7,888Es so t&is 4M never sto$s even a-ter u died w&at i- t&is rou$ turnover reac&es at O!r EsNNN i- u teac& 3 $erson &ow to earn O7+ t&en t&is level is +nowan as DMDEALD i- u teac& G $erson &ow to earn O7+ t&en t&is level is +nowan as D"AM1ND and t&at a-ter ot&er co,,ission also starts t&is is t&e ,ain c&ar, o- t&is )usiness

+ew about :mway

Dsta)lis&ed in 1B78s,now in ,ore t&an B8 countries Manu-acturin 788L eco;-riendl0 $roducts,&avin G88L $atents, Be-ore a,wa0 starts )usiness in "ndia,t&e0 started A,wa0 1$$ortunit0 'oundation since 1BBG and still $rovidin )rail )oo+s -or )lind c&ildren %tarted 1BBJ #urnover in 1BBB was B8!r. #urnover in 288O was J88!r #urnover in 288J was 112J!r #urnover in 288B was 148O!r #urnover in 2818 was 1J88!r Now ever0one +nows 0ear o- 288J co: in w&ole world all )usiness were down )ut see a,wa0=s turnover rise ,ore t&an 48M -r, 288O 5&0> Iust )ecause o- t&is )usiness co: its )ased on wor+ -or drea,s n t&ere is no down in drea,s

Last Lines; i- u r ,arried t&en wa+e u$ in ,idni

&t wit&out distur)in 0our wi-e n c&ild[i-

not ,arried t&en see 0our $arents],3ust see t&e, &ow t&e0 slee$,3ust -ree -ro, an0 tension )ecause t&e0 &ave -ait& t&at u r alwa0s read0 to $rotect n &el$ t&in+ i- u ,eet wit& accidentK$aralised or .... 0our inco,e sto$$ed t&en...... u ,ust )e t&in+in -or insurance n invest,ent )ut &ow lon it &el$...... i &d iven t&e +e0 -or success

now its u$to u co:

&ow to )e ric&>
12:1G PM Dr.Anand

<i -riends

one re;uest ; $l: wi$e out 0our e o )e-ore u read it and dont ta+e li &tl0 Last Lines.
As+ ,e w&o r success-ul $erson> ? all &as de-inition li+e Aw&o &ave lots o- ,one0= But its totall0 wron

success-ul $erson ,ean w&o &as lots ,one0 L ti,e to e9$ense it L securit0 o- &isK&er ,one0[securit0 ,eans i- &eKs&e sto$s wor+in t&en a-ter ,one0 -lows] we can see 3 t0$es o- &u,an )ein in world [to see better view of image <ust click on it]

rou$ 1 :; w&o &v lots o- ti,e )ut no ,one0,t&en we cant sa0 -or t&eir securit0 t&e0 r alwa0s seen at $an corners,at t&e end o- societies ,etc rou$ 2 :; t&e0 r ,iddle class $erson w&o wor+s w&ole 0ear wit& or wit&out rest )ut no

savin s e9ce$t -or savin ta9 rou$ 3 :; t&e0 &ave lots o- ,one0 )ut $oor wit& ti,e

rou$ 4 :; onl0 3M o- w&ole world co,es in t&is rou$

" t&in+ now its cleared w&o we areNNN>

Now 2uestion 0oursel5&0 r u wor+in > !o: -or =itamin ) #o -ul-ill our needsKdrea,s

5&ic& r needsKdrea,s>

1st ; )asic needs

roti,+a$da aur ,a+an

2nd @ a ood education -or c&ild [i- not ,arried still u &ave sa,e drea,]

3rd @ to &el$ our $arents

4t& @ ve&icle ; )i+eKcar

[i- u &v a car t&en u ,ust drea,ed -or lu9urious car]

7t& @ $ass$ort vacation Gt& @ a$$reciation Ot& @ $eo$le will re,e,)er 0our na,e PP.

Now u r doin 3o)K$ro-essionK)usiness to ac&ieve t&is needsKdrea,s And u r sellin 0our ti,e !o: Income > -ime ? )oney

"- u r in 3o) t&en u r sellin G;J &ours a da0 "- u r doin )usiness t&en u r sellin 14;1G &ours a da0 "- u r in $ro-ession t&en u r sellin 18;12 &ours a da0

Now co,$are it wit& 0our inco,e circle to needsKdrea,s= circle [to see better view of image <ust click on it]

%o 0ou &ave to co,$ro,ise 0our drea,s to -it wit& 0our inco,e circle li+e, "- one roo,;+itc&en &ouse is o+,i- it is )i t&en ot&er e9$enses also co,es "- ,0 c&ild is intelli ent t&en &eKs&e s&ud 1st in an0 sc&ool "- " )ou &t a )i car t&en t&ere is a $ar+in $ro)lr,,$etrol $rice is increasin ,etc so s,all car is enou &. 5&ats in $ass$ort vacation; )eac&es,&ill station,etc r also in ,0 stateKcountr0 M0 $arents r &a$$0 wit& t&eir $ension 11K21 ru$ees donation in te,$le, etc are also a c&arit0.

%o now its ti,e to t&in+ w&0 u r in list o- BOM t&at +nown as linear inco,e Means w&en u wor+ 0ou et ,one0,i- sto$,,one0 also sto$$ed.

" &ad told a %lo an Income > -ime ? )oney

%ee it in ra$& [to see better view of image <ust click on it]

"ts calculated $er dail0 )asis

+or e?ample

"- 0ou wor+ J &ours a da0 n u et J88Es so 0ou will et 188E% $er &our and ,ont&l0 salar0Kinco,e is 24,888 Es

"- 0ou wor+ 12 &ours in a da0 so 0ou et 1288Es $er da0 and ,ont&l0 salar0Kinco,e will 3G,888Es.

"- 0ou wor+ 24 &ours in a da0 so 0ou et 2488Es $er da0 and ,ont&l0 salar0Kinco,e will O2.888Es.

But &ere 0ou can see a li,itation ,eans 0ou can wor+ ,a9i,u, 12 &ours a da0 dail0 )ut cant 24 &our dail0 and a-ter 0ou )eco,e old 0our a)ilit0 also decrease so u cant wor+ 12 &our dail0 also.

%ee one e9a,$le o- a doctor "- a doctor c&ar es 18,888Es o- one o$eration and &e do 7 o$erations $er da0 t&en &is inco,e is 78,888Es $er da0. But i- t&at doctor ,eet wit& accident and -racture o- t&at &andK $aralised wit& t&at &and t&en w&at s&ud t&e inco,e>>>>>

I am not #caring you but giving chance to think for your future and family

Be a #mart not Intelligent Meanin o- a)ove sentence is wor+ li+e tata,a,)ani,etc %till didn=t understsnd A,)ani &d started a co,$an0 and t&e0 ave 3o) "- 1888 $eo$le are wor+in in &is -actor0 and t&e0 dail0 wor+ -or J &ours so a,)ani=s total &our is $@@@ ? 9 > 92@@@ hours of a day "ts +nown as du$lication

5e cant start a co,$an0 li+e a,)ani )ut we can du$licates $eo$le n et inco,es li+e t&e,

1ne anot&er t&in 0ou &ave to acce$t t&at we all r custo,er [to see better view of image <ust click on it]

+or e?ample "- " wanna )u0 a -airness crea, o- 38Eu$ees t&en " &ave to o at s&o$ not directl0 to w&olesalerKdistri)utorKstoc+iestK-actor0 Do u +now &ow e9act cost o- a 38 Es. 'airness crea, "t ,ust )e 7 to J Es co: t&ere is G8;48KJ8;28 ratio o- an0 $roduct And u r $a0in 38 Es,w&0> !o: u$to 48M o- costin o- an0 $roduct is at t&is c&ain and 28M at advertiser co: t&e0 r teac&in us, &ow to roo, 0our s+in ,ore w&ite n uses it till deat& )ut 0our s+in cant w&ite,its -actP.. %o 0our 27 ru$ees oes to t&is )etween $eo$le

Now calculate i- 0our ,ont&l0 e9$ense is 17,888 Es t&en 18,888 Es oes in t&is c&ain s0ste, $er ,nt& 1.2 lac $er 0ear 12 lacs in 18 0ears "- 0ou r doin 3o)Kelse on avr u wor+ at least 48 0rs and as we )i-urcate in G8;48 ratio t&an u wor+ 24 0ears 3ust -or t&is ,iddle ,enP. #&in+ on itP.

%o t&e0 r livin in 0our &ouse #&e0 drivin 0our car . . .

Now u &ave reason n i- &ave vision t&en its u$to u "- u wanna c&an e t&en t&in+.

hat we have to doA [1] Iust we &ave to c&an e our )u0in &a)its ,eans "- u c&an e a s&o$,u will et instant 28M discount on an0 $roduct w&enever u )u0 (et $ur and natural $roduct 188M ,one0 )ac+ uarant0 [2] teac& $eo$le &ow to du$licate 5&ic& u r doin nor,all0 n ettin not&in ,eans i- u li+e $roductK,ovie u will as+ 0our -rndsKrelatives

[3] 1nl0 0ou &ave to wor+ 2&ours in a da0 -or 2 to 7 0ears And we can et 188M securit0 o- our earnin . !o: it=s a 'ranc&ise )usiness

Be-ore " as+ a)out it, 1st u s&ud +now a)out conce$t

Do u +now Mr.Ea0 *roc> NoNNNNNNN

<e -ounded rJ restaurants o- McDonalds in 1B78s <e start a restaurant, ot success so o$en anot&er restaurant at di--erent cit0Karea )ut &e cant &andle )ot& restaurant, understand t&e custo,er to -actor0 c&ain and decided to di--erent so o--ered a deal to &is sister[nanc0] -or a -ranc&ise )usiness ,eans deal o- BJM;2M "- nanc0 invest -or a restaurant &e will su$$l0 all ,aterials to run restaurants n s&e will $a0 onl0 2M Now u can see McDonalds in ,an0 cit0 around world n Q31888 restaurants last 0ear

"- dail0 earnin o- 1 McDonald is 1888Es so ra0 +roc is earnin 28Es dail0 -ro, one restaurant n iwe ,ulti$l0 wit& 31888 t&en its G,28,888Es $er da0 "- 1888 Eestaurants not wor+in Kclosed t&en &is earnin will G,88,888Es $er da0 %o u can see onl0 s,all c&an es co,es [onl0 28, 888Es $er da0] 1ne t&in " wanna add ,r. ra0 +roc &d died in 1BJ4 t&at ti,e a$r9.28,888 restaurants n still &is restaurants are increasin n also earnin even a-ter &is deat&P.

-his income known as 1esidualB1oyalty income

But -or t&is )usiness we need )i a,ount %o 2 $erson t&in+ -or ever0one win conce$t in -ranc&ise )usiness,even t&e0 re$laced lar e a,ount -or invest,ent and started in 1B7B #&is 2 reat le end are Cay =an :ndel and 1ichard De=os And &is co,$an0 na,e is :mway2 turnover was ,ore t&an 1J88!r Es in 2818 tal+s in last

%ee $roducts at ,ain site

Lets discuss &ow )e a ,illionaire

$st month

1st clear in ,ind <ere u don=t ,a+e ,e,)ers "t=s a total $ure n le al )usiness. #&ere is need o- a s$onser to $lu in )usiness ,eans u need a license nu,)er to et 0our license nu,)er "ts done )0 onlineK )0 -illin a -or,[wit& ori inal details] wit& address $roo- su),itted at o--ice "t costs BB7 Es. Iust -or e9a,$le n )etter calculation, )ay be m wrong in calculation. M ta+in 188 Point Falue[PF] R G888Es. !o: 1 PF R G8Es 5&en u )u0 a $roducts a-ter c&an in s&o$ on G888,u et 28M instant discount %o 0our )ene-it

G888 9 28M R 1288Es

As discussed a)ove i- u li+e $roducts n )usiness u de-initel0 advertise it "- u &d as+ed G $erson n s$onsored G $erson t&en[t&ere is no rules -or sellin and s$onsorin u can s$onsor as ,an0 as u +now] %o 0our total rou$ is o- O includin u [to see better view of image <ust click on it]

0our Business is 188PF 9 G R G88PF L 0our 188PF R O88PF

so 0our turnover is O88 9 G8 R 42,888Es

Now t&ere r di--erent level co,,ission accordin to 0our )usiness turnover

Eour Business -urnover 1J,888 Es. G8,888 Es. 1,28,888 Es. 2,48,888 Es. 4,42,888 Es. G,88,888 Es.

Eour 7roup *= 388 1888 2888 4888 O888 18888

'evel commission as Business -urnover GM BM 12M 17M 1JM 21M

1st 0our 28M Eetail discount

G,888 9 28M R 1,288Es co: 0ou &ad )u0 $roduct wort& G888 Es. [a]

Now 0our level co,,ission is at GM so 42,888 9 GM R 2,728 Es. [)] %o u will et total a L ) R 1,288 L 2,728 R 3,O28Es.

-his income is e?tra income coF u earn it in your e?tra timeBspare time[w&ic& u were s$entin wit& 0our -rnd or in tv] 'riends ,ind on t&is word e?tra income co: i- u r in 3o)K)usinessKnot&in t&is co,es in $resence o- 3o)K)usinessKnot&in

%nd month

Now as u did 0our downline also s$onsor -ew $erson,-or e9a,$le t&e0 s$onsor onl0 4 $erson n all do 188 PF

%o 0our total rou$ is o- 31 includin u [to see better view of image <ust click on it]

%o 0our )usiness is 7889 G R 3888PF L Hour 188 PF R 3188 PF Now 0our turnover is 3188 9 G8 R 1,JG,888 Es Now 0ou r at 12 M so rou$ co,,ission

1,JG,888 9 12M R 22,328Es. [a]

Now 0ou see 0our all G le s r at GM so #&eir co,,ission are 1,J8,888 9 GM R 18,J88 Es [)]

Hour actual co,,ission is . a @ ) R 22,328 ; 18,J88 R 11,4J8 Es. [c]

Hour 28M discount S 0our 188 PF is 1,288Es [d] %o 0our total co,,ission is c L d R 11,4J8 L 1,288 R 12,GJ8 Es.

&rd month

As u n 0our downline did last ,ont& 0our downline little wor+ less n si n u$ onl0 3 $erson n all do 188 PF

%o 0our total rou$ is o- 183 includin u %o 0our )usiness is 1O889 G R 18,288PF L Hour 188 PF R 18,388 PF Now 0our turnover is 18,388 9 G8 R G,1J,888 Es %o 0ou r at 21 M so rou$ co,,ission [to see better view of image <ust click on it]

G,1J,888 9 21M R 1,2B,OJ8Es. [a]

Now see 0our all G le s r at BM so #&eir co,,ission are G,1J,888 9 BM R 77,G28 Es [)]

Hour actual co,,ission is

. a @ ) 1,2B,OJ8 @ 77,G28 R O4,1G8Es. [c]

Hour 28M discount S 0our 188 PF is 1,288Es [d] %o 0our total co,,ission is c L d R O4,1G8 L 1,288 R O7,2G8 Es.

%o its ood or )ad Hou r ettin t&is inco,e as e?tra income.

#&is is 3ust e9a,$le u can do as G;4;3 $lan or it can )e as G;G;B or 18;B;18

And ot&er ,ain t&in as " &ad ,ention 3 ,ont& $lan )ut it &a$$ens in one 0ear t&en w&at u lose >>>> Not&in . co: $reviousl0 u did not&in in 0our s$are ti,e n now u r ettin t&is in 0our s$are ti,e. a-ter t&is level ,ain c&ar, o- )usiness starts ,eans i- 0our one o- downline also reac&es at 21M level 0our co,,ission -r, t&is rou$ co: u r also at 21M )ut co,$n0 will ive u 4M ro0alt0 co,,ission -or t&is rou$ co: t&is $erson et t&is level )eause o- u so t&at rou$ turnover is a$r9 O,88,888Es t&en 4M is 2J,888Es now t&is $erson to sto$ )usiness w&ats d &is answer>will &e sto$s> never co: &e is ettin O7,888Es so t&is 4M never sto$s even a-ter u died w&at i- t&is rou$ turnover reac&es at O!r EsNNN i- u teac& 3 $erson &ow to earn O7+ t&en t&is level is +nowan as DMDEALD i- u teac& G $erson &ow to earn O7+ t&en t&is level is +nowan as D"AM1ND and t&at a-ter ot&er co,,ission also starts t&is is t&e ,ain c&ar, o- t&is )usiness

+ew about :mway

Dsta)lis&ed in 1B78s,now in ,ore t&an B8 countries Manu-acturin 788L eco;-riendl0 $roducts,&avin G88L $atents, Be-ore a,wa0 starts )usiness in "ndia,t&e0 started A,wa0 1$$ortunit0 'oundation since 1BBG and still $rovidin )rail )oo+s -or )lind c&ildren

%tarted 1BBJ #urnover in 1BBB was B8!r. #urnover in 288O was J88!r #urnover in 288J was 112J!r #urnover in 288B was 148O!r #urnover in 2818 was 1J88!r Now ever0one +nows 0ear o- 288J co: in w&ole world all )usiness were down )ut see a,wa0=s turnover rise ,ore t&an 48M -r, 288O 5&0> Iust )ecause o- t&is )usiness co: its )ased on wor+ -or drea,s n t&ere is no down in drea,s

Last Lines; i- u r ,arried t&en wa+e u$ in ,idni

&t wit&out distur)in 0our wi-e n c&ild[i-

not ,arried t&en see 0our $arents],3ust see t&e, &ow t&e0 slee$,3ust -ree -ro, an0 tension )ecause t&e0 &ave -ait& t&at u r alwa0s read0 to $rotect n &el$ t&in+ i- u ,eet wit& accidentK$aralised or .... 0our inco,e sto$$ed t&en...... u ,ust )e t&in+in -or insurance n invest,ent )ut &ow lon it &el$...... i &d iven t&e +e0 -or success

now its u$to u co:

$roduct de,os
B:7B AM Dr.Anand 1] #:9 Fs Hour Best Detergent ; ta+e 2 lass o- water ; in 1st lass ,i9 1 s$oon o- 0our best detergent powder ; in 2nd lass ,i9 1 s$oon o- #:9 [onl0 -or distri)utor] ; now ,i9 1;1$inc& o- tur,eric $owder to )ot& lass ; result ,ust )e as in lass colour ,ust )e orangeGred n in 2nd lass colour ,ust )e yellow co: tur,eric $owder &as colour c&an in tendenc0 in acidicK)asic solutions 2] 'O( Fs +loor (leaner ; o$en 0our s&oe $olis& n 3ust touc& in and s$read over w&ite area over 0our &and ; now do u wanna clean it wit& 0our -loor cleaner,answer ,ust )e /O co: 'loor cleaner ,ust contains concentrated acid ; now $ut a dro$ o- 'O([onl0 -or distri)utor] over 0our &and w&ere u &ad s$read s&oe $olis& ; w&ats sensation>...,ust )e cool wit& nice s,ell ; now use 0our inde9 -in er to ,i9 'O( wit& t&at area ; a-ter 28;38 second clean it wit& w&ite &and+erc&ie; now was&ed 0our &and+erc&ie- wit& $lain water n -ind t&at s&oe $olis&, its was&ed 3] Iron+olic Fs any I+: tabltes available #a+e one ca$sule o- !o-ol;T and )rin it ne9t to t&e ,a net. "t stic+s to t&e ,a net. "t ,eans it contains c&e,icals. Pour t&e contents out o- t&e ca$sule and )rin t&e ,a net near it. All t&e )lac+ stu-- stic+s to t&e ,a net. 1ur "ron;-olic ta)let does not stic+ to t&e ,a net. 1esult. 1ur "ron -olic is ,ade -ro, s$inac& 4Pala+6 and ot&er reens. "t is natural. Bod0 alwa0s a)sor)s natural $roducts )etter. 4] Demo " #al+ 2 ta)lets o- our Dail0. !rus& it and ,a+e a $owder. Put rice 2 s$oons o- rice in 2 e,$t0 lasses. "n t&e -irst lass $ut 2;3 dro$s o- wea+ iodine solution. %tir t&e rice wit& s$oon. Eice turns )lac+. Eice re$resents our cells in )od0 and iodine is t&e $ollutant. !ells et a--ected wit& $ollution. "n t&e second lass $ut, t&e dail0 $owder and s,all 2uantit0 o- $rotein $owder. Now $ut 2;3 dro$s o- wea+ iodine solution. %tir wit& s$oon -or a cou$le o- ,inutes. #&e rice sta0s w&ite. "odine does not a--ect t&e rice now. "t s&ows t&at i- we use dail0 and $rotein $owder, our cell are not a--ected wit& $ollution. Put t&e contents o- -irst lass 4t&e )lac+ color rice6 into t&e 2nd lass. Add one s$oon o- water. %tir it -or a cou$le o- ,inutes wit& a s$oon. All t&e rice turns w&ite. "t $roves t&e cells t&at are a--ected wit& $ollution are also -i9ed wit& t&e use o- Dail0 and $rotein $owder. 1esult. 1ur )od0 needs natural vita,ins and $rotein on a dail0 )asis 7] Demo 4

#a+e t&e Pol0t&ene wit& so,et&in $rinted on it and $ut t&e so,e !ol ate toot&$aste it. ?sin one -in er ru) t&e $aste in t&e s,all area. "n a -ew ,inutes t&e color starts co,in out. 1n a di--erent $art o- t&e $rint, $ut lister and ru) usin anot&er -in er. No color co,es out. 1esult. (lister is natural and !ol ate contains c&e,icals.

G] Demo 6 'ill lar e )owl &al- wit& water 4$re-era)l0 wit& so-t water6. Add -ew dro$s o- Dis& dro$s. 4 i- water is &ard, li+e )orin water, 0ou will need &al- a ca$ o- dis& dro$6 Di$ t&e -oa, $iece in water in )owl and s2uee:e t&e -oa, 7;18 ti,es. Lar e -oa, develo$s. 1esult. Dis& dro$s is &i &l0 concentrated and lasts -or a ver0 lon ti,e. "t also contains aloe vera w&ic& is ood -or &ands. O] Demo8 #a+e t&e $ersona talc and a$$l0 on t&e )od0 o- t&e $ros$ect. "t does not leave a la0er as ot&er $owders do. "t s,ells ver0 ood. "t can also )e used as air -res&er. Put so,e $owder on 0our &and and )low it in t&e air. #&e w&ole roo, ets t&e s,ell and no residue le-t. #uggestions. 1. 2. Please tr0 t&e de,os at &o,e -irst )e-ore s&owin it to a $ros$ect. A,wa0 $roducts ,ust )e ta+en out o- A,wa0 )ottles and containers. #&is ives t&e )elie- to t&e $ros$ect a)out t&e $roducts.

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