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ANF 2 A Application Form for Issue / Modification in Importer Exporter Code Number (IEC)

Part A
To be filled b t!e Issuin" Aut!orit IEC #etails$$ i. IEC Number ii. Date of Issue iii. Issuing Authority

To be filled b t!e applicants

Un-attested Photograph of the applicant. Identical photograph should be used on the Bank Certificate.

Note% Please state &Not Applicable' (!ere)er t!e information / data is not applicable to ou* Fields mar+ed , are optional* All ot!ers are mandator -* Applicant Firm #etails i. Name ii. Address (Registered Office in case of Companies and Head Office in case of Others) iii. Address of a !ranches " Di#isions " $nits " %actories ocated in India & abroad (attach e'tra sheet if re(uired) i#. )e ephone* #. Emai address (for correspondence +ith D,%))* 2* #etails of Proprietor / Partners / #irectors / .arta / Trustee of t!e applicant firm (attac! extra s!eet if re/uired) )ota Number of -artners " Directors " .arta " )rustee in the app icant firm Follo(in" information ma be pro)ided for eac! Proprietor / Partners / #irectors / .arta / Trustee of t!e applicant firm i. Name ii. %ather/s Name iii. Residentia Address

i#. )e ephone 0* Nature of Concern (please tic+) (1 ) i. ,o#ernment $nderta0ing ii. -ub ic 1imited Company iii. -ri#ate 1imited Company i#. -roprietorship #. -artnership #i. Others 2* T pe of Exporter (please tic+) (1) i. 2erchant E'porter ii. 2anufacturer E'porter iii. 3er#ice -ro#ider i#. Others (p ease specify) #. 2erchant cum 2anufacturer 3* 4an+ Account #etails i. Name of the !an0 ii. Address of the !an0 iii. )ype of !an0 Account i#. !an0 Account Number #. 4ear of opening !an0 Account 5* PAN #etails i. -AN Number ii. Issuing Authority

6* Application Fee #etails Amount (Rs)5Rupees Demand Draft Date of Issue Name of the !an0 and its !ranch on +hich dra+n

3ignature of the App icant Name Designation Officia Address )e ephone Residentia Address Emai Address

- ace Date

Part 4
APPEN#I7 -6 A F89MAT 8F 4AN. CE9TIFICATE F89 I::;E 8F IEC ()o be issued on the officia etter head of the !an0) 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 Ref No. ........................... )o .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... (Name and address of the icensing authority) 3ir" 2adam7 8e certify that 2"s...................................................................... (Name and Address of the app icant) are maintaining a 3a#ings !an0 Account " Current Account (tic0 +hiche#er is app icab e) No. ........................ +ith us since .................. ......................................... Affi' -assport 3i9e -hotograph of the app icant

Note: )he !an0er must identify and attest the photograph.

(3ignature of the !an0er) Name ............................... Designation ;;;;;; Date: ................... - ace: ...................
(Banks Stamp)

Part C
%or 2odification of Import E'port Code Number IEC Number< 1- Details of Modification SN Existing details Modification -1 Modification -2 Modification -3 Details of Modification required Modification required

2. Documents to be submitted in support of the claim a. In case of Proprietorship firms, please furnish documentary evidence regarding i. Date of Birth of individual ii. Num er of !E"s held along #ith their details b. In case of Companies, please furnish documentary evidence regarding i. Date of incor$oration c. In case of others i. Date of formation

3ignature of the App icant Name Designation Officia Address )e ephone Residentia Address Emai Address

- ace Date

PA9T #
#EC<A9ATI8N/;N#E9TA.IN= -* 2* 0* I"8e hereby dec are that the particu ars and the statements made in this app ication are true and correct to the best of my"our 0no+ edge and be ief and nothing has been concea ed or he d there from. I"8e fu y understand that any information furnished in the app ication if found incorrect or fa se +i render me"us iab e for any pena action or other conse(uences as may be prescribed in a+ or other+ise +arranted. I"8e underta0e to abide by the pro#isions of the %oreign )rade (De#e opment and Regu ation) Act7 =>>?7 the Ru es and Orders framed there under7 the %oreign )rade -o icy7 the Handboo0 of -rocedures and the I)C(H3) C assification of E'port & Import Items.

a* b*

2* I"8e hereby certify that the firm"company for +hom the app ication has been made has not been pena i9ed under the Customs Act7 E'cise Act7 %oreign )rade (De#e opment & Regu ation) Act =>>? and %ERA"%E2A I"8e hereby certify that none of the -roprietor" -artner(s)" Director(s)".arta")rustee of the firm"company7 as the case may be7 is"are a -roprietor"-artner(s)"Director(s)".arta")rustee in any other firm"Company +hich(i) has come to the ad#erse notice of D,%)7 (ii). is in the caution ist of R!I7


"8e hereby certify that neither the Registered Office"Head Office of the firm"company nor any of its !ranch Office(s)"$nit(s)"Di#ision(s) has been dec ared a defau ter and has other+ise been made ine igib e for underta0ing import"e'port under any of the pro#isions of the -o icy.

3$N9I interest in t!e firm$.indl tic+ one of t!e follo(in"% (i) )here is no non<resident interest in the firm"company and no non resident in#estment +ith or +ithout repatriation benefits has been made in the firm"company@ or (ii))here is non<resident interest in the firm"company and non resident in#estment +ithout repatriation benefits in the firm"company is he d +ith the genera "specific permission of R!I@ or (iii))here is non<resident interest in the firm"company and non<resident in#estment +ith repatriation benefits in the firm"company is he d +ith the specific permission of R!I. In case of N9I interest/!oldin" (it! repatriation benefits in t!e firm/compan > please furnis! i. R!I Appro#a Number ii. R!I Appro#a Date 5* I"8e hereby dec are that I"8e ha#e not obtained nor app ied for issuance of an Importer E'porter Code Number in the name of our Registered"Head Office or any of our !ranch(s)"$nit(s)"Di#ision(s) to any other 1icensing Authority. ?* I hereby certify that I am authorised to #erify and sign this dec aration as per -aragraph >.> of the -o icy. - ace Date

3ignature of the App icant Name Designation Officia Address )e ephone Residentia Address Emai Address



A$Appl in" for ne( IEC number< .ind y fi -art A7 ! & D of this app ication form
1. 2. 3.
One copy of the app ication must be submitted. Each indi#idua page of the app ication has to be signed by the app icant.

Application must be accompanied by documents as per details given below: I) II)

III) I@) @) @I) @II) Demand Draft of Rs.=AAA e#idencing payment of app ication fee in fa#or of the concerned regiona office of D,%). 2oney can a so be paid through E ectronic %und )ransfer (E%)). Certificate from the !an0er of the app icant firm in the specified format 3e f certified copy of -ermanent Account Number (-AN) issued by Income )a' Authorities. )+o copies of passport si9e photographs of the app icant -hotograph on the ban0erBs certificate shou d be attested by the ban0er of the app icant. 3e f addressed en#e ope and stamp of Rs.CA. )hese documents may be 0ept secured in a fi e co#er.

)he abo#e documents may be sent by post or hand de i#ered at the concerned regiona D,%) office.

4$Appl in" for modification of existin" IEC number$ .ind y fi -art A7 C & D of this app ication form
2* On y one copy of the app ication shou d be submitted. Each indi#idua page of the app ication has to be signed by the app icant. App ication must be accompanied by documents as per detai s gi#en be o+:


A<Documentary -roof : a. In case of -roprietorship firms7 p ease furnish i. Date of !irth of indi#idua ii. Number of IECs he d a ong +ith their detai s b. In case of Companies7 p ease furnish Date of incorporation c. In case of others Date of formation !<Demand Draft detai s e#idencing payment of app ication fee in terms of Appendi' ?=!. (No fee is payab e for modification"amendment if such app ication is made in DA days. Other+ise7 a fee of Rs.?AA may be paid in form of demand draft. No fee is re(uired for inc usion of -AN no. in the o d IEC. E. Origina copy of e'isting IEC.

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