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Name: Brenda Contreras/Alexa Marsellos Grade: Elementary: 4th + 5th Grade

Musical Focus: concepts/skills to

emphasize Playing instruments x Singing Timbre

Date: October 2, 2013 Title: Simon Solfedge

Preparation: $link to prior kno%ledge or &'ump start()

Harmony Creating x Melody x !o"ement hythm Expressive Qualities #orm


Put video clip from "The Sound of Music": Do-Re-Mi Have them listen to the song as they walk in the classroom and settle down.

Computer/Laptop Projector Internet Piano (Optional)

Po Process & Personalization: $teaching se*uence + student participation)

1. Write each solfege syllable on the whiteboard and demonstrate the corresponding Curwen hand signals. -Have the kids repeat each part after you. Making sure to go back and checking to see if they remembered the last syllable(s). 2. Introduce Simon Solfege: a game of Simon Says, using solfege

Standards -ddressed x Sunshine State Standards $music) MU.4.S.1.

degrees, hand signals, and a combination of the two as the components. -When one of us puts a solfege hand symbol up, they will have to sing the correct syllable or vice versa. If not, they will stick out and realize it. In this game, the kids do not lose. -This is mostly to see if they remember what pitch goes with what hand signal and vice versa. Starts off easy and will progressively get more difficult.

Sunshine State Standards $.ther Sub'ect)

Perform: $consolidation o, lesson or Closure)

Objectives: /earners %ill0
x 1nderstand $cogniti"e):

Once the children have a significant grasp on all the solfege pitches, we will teach them the song from the "Sound of Music," and make sure that they use the correct Curwen hand signals for each.

to gain a better understanding of the concept of scale degrees through solfege

2ncounter $e3periential):

Notes Extension: Find !ays to apply t"is concept to all t"e pieces bein# studied in class$
4ritten 5n,ormal 5ndi"idual Per,ormance x Group .ther:

Sing the scale on solfege (with hand signals) before each piece studied in class

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