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Biography of Steve Jobs

Who believes that all the amazing inventions of Apple led by, the godfather, Steve Jobs, would have
never taken place, if Jobs had not listen to the advice of, the Japanese monk, Kobun Chino, to give away
all everything and be a priest.

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Jobs had always been fond of Buddhism. It influenced deeply his life whether on the unchanging way he
dressed up ( His favorite outfit ever, pair of jeans, black turtleneck and sneakers.) or on his strict
administration of Apple.

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It was easy to figure out what Jobs would wear whatever the occasion is. His closet was full with the
same black mock turtleneck. He stated repeatedly that " It doesnt matter what people think about the
way I dress up, you would not waste your time thinking of what you want to wear in the morning, this
will save time"

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The unvarying signature look was not the only strange part of Jobs' life. He was a man of paradox, his
burring passion to be perfect propelled him to unrivaled success more than anything else. However,
being perfectionist was kind of suffering. His house was almost empty of furniture as he rarely bought
anything reflecting his style. He was a real shell of a man.

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