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December 9--13, 2013

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important dates:
Friday, December 13: Spelling Test (Spelling City Link) Text Feature Quiz Friday, December 13: Christmas Music Program 7:00 PM Tuesday, December 17: Data Project Due Pay it Forward Sharing

Unit 6 will be split into two parts, data and graphing and addition and subtraction of fractions. We will cover data and graphing before vacation. Students will learn how to make and interpret bar graphs, circle graphs, and line plots. In place of a test on the material students will complete the Data Collection project. The Data Collection project is due December 17th. To help students be responsible, I have given mini-dates for parts of the project. The main purpose of Unit 6 is to investigate data displays and sample sizes. Students will learn how to read and use graphs.

Math: Unit 6- data and graphing

WEEKLY vocabulary
!Math Unit 6:frequency table, span, landmark, minimum, maximum, median, mode, population, sample, span, stem-and-leaf plot, survey !Spelling: Pattern-prefixes -un, de-, disdeflate, defrost, dehydrate, deodorant, disability, disadvantage, disappoint, disapprove, disbelief, discomfort, discourage, disqualify, uncomfortable, uncover, undecided, unumployed, unfamiliar, unfortunate, unpleasant, unpredictable (For practice Special Effects in Movies on spelling city)

This weeks reading skill is graphic sources and non-fiction text features. The reading strategy is identifying important ideas. The grammar skill is prepositions and prepositional phrases. We will continue with literature circles. Sparrow Road and Zlatas Diary will meet Tuesday/ Thursday, and The Watsons go to Birmingham and The Journey of the Frog will meet on Wednesday/Friday. Students not meeting will complete activities practicing the weekly skills and strategies in centers.

Language arts:

Giantland, Redwood, and Golden Town have all landed along the coast. In the simulation students have to think like a colonist and will have different activities to complete. Each round a fate card will determine what obstacles each colony will face.

social studies:

mrs. ks notes:
!The Music Program is this Friday at 7:00. Students need to be at our classroom at 6:45. A letter went home regarding attire and props. ! The fifth grade is doing a secret Santa exchange. If your child would like to participate he/ she can bring in a gift that is R$20-30. Boys will buy for boys, and girls will buy for girls. Presents need to be at school on Monday, December 16th. !The last day of school is December 17th, students will be dismissed at 11:15. Please make sure your child is at school.

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