1314lab - Reaction Prediction and Observationsshort

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Honors Chemistry

Name Cindy Lin Period 5 Date 6/Nov/2013

U n i t 3 : T y p e s o ! e a " t i o n s

Reaction Prediction and Observations

#or the o$$o%in& rea"tions' in yo(r $a) note)oo* a+ Predi"t the prod("ts o the rea"tion and )a$an"e the e,(ation)+ Des"ri)e the o)servations yo( %o($d ma*e %hi$e the rea"tion pro"eeded"+ Determine the type o rea"tion- . it is a redo/ rea"tion' determine %hat is o/idi0ed and red("ed1&+ so$id "opper is added to si$ver nitrate so$(tion E,(ation: C(2s+ 3 24&N53 24& 3 C(2N53+2 2a,+ B1#5!1: "opper is a )ro%nish shiny meta$' si$ver nitrate is "o$or$ess and "$ear so$(tion A#T1!: "opper appears to disappear6 "rysta$s o shiny si$ver meta$ appear6 the so$(tion "o$or t(rns to )$(e/&reen 2d(e to the presen"e o C( 23 ions+ T7P1: 8in&$e !ep$a"ement/ !edo/ C( is o/idi0ed and 4& 3 is red("ed6 2 e$e"trons %ere trans erred1- 4 so$(tion o "opper 2..+ "h$oride is e$e"tro$y0ed5)serve the t%o e$e"trodes1,(ation: C(C$2 2a,+ C( 2s+ 3 C$2 2&+ 9e ore: 9$(e:ish so$(tion-

4 ter: 9())$es orm d(rin& e$e"tro$ysis' reddish )ro%n so$id "opper orms aro(nd one e$e"trode and ye$$o%ish &as orms aro(nd the other e$e"trodeType: De"omposition- 2. app$i"a)$e: o/idi0ed; C$: red("ed; C(23 +

2- <in" meta$ and iodine so$id are mi/ed and rea"t in the presen"e o %ater 2%ater is not a rea"tant+ Tea"her demo 1,(ation: <n 2s+ 3 . 2s+ ::= <n.2 2a,+ 9e ore: 4 ter: Type: <in" meta$ )a$$s are p$a"ed in iodine po%er' mi/ed %ith %ater7e$$o% and )ro%nish $i,(id orms8ynthesis 2. app$i"a)$e: o/idi0ed; <n2s+ red("ed; $ 2s++

3- <in" iodide so$(tion is e$e"tro$y0ed.n a petri dish' disso$ve a sma$$ amo(nt o 0in" iodide in 20 mL disti$$ed %ater1$e"tro$y0e the so$(tion %ith the "or* %ith 2 pins and the )attery- 4 ter o)servin&' add in 3 drops o star"h so$(tion1,(ation: <n.2 2a,+ <n 2s+ 3 .2 9e ore: 4 ter:
Disso$ved 0in" iodide-

<in" orms on one e$e"trode %hi$e ye$$o% $i,(id on the other-


De"omposition- 2. app$i"a)$e: o/idi0ed; .2 2a,+ red("ed; <n 2a,++

>- 8odi(m meta$ is added to %aterTea"her Demonstration 1,(ation: Na 2s+ 3 H25 2$+ Na5h2a,+ 3 H22&+ 9e ore: 8o$id sodi(m and $i,(id %ater-

4 ter: 8odi(m de"rease in si0e and )())$es %hen p$a"ed in %ater' &as is re$eased- 9ase is ormedType: 8in&$e rep$a"ement 2. app$i"a)$e: o/idi0ed; Na 2s+ red("ed; H31 2$++

Test for Gases #or ea"h o the o$$o%in& test' ma*e additiona$ o)servations o %hat provides a positive test or the &as prod("ed5- ?a&nesi(m meta$ is added to hydro"h$ori" a"id8and a pie"e o ma&nesi(m meta$- .n a medi(m si0e test t()e' add 2 "m o hydro"h$ori" a"id and the ma&nesi(m meta$- Use yo(r in&er to "$ose the top o the test t()e %hi$e yo(r partner $i&hts a %ooden sp$int- @(i"*$y p$a"e the )(rnin& sp$int into the test t()e %itho(t to("hin& the $i,(id1,(ation: ?&2s+ 3 HC$ 2a,+ ?&C$2 2a,+ 3 H2&+ 9e ore: 4 ter: Type: Pie"e o ma&nesi(m and $i,(id hydro"h$ori" a"id?a&nesi(m )())$es %hen p$a"ed in hydro"h$ori" a"id- Aas test sho%s a Bpop-B 8in&$e rep$a"ement 2. app$i"a)$e: o/idi0ed; ?& 2s+ red("ed; H31 2a&++

Test or Hydro&en &as: 7esCom)(stion rea"tion or hydro&en &as: H2 3 52 H25 6- Hydro&en pero/ide 2H252+ de"omposes4dd some drops o potassi(m iodide so$(tion to a)o(t 2"m deep hydro&en pero/ide in a test t()e 1,(ation: H2522$+ H22&+ 3 522&+ 9e ore: Li,(id transparent hydro&en pero/ide-

4 ter: Potassi(m iodide sped (p the rea"tion )y a"tin& as a "ata$yst' heat and o/y&en &as %as re$easedType: De"omposition 2. app$i"a)$e: o/idi0ed; H2:1 2$+ red("ed; 522$++

Test or o/y&en &as: The $ame )(rned )ri&hter in the presen"e o p(re o/y&en-

C- 8o$id "opper 2..+ "ar)onate is heated and one o the res($tin& prod("ts is )())$ed thro(&h $ime%ater2Tea"her Demonstration+1,(ation: C(C53 2a,+ D C(52s+ 3 C52 2&+

9e ore: 4 ter: "$o(dy-

Areen "o$ored "opper "ar)onate and transparent $i,(id $ime %aterAreen "o$ored "opper "ar)onate t(rns to a )$a"* "o$or' the $ime %ater )e"omes

Type: De"omposition 2. app$i"a)$e: o/idi0ed;EEEEEE red("ed; EEEEEE+ Test or "ar)on dio/ide &as: Car)on dio/ide &as rea"ted to ormed pre"ipitate in $ime%ater-

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