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2007 CBC Structural Provisions - Seismic Page 1 of 12

City of Huntington Beach

Department of Building & Safety
2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92648
Office: (714) 536-5241 Fax: (714) 374-1647


The Building Code in general references other standards such as ASCE 7, ACI, AISC, etc. for
structural provisions. However, if there are overlaps, the provisions of CBC supersede the
standards provisions (i.e. Occupancy Category tables and Load Combinations).

According to the CBC Section 1613.1, the seismic design of all structures may be accomplished
by using the provisions of ASCE with the exception of ASCE Chapter 14 (material-specific
seismic design and detailing requirements, which have been mostly incorporated in chapters 18-
23 of the CBC) and ASCE Appendix 11A (dealing with quality assurance provisions, which is
covered in chapter 17 of CBC).

Seismic Base Shear Determination Steps

Selection of Lateral-Force Procedure:

2007 CBC Structural Provisions - Seismic Page 2 of 12
Determine if exceptions applies:

Detached one- and two-family dwellings, assigned to
SDC A, B or C, or located where the mapped short-
period spectral response acceleration, Ss 0.4g.


The seismic-force-resisting system of wood-frame
buildings that conform to the provisions of Section 2308
(Conventional Light Framed Construction).
3. Agricultural storage structures intended only for
incidental human occupancy.

Step 1.
4. Vehicular bridges, electrical transmission tower,
hydraulic structures, buried utility lines, etc.

CBC Sec. 1613.1
Step 2. Determine the Occupancy Category of the building

Nature of Occupancy
Minor storage, agricultural & Temp
II Normal buildings
Public Assembly > 300 occupants
Any building > 5,000 occupants
Hazardous occupancies
Hospitals, Fire / Rescue / Police stations,
Emergency preparedness, etc

CBC Table 1604.5
Note: Do not use
ASCE Table 1-1
MCE - Maximum considered earthquake spectral acceleration
- Ss & S1:

Ss = Mapped maximum considered earthquake spectral
acceleration at 0.2 seconds
S1 = Mapped maximum considered earthquake spectral
acceleration at 1.0 seconds
1. Get the Latitude & Longitude for the site from: or

Step 3.
2. Go to USGS website at:
and install "Java Ground Motion Parameter Calculator -
Version 5.0.8
On the very top right corner use the pull down
menu to choose the appropriate Code (in this
case IBC 2006)
Enter the Latitude/Longitude to get the result
Based on Dr. S.K. Ghosh suggestion, entering
the Latitude/Longitude will result in a more
accurate output.

2007 CBC Structural Provisions - Seismic Page 3 of 12
Step 4. Determine Site Class (A F)

Default Site Class = D (unless B.O. determines Site Class
E or F is likely present at the site)
Section 1613.5.2
Table 1613.5.2
Site coefficients Fa & Fv: (amplification factors applied to the
MCE response parameters):

Fa = Site coefficient at short periods (function of Site Class
A-F & Ss)

Site Coefficient Fa corresponding to Ss
Response Acceleration, Ss Site
Class 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25
A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
B 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
C 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0
D 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.0
E 2.5 1.7 1.2 0.9 0.9
F (a) (a) (a) (a) (a)
Note: (a) Site-specific geotechnical investigation &
dynamic site response analysis reqd, except T < 0.5 s

2007 CBC
Table 1613.5.3(1)

ASCE 7-05
Table 11.4-1
Step 5.
Fv = Site coefficient at 1 second period (function of Site
Class A - F & S1)

Site Coefficient Fv corresponding to S1
Response Acceleration, S1 Site
Class 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
B 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
C 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3
D 2.4 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.5
E 3.5 3.2 2.8 2.4 2.4
F (a) (a) (a) (a) (a)
Note: (a) Site-specific geotechnical investigation &
dynamic site response analysis reqd, except T < 0.5 s

2007 CBC
Table 1613.5.3(2)

ASCE 7-05
Table 11.4-2
Adjusted MCE spectral response acceleration - SMS & SM1:

ASCE 7-05 Eq.
11.4-1 & 11.4-2
SMS = MCE spectral response acceleration at 0.2 second
period adjusted for Site Class
SMS = Fa (Ss)

2007 CBC
Equation 16-37
ASCE 7-07
Equation 11.4-1
Step 6.
SM1 = MCE spectral response acceleration at 1 second period
adjusted for Site Class
SM1 = Fv (S1)

2007 CBC
Equation 16-38
ASCE 7-05
Equation 11.4-2
Design Spectral Response Acceleration Parameters - SDS &

Step 7.

5% damped design spectral response acceleration at
0.2 second period
SDS = 2/3 (SMS) = 2/3 (Fa Ss)

ASCE 7-05
Equation 11.4-3
2007 CBC Structural Provisions - Seismic Page 4 of 12
SD1 = 5% damped design spectral response acceleration at 1
second period
SD1 = 2/3 (SM1) = 2/3 (Fv S1)
Note: If S1 0.75, then structure shall be assigned to
SDC E or F (see Step 8 below)

ASCE 7-05
Equation 11.4-4
Determine the Seismic Design Category A thru D
Note: The more severe of the two SDC governs the design:

1. SDC based on short period accelerations (function of
SDS & Occupancy Category)

Occupancy Category
Value of SDS
SDS < 0.16g A A A
0.16g SDS < 0.33g B B C
0.33g SDS < 0.50g C C D
SDS 0.50g D D D

Table 1613.5.6(1)
ASCE Table 11.6-1
2. SDC based on 1 second period accelerations (function
of SD1 & Occupancy Category)

Occupancy Category
Value of SD1
SD1 < 0.067g A A A
0.067g SD1 < 0.133g B B C
0.133g SD1 < 0.20g C C D
SD1 0.20g D D D
SD1 0.75g E E F

Table 1613.5.6(2)
ASCE Table 11.6-2
Step 8.
3. Determine the Seismic Design Category E or F:

SDC E for Occupancy I, II or III with mapped
S1 > 0.75g
SDC F for Occupancy IV with mapped S1 >

Occupancy Category
Value of S1
S1 0.75g E E F
Note: Many near-fault sites have S1 0.75g

CBC 1613.5.6
ASCE Sec 11.6

2007 CBC Structural Provisions - Seismic Page 5 of 12
Step 9. Determine the minimum permissible analysis procedure:

ASCE Table 12.6-1 Analysis Procedures
SDC Structure Description Minimum Analysis
A All structures
Minimum Lateral Force
(ASCE 11.7)
Occupancy Category I or II
Up to 3-story buildings
Bearing wall or building frame only
Simplified Analysis
(ASCE 12.14)
All other structures
(ASCE 12.8)
Occupancy Category I or II
Up to 3-story buildings
Bearing wall or building frame only
Simplified Analysis
(ASCE 12.14)
Regular structures with T < 3.5 Ts
All structures of light-frame
Irregular structures with T < 3.5Ts &
Vertical irregularity Type 4 or 5
Plan irregularity Type 2,3,4 or 5
(ASCE 12.8)
D, E
& F
All other structures
Dynamic Analysis
(ASCE 12.9)

Step 10. A. Simplified Analysis:

I. Seismic Base Shear - ASCE

V = (FSDS/R) W (ASCE Equation 12.14-11)

SDS = (2/3) FaSs Where Ss 1.5g

F = 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 for one-story, two-story and three-
story buildings respectively
R = response modification factors from Table 12.14-1
W = Effective seismic weight of structure and other loads
as follows:

Warehouses minimum of 25% of floor live load
Partition load 10 psf (see ASCE
Snow load > 30 psf 20% (see ASCE
Permanent equipment 100% dead load

II. Vertical Distribution - ASCE

Fx = (Wx/W) V (ASCE Equation 12.14-11)

Wx = portion of effective seismic weight at level x

Also for Simplified Design:
= 1.0
= 2.5

Note: The Simplified Design procedure is permitted to be used if
the following limitations are met:

ASCE 7-05
2007 CBC Structural Provisions - Seismic Page 6 of 12

1. The structure shall qualify for Occupancy Category I or II.
2. The site class shall not be E or F.
3. Structure shall not exceed 3 stories in height above
4. The seismic-force resisting system shall be either a
bearing wall system or a building frame system.
5. Structure shall have at least two lines of Lateral
resistance in each of two principal axis directions.
6. At least one line of resistance shall be provided on each
side of the center of mass in each direction.
7. For structures with flexible diaphragms, overhangs
beyond the outside line of shear walls or braced frames
shall satisfy: a d/5
8. For buildings with diaphragm that is not flexible, distance
between the center of rigidity and center of mass parallel
to each principal axis shall not exceed 15% of greatest
width of diaphragm parallel to that axis.
9. Lines of resistance of the lateral-force-resisting system
shall be oriented at angles of no more than 15 degrees
from alignment with the principal axes.
10. The simplest design procedure shall be used along each
principal axis of building.
11. System irregularities caused by in-plane or out-of-plane
offset of lateral-force-resisting elements shall not be
permitted (Exception: two-story buildings of light-frame
12. The lateral-load-resistance of any story shall not be less
than 89% of that of that of the story above.

B. Equivalent-Lateral-Force Procedure

I. Seismic Base Shear - ASCE 12.8.1

V = Cs W


Cs = Seismic response coefficient determined per
Cs = SDS / (R/IE) (ASCE Equation 12.8-2)

But need not exceed
SDS / T (R/IE) for T TL (ASCE Equation 12.8-3)
SD1 TL / T
(R/IE) for T >TL (ASCE Equation 12.8-4)

But not less than
0.01 (ASCE Equation 12.8-5)
0.5S1 / (R/IE) where S1 0.6g (ASCE Equation 12.8-6)

SDS = Design spectral response acceleration at short periods
IE = Occupancy importance factor (see Step 11)
R = Response modification factor (see Step 12)
T = Fundamental period of the structure (see Step 13)
Ts = SD1 / SDS
TL = Long-period transition period (ASCE Figure 22-15)
= 8 or 12 seconds
ASCE 7-05
Section 12.8
2007 CBC Structural Provisions - Seismic Page 7 of 12

II. Vertical Distribution - ASCE 12.8.3
Fx = Cvx V (ASCE Equation 12.8-11)


= wx hx
/ wi hi
(ASCE Equation 12.8-12)


= Vertical distribution factor
V = Total design lateral force or shear at the base
wi and wx = The portion of the total effective seismic
weight of the structure (W) located or assigned
to Level i or x
hi and hx = The height from the base to Level i or x
K = An exponent related to the structure period as

K = 1 where T 0.5 sec
K = 2 where T 2.5 sec
K = 2 where 0.5<T< 2.5
= or linear interpolation between 1 & 2

III. Horizontal Distribution - ASCE 12.8.4
Vx = Fi (ASCE Equation 12.8-13)


Fi = The portion of the seismic base shear (V) induced at Level i

Note: See ASCE Section 12.8.4: Seismic design story shear to be
distributed to vertical elements based on the vertical resisting
element and the diaphragm.

Flexible Diaphragms: Story shear to be distributed
based on the tributary area.

Rigid Diaphragm: Story shear to be distributed based on
relative stiffness. Rigid diaphragm must include:

Inherent Torsion ASCE Section
Accidental Torsion ASCE Section

Step 11. Occupancy Importance Factor (IE)

Occupancy Category IE
I or II 1.0
III 1.25
IV 1.5

ASCE Table 11.5.1
Step 12. Response modification factor

ASCE Table 12.2-1
2007 CBC Structural Provisions - Seismic Page 8 of 12
Step 13. Structure Period (T)

Approximate Formula
Ta = C
(ASCE Equation 12.8-7)

= building height in feet
& x from ASCE 7-05 Table 12.8-2

Structure Type C
Steel moment frames 0.028 0.8
Concrete moment frames 0.016 0.9
Eccentrically braced frames 0.03 0.75
All other structural system 0.02 0.75


For concrete & steel moment frames 12
stories and 10 ft story height:
Ta = 0.1N (ASCE Equation 12.8-8)
Where N = number of stories
For concrete and masonry shear wall buildings:
Ta = (0.0019 / C
) hn (Equation 12.8-9)
Where C
= . (Equation 12.8-9)

Upper limit on T on calculated period (ASCE 12.8.2)
T Cu Ta

ASCE Table 12.8-1
Design Spectral Response
Acceleration parameter at
1 second, SD1
Coefficient Cu
0.4 1.4
0.3 1.4
0.2 1.5
0.15 1.6
0.1 1.7

Note: For drift analysis, the upper limit on calculated (T) does not
apply. (ASCE Section

ASCE 7-05
Section 12.8.2

Step 14. Diaphragms

Note: Unless a diaphragm can be idealized as either flexible or
rigid, the structural analysis shall explicitly include consideration
of the stiffness of the diaphragm.

ASCE 7-05
Section 12.3.1
2007 CBC Structural Provisions - Seismic Page 9 of 12
1. Flexible Diaphragm:

CBC Section 1602: A diaphragm is flexible for the
purpose of distribution of story shear and torsional
moment where so indicated in Section 12.3.1 of ASCE,
as modified in Section 1613.6.1.

Diaphragm constructed of wood structural panels or
untopped steel decking shall also be permitted to be
idealized as flexible, provided ALL of the following
conditions are met:

1. Topping of concrete are not placed over wood
structural panel, except for nonstructural topping
no greater than 1-1/2 thick.
2. Each line of vertical elements of the LFRS
complies with the allowable story drift of ASCE
Table 12.12-1.
3. Vertical elements of the LFRS are light-framed
walls sheathed with wood structural panels.
4. Portions of wood structural panel diaphragms
that cantilever beyond the vertical elements of
the LFRS are designed per CBC 2305.2.5.

ASCE Table 12.12-1: Allowable Story Drift
Occupancy Category
Buildings, other than
masonry shear wall
buildings, of 4 stories
or less with fittings
designed to
accommodate drift

Masonry cantilever
shear wall

Other masonry shear

All other buildings 0.020h

Note: Diaphragms of wood structural panels or
untopped steel decks in one and two-family residential
buildings of light-frame construction shall also be
permitted to be idealized as flexible.

ASCE 7-05
2007 CBC Structural Provisions - Seismic Page 10 of 12
2. Rigid Diaphragm:

CBC Section 1602: A diaphragm is rigid for the purpose
of distribution of story shear and torsional moment when
the lateral deformation of the diaphragm is to 2 x the
average story drift: > 2()

ASCE Section Diaphragms of concrete slabs
or concrete filled steel decking, with span-to-depth ratio
of 3, that have no horizontal irregularities are
permitted to be idealized as rigid.

ASCE 7-05
Step 15. Redundancy Factor,

Limited to SDC D thru F
Separate factor is determined for each direction.
= 1 if loss or removal of any one element would not
result in more than a 33% reduction in story strength, for
any story resisting more than 35% of the base shear.
Otherwise, = 1.3.

ASCE 12.3.4
Step 16. Horizontal Irregularities: ASCE Section

There are six Horizontal Irregularities as illustrated below:

1a. Torsional irregularity
1b. Extreme torsional irregularity
2. Re-entrant corners
3. Diaphragm discontinuity
4. Out-of-Plane offsets
5. Nonparallel systems

Note: See ASCE 7-05 for design requirements that are imposed on structures with
horizontal irregularities, depending on their design category.

2007 CBC Structural Provisions - Seismic Page 11 of 12
Step 17. Vertical Irregularities: ASCE Section

There are six Vertical Irregularities as illustrated below:

1a. Soft story
1b. Extreme soft story
2. Mass irregularity
3. Geometric irregularity
4. In-plane discontinuity
5a. Weak story
5b. Extreme weak story

Note: See ASCE 7-05 for design requirements that are imposed on structures with
horizontal irregularities, depending on their design category.


1. ASCE exempts one-story buildings in any SDC and two-story buildings
in SDC A through D from the consideration of vertical irregularity types 1a, 1b,
and 2.
2. These irregularities may also be ignored when no story drift ratio is greater than
130% of the story drift ratio of the next story above.

2007 CBC Structural Provisions - Seismic Page 12 of 12
Step 18. Drift and Deformation

Design story drift (ASCE Section 12.8.6)

= Cd xe / I

Note: applied to drift limit of MRF in Design Category D F

Structure separation: Existing UBC SRSS equation is being
submitted as correction for next cycle of ASCE 7-10.

ASCE 7-05
Section 12.12
Step 19. Diaphragms, Chords, and Collectors

Diaphragm Forces:

Fpx = (Fi / Wi) Wpx ASCE Formula 12.10-1


0.2 S
I Wpx Fpx = (Fi / Wi) Wpx 0.4 S
I Wpx


Fpx = the diaphragm design force
Fi = the deisgn force applied to Level i
Wi = the weight tributary to Level i
Wpx = the weight tributary to the diaphragm at Level x

For inertia forces calculated in accordance with Eq. 12.10-1, = 1
For transfer forces, = same as that used for structure
For structures having horizontal/vertical structural irregularities,
= per Section

Collector Elements: ASCE 12.10.2

For SDC C F, collector elements, splices, and their connections
to resisting elements shall resist the load combinations with over-
strength of Section

Exception: In structures or portions thereof braced entirely by
light-frame shear walls, use Section

ASCE 7-05


International Code Council: 2006 IBC & 2007 CBC
American Society of Civil Engineers: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures
CALBO: 2007 CBC Structural Plans Examination
S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.: Seismic Design Provisions of the California Building Code
Ben Yousefi & Martin Johnson: Transitioning to the 2007 CBC
Alan Williams: Seismic and Wind Forces Structural Design Examples

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