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FOR THE ENTIRE LESSON 2-class period STATE STANDARDS ART.VA.II.6.1 ART.VA.II.6.2 ART.VA.II.6.6 DESIGN/CRITICAL THINKING CONNECTION Identif the pro!lem "mpath #Research $ %efine Ideate $ &rotot pe $ Test $ OUTCOME(s) Students: 'ill !e a!le to %efine and %emonstrate (ine and )orm 'ill !e a!le to identif primar colors and secondar colors BRIFF DESCRIPTION OF LESSON *t+dents will demonstrate the element of form ! creating a !owl made of arn. The !owl will !e created +sing onl primar and secondar colors of arn. ,sing their I*N st+dents will demonstrate the -now primar and secondar colors witho+t teacher.s assistance. SCOPE AND SE UENCE (ORDERED FLO! OF LESSON) DA" # $ All materials will !e laid o+t and read to +se when st+dents arri/e *how st+dents a /ideo demonstration of process *how st+dents what their finish !owls will loo- li-e &+t on late0 glo/es *eparate primar and secondar arn colors (et st+dents !egin their !owls *t+dents will dip primar color arn in gl+e and place on +pside down !owl *t+dents will dip secondar color arn in gl+e and place on +pside down !owl Clean +p 1owls will dr for 22 ho+rs. DA" # % *t+dents will recei/e their dried arn !owls at the !eginning of class

ASSESSMENT *t+dents will !e as-ed to separate primar and secondar arn colors witho+t teacher.s assistance. This will show the +nderstand the difference !etween the colors. *t+dents will +se the method of assessing their wor- on a scale of 1-13. At the end of the class st+dents will !e as-ed how did this assignment help o+ +nderstand the concept of primar colors4 5ow can we e0pand this pro6ect in the f+t+re4 VOCABULAR" (ESSENTIAL TERMS FOR THE LESSON) (ine )orm Act+al form &rimar colors *econdar colors MATERIALS (!HAT IS NEEDED TO COMPLETE THE LESSON) Yarn 1owl &lastic wrap 7l+e or li8+id starch 'ater *cissors (ate0 glo/es I*N )older ACCOMMODATIONS: There are two st+dents in class that ha/e learning disa!ilities9 one child has A%5% and the other is hearing impaired. I will pro/ide instr+ctions for each st+dent indi/id+all directl after gi/ing a demonstration for the ne0t step to the class. The child with A%5% will !e allowed to stand while doing the pro6ect if needed and will !e redirected to foc+s on the steps. 1oth children will !e placed in the front of the classroom.

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