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Berlin By Sophie Steidle

Berlin, Germany gray skies are possible all year round. Mostly mild weather in the midsixties. Best time to go is May to October.

The National urrency in Berlin, Germany !owe"er, #merican dollars are accepted at most places. The $uro is widely used. The exchange rate is %&.'(.That means )or e"ery & #merican dollar is worth %&.'( in Berlin or anywhere in Germany.

$nglish is the national language o) Germany, but many also speak German. !ere are some German phrases.
an you help me

*+nnen sie mir #u) wiedersehen .a-nein /anke !allo-guten morgen- tag

Goodbye ,es-No ,our welcome !ello-good morninga)ternoon

0light 1n)ormation

2oints o) 1nterest Olympic 4tadium- %: $A9 6ego 6and- %&@.<( $A9 child 8&.'8 $A9 adult Tierpark - %?8.&8 $A9 ity 4egway Tours - 0ree #lte 0orsterei-%&8 $A9 Museum 1sland- %<( A4 Berlin Ball


/eparting 0light3 4un. May &5 #ir 0rance 6ea"e 2hiladelphia-7355pm #rri"e in Berlin Germany 83&(pm onnection in 2aris 9eturning 0light3 4un May &: T;6 Berlin 6ea"e Berlin Germany-7355am #rri"e 2hiladelphia-735<pm onnection in #msterdam, New ,ork 9oundtrip 2rice3 %&,&75

#ldon *empinski This beauti)ul city "iew hotel is located in the center o) berlin with #meneties include, dining, luxury spa, air conditioning, Tele"ision, &55 channels, city "iew, classic d=cor, entertainment center, etc. ,ou can>t beat this hotel. ost per night ?,5(5.(5 ost per week 8@,'(5

Types of German cuisine Types of cuisine-sausage, Schnitzel, Pretzels, Strudels, Potatoes, and Pfankuchen for dessert Yummy!

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