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SIOP Lesson Plan Template 2

STANDARDS: CC.1.3.2.F: Describe how words and phrases supply rhythm and meaning in a
story, poem, or song. CC.1.4.2.E: Choose words and phrases or e ect.

THEME: English !anguage "rts LESSON TOPIC: #oetry OBJECTIVES: !anguage:

$%&"' compose their own poem using at least two o the components o a poem.


$%&"' identi y the pattern structures o rhyme, rhythm, and alliteration in poems or children

LEARNING STRATEGIES: %ord webs, pictures to correlate with words, (ideos, poem
e)amples, (isuals

KEY VOCABULARY: rhyme, alliteration and rhythm MATERIALS: 3 di erent poems, o(erhead pro*ect or smartboard, higherlighters, lined paper MOTIVATION:
(Building background) %ord %eb + "s, students - %hat comes to you mind when . say -poetry/- Elicit student responses. 0a(e you e(er read a poem/ %hat was that poem about/ %hat did you li,e about the poem/

(Language and content objectives, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, feedback) !anguage and content ob*ecti(es +&y the end o this lesson you will be able to ind e)amples o rhyme, alliteration and rhythm in a poem. 1ou will also be able to write your own poem that includes two o the ollowing: rhyme, alliteration and rhythm. Comprehensible input + rhyming + e)amples o words that rhyme with a picture o the word. 2hythm + the beat o the poem. $how a (ideo with a song or poem. "lliteration + words that start with the same letter. #ictures o word e)ample can be shown. $trategies + 3sing picture e)amples o words, showing a (ideo to demonstrate the word, reading a poem to point out the (ocabulary words. 0a(e student create their own poem. 0e,op him de(elo+p ideas through ma,ing a word web on a topic o his choice .nteraction + "s,ing student to e)plain what the words mean and gi(e his own e)amples. "s,ing him to now create his own poem. Feedbac, + . student is not understanding, gi(e more e)amples, show a di erent (ideo, and point out rhythm, rhyme, and alliteration in another poem


4 2556 #earson Education, .nc.

SIOP Lesson Plan Template 2

(Meaningful activities, interaction, strategies, practice and application, feedback)
'eacher introduces the ,ey (ocabulary 7rhyme, alliteration, and rhythm8 with simple de initions and e)amples to support each de inition 7words with pictures and (ideos8. 'he de initions and e)amples are displayed on an inde) card that are re(iewed throughout the year 7 lashcard8. ' pro(ides student with a sheet o paper with a rhyme, alliteration, and rhythm poem. 'eacher guides students in identi ying why the poem is a rhyme, alliteration or rhythm poem by re erring to the de initions. ' uses a highlighter to mar, the lines in the te)t that show rhyme and alliteration and then points the rhythm in the poem as it is being read. ' pro(ides students with another poem. ' as,s students to e)amine each poem. -.s rhyme or alliteration ound in this poem/ 0ow do you ,now/ Did you hear the rhythm in the poem/-

REVIEW AND ASSESSMENT: (Review objectives and vocabulary, assess learning)

"s, student to e)plain rhyme, alliteration, and rhythm. "s, him what he would li,e to write a poem about. %hen he comes up with a topic, ha(e him chose i he will be using rhyme or alliteration. 0elp him come up with either rhyming words, or alliteration words.

9i(e him time to write his own poem. "s, him to read his poem out loud.
72eproduction o this material is restricted to use with Eche(arria, :ogt, and $hort, 2556. Making omprehensible for !nglish Learners" #he $%&'( Model)8 ontent

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