Intromusiced Individual

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Name: Matthew Sheary Grade: 10

Musical !cus: "layi#$ "ercussi%e &#strume#ts Mel!dy 'hythm !rm Creati#$ (arm!#y

Date: September 19, 2013 Title: Drum Circle as a Class

Preparation: &# the i#tr!duct!ry less!# the *!ll!wi#$ will be c!%ered )ari!us types !* percussi%e i#strume#ts will be sh!w# a#d m!deled ,-plai# what a drum circle is a#d h!w t! lead it The !%erall !b.ect is e-plai#ed/ (!w e%ery!#e will play t!$ether De*i#i#$ the di**ere#ce betwee# simple a#d c!mp!u#d meter0 1#dersta#di#$ h!w t! create layers withi# a drum circle Style characteristics discussed t! sh!w %ariety !* h!w Pot! cha#$e the piece 2'hythms, structure, *!rm3 ,ach stude#t will ha%e the !pp!rtu#ity t! try each drum a#d *eel a#d see the di**ere#ce0 1#dersta#d call a#d resp!#se Process & Personalization: 2teachi#$ se4ue#ce 5 stude#t participati!#3 10 20 30 :0 6s each stude#t e#ters the class, they will ta7e a chair a#d place it i# a circle ar!u#d the percussi!# e4uipme#t that will be i# the ce#ter !* the r!!m0 +#ce the class has *!rmed a circle, each stude#t will select a drum a#d ha%e 8 mi#utes t! play a#d hear h!w it s!u#ds 9he# each type !* drum has bee# sh!w# a#d m!deled, the bass drum patter# will be played by a stude#t 2di**ere#t stude#t each time3 The i#itial start !* drum circle will be lead by the teacher0 ;y usi#$ speci*ic ha#d m!%eme#ts, $estures, a#d eye c!#tact, the teacher will #!#<%erbally c!mmu#icate what he wa#ts the e#semble t! d!0 +#ce the class $rasps the c!#cept, stude#ts will ta7e tur#s leadi#$ the drum circle0 The will ha%e 8 mi#utes each t! start the $r!up, a#d lead the $r!up i# temp! a#d with their !w# $estures0 The class will c!#clude with a sh!rt discussi!# !* what we#t well a#d what we#t wr!#$ a#d why0

Materials: )ariety !* drums Chairs Creati%e Mi#d +pe# ears

Standards Addressed: Arts: Music: 9-12 Big Idea: C I!ICA" !#IN$IN% AN& '("'C!I)N 'nduring *nderstanding 1: C!$#iti!# a#d re*lecti!# are re4uired t! appreciate, i#terpret, a#d create with artistic i#te#t0 2M109120C013 'nduring *nderstanding 2: 6ssessi#$ !ur !w# a#d !thers> artistic w!r7, usi#$ critical< thi#7i#$, pr!blem<s!l%i#$, a#d decisi!#< ma7i#$ s7ills, is ce#tral t! artistic $r!wth0 2M109120C023 Big Idea: ) %ANI+A!I)NA" S! *C!* ' 'nduring *nderstanding 1: 1#dersta#di#$ the !r$a#i?ati!#al structure !* a# art *!rm pr!%ides a *!u#dati!# *!r appreciati!# !* artistic w!r7s a#d respect *!r the creati%e pr!cess0 2M109120+013
), *nderstand: 9hat is a drum circle 9hat drums are what S!u#ds li7e@ 'ncounter: ,-perime#ti#$ with !ther percussi%e i#strume#ts "layi#$ i# a #!# circle *!rmati!# Creati#$

80 =0

Next Class: 10 &# the #e-t class we will start by c!#ti#ui#$ stude#t lead drum circle0 20 ,ach stude#t will be as7ed t! dem!#strate a s!l! duri#$ circle playi#$ the sh!ws 7#!wled$e !* c!mp!u#d a#d simple meter rhythms0 30 Stude#ts will lear# the hist!rical bac7$r!u#d !* each drum a#d the w!r7i#$ c!mp!#e#ts that $! i#t! it0
Notes/'xtension: &# !rder t! *urther e-te#d the less!#, stude#ts will be resp!#sible t! create simple a#d c!mp!u#d rhythms t! dem!#strate call a#d resp!#se rhythms the #e-t class0 Stude#ts will be as7ed t! practice clappi#$ rhythms with a metr!#!me t! e#sure a steady temp! as they e-perime#t with #ew ideas

Assess0ent: 1#dersta#d the AdrumB (!w d! y!u *it (a%e a# established temp!

2i#di%idu ally30

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