Unit 1 Rubric Fun To Be Fit

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DUE October 4, 2013 Fun to Be Fit!

-5th Grade SAGE Project Rubric Student Name: Date: Score: This analytic rubric is used to verify specific tasks performed during a student presentation. If the task has been completed, all points are awarded. No points are awarded if the task is not complete. Category Scoring Criteria Points 10 10 5 10 Student Evaluation Teacher Evaluation

The type of presentation is appropriate for the topic and Organization audience. 15 points Information is presented in a logical sequence. Presentation appropriately cites at least two references. Table is accurate and complete. Analysis Questions are accurate and complete. What was your greatest and least total number of Calories consumed in one day? What was the longest and shortest amount of time exercised? Looking at all of your exercises, which one burned the most Calories for the total of 5 days? Which exercise burned the least total amount of Calories for the time? What day did you burn the most Calories? What percent of Calories were burned on that day? How do the costs of the activities compare with one another? Presentation contains all the requirements. Different forms of exercise, Calories that are burned from each exercise, Cost of the activity, and Statistical displays of the information you have gathered. There is an obvious conclusion summarizing the presentation. Oral - Speaker maintains good eye contact with the audience. Other - Presentation is eye-catching. Oral - Speaker uses a clear voice, easily heard at the back of the room. Other - Presentation is easily viewed from a distance. Oral - Speaker uses proper posture at all times. Other - Presentation is artistically pleasing without being Presentation, distracting. Oral or Other Oral - Good language skills and pronunciation are used. 25 points Other - Good writing skills and punctuation are used. Oral - At least one well prepared visual aid is used for support. Other - Presentation identifies the author and date prepared. Presentation shows obvious preparation and a practiced delivery. Length of the presentation is within the assigned time requirement. Score Selfevaluation Deadline Total Points


Content 40 points


10 5 5

5 5 5 5 5 100

Students are expected to honestly evaluate their own work. If the difference between the student evaluation and the teacher evaluation is more than 10 points, 5 points will be deducted from the teacher's score when the grade is recorded. All assignments are expected to be completed by the assigned deadline. Presentations may be made for 2 class days after the deadline for 3/4 credit. No credit will be given after this time.

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