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Advanced Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration

Construct Your Puzzle Pieces 1. Obtain 9 squares of paper these will be your puzzle pieces. 2. In each square, you will write in the chemical formula for one of the molecules involved in the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. i. CO2 ii. H2O iii. C6H12O6 iv. O2 v. ! R"Y se the followin! terms" __________________ __________________



&. In the spaces provided above, write the '()* of the molecule ne+t to its chemical symbol for your reference. ,. In the remainin! squares on your paper, write in symbols you will need to complete your chemical reaction. -ou will need & ./0 symbols and one . 0 symbol. In a chemical reaction, what does the .0 si!nify1 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 Put Your Pieces #o$ether% PHO#O&Y!#H &'& 1. (rran!e your pieces into the chemical equation for photosynthesis. 3rite this equation below" 22222222222 / 222222222222 / 222222222222 2222222222222 / 22222222222222 2. # se the '()*4 of the molecules% (ccordin! to your equation, the process of photosynthesis uses 22222222222222222222, 222222222222222222222, and 222222222222222222222 to produce 222222222222222222222 and 222222222222222222222. &. 3hat type of ener!y is used in photosynthesis1 222222222222222222222222222 ,. 5hotosynthesis typically occurs in what type of or!anism1 2222222222222222222222222222 6. 3here are CO2 and O2 found in our environment1 222222222222222222222222222222 7. 8iven what you 9now about plants, why does your position for CO2 and O2 equation ma9e sense1 in the

:. Interpret the chemical reaction ; what is the overall purpose of photosynthesis1

Put Your Pieces #o$ether A"A'!% C (()(AR R &P'RA#'O! 1. <rom the equation for photosynthesis, rearran!e your pieces into the chemical equation for cellular respiration. 3rite this equation below" 2222222222222 / 22222222222222 22222222222 / 222222222222 / 222222222222 2. # se the '()*4 of the molecules% (ccordin! to your equation, the process of cellular respiration uses 22222222222222222222 and 2222222222222222222 to produce 222222222222222222222222 2222222222222222222 and release 22222222222222222222. &. In cellular respiration, chemical ener!y is released from 222222222222 molecules and transferred to 222222222222 molecules, which cells can use to provide ener!y for cellular processes. ,. 3as it difficult to rearran!e your pieces to produce the equation for cellular respiration1 3hy or why not1

6. =ellular respiration occurs in both plants and animals. 8iven what you 9now about animals, why does your position for CO2 and O2 in the equation ma9e sense1

7. Interpret the chemical reaction ; what is the overall purpose of cellular respiration1

:. 3hat are the two main differences between the chemical reaction for photosynthesis and the chemical reaction for cellular respiration1

*tension +uestions , Please ans-er these ite.s on line paper. 1. =ellular respiration occurs in >O?@ plants and animals. 3hy do plants need cellular respiration1 @I'?" ?hin9 about both chemical reactions and the speeds at which they could occur. 2. 5lants can ma9e their own food throu!h photosynthesis and then brea9 it down for usable ener!y throu!h the process of cellular respiration. (nalyze how your life mi!ht be different if you could ma9e your own food throu!h photosynthesis.

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