Narrative Writing Brainstorm Final

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Ross Crumrine October 25, 2013

Narrative Writing Brainstorm and Pre-Writing Activity Final

We are having the best time at the festival, its so fun. We are all going gangster style and shooting off our guns. Then, all of a sudden, POW, I hear the extreme sound of a gun shooting off when it is not expected. It blew off in my hands, when I open my eyes, there is the young boy lying on the ground.33 I am startled and I dont know what to do, or whats going to happen? For once in my life I am scared and I have no one to help me. I do not have anywhere to go besides my motherland. I wounded what my punishment will be? It is not my fault that my gun when off. The only thing that I could of changed could have to clean my gun or be lucky enough to have taken a different one. 2 Hours later. I have finally said my good byes and packed up some of my belongings that I could carry because I am not going be aloud to come back for 7 years. So, good-bye everyone.

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