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Georges Revenge

Written by

D.J. Bourque Sabrina Herrero Itzak Hinajosa Marianne Quijano Melanie Sanchez James Thomas


DRIVE by Incubus plays overhead. The scene opens up on the site where MYRTLE was hit by GATSBYs yellow car. Police tape sections off the area and a crowd of people stand around, murmuring. The camera zooms in on Myrtles body, which is horribly mangled.

NICK, V.O., O.S. Gruesome, right? Its not every day that a woman in the neighborhood gets hit by a car and spills her guts out.

Camera zooms in on her face.

NICK, V.O., O.S. (CONTD) Maybe Myrtle was a selfish, cheating, lying son of a uh, unfaithful, but a hit and run is a pretty unfortunate way to go.

Camera focuses on WITNESS as she speaks ad-lib to POLICE OFFICER.

NICK, V.O., O.S. (CONTD) According to the eye witnesses, this is how it happened.


GATSBY and DAISY are riding inside Gatsbys car. Daisy is behind the wheel cruising, both she and Gatsbys chairs leaned back ridiculously far with rap music blaring. They cruise like this for about five seconds when there is a loud THUMP and the car jerks as if they had run over something.

DAISY Did you feel something?

Gatsby shrugs. He then turns around to check behind them, and suddenly jumps with horror. He quickly and nervously turns back to Daisy. GATSBY Nope, nothing.

EXT. CRIME SCENE NIGHT Camera is focused on the WITNESS. She appears to be just concluding her account.

NICK, V.O., O.S. Yeah, total kill joy. Although it doesnt look like the sight of her as road kill hit anyone harder than this guy.

4 Camera abruptly focuses on GUY picking his ear, wearing a dumb expression.

NICK, V.O., O.S. (CONTD) No, no, little farther (beat) little (beat) bit (beat)

Camera focuses on George.

NICK, V.O., O.S. (CONTD) Ah. Yeah, the guy with the sunken eyes and violent shaking that was her husband, GEORGE. Dudes life is a real downer. Unsuccessful owner of an auto body shop, he cant close up a deal on any car, lives in this dump of a place the Valley of Ashes and now has just lost his cheating wife, who, by the way, was cheating on him with my second cousins husband. Its a weird relationship, yeah. Bizarre love triangle, or square, I guess; whatever you want to call that. Anyway, theres a wreck for you. You can say that after tonight, he just (beat) snapped.


The scene opens up on GEORGE and MICHAELIS sitting in Georges garage. Michaelis is just getting up to leave. George is still slightly quivering. When Michaelis is gone, George goes to a drawer and withdraws a nerf-gun.

NICK, V.O., O.S. George waited until after Michaelis left his post as night guard to make his move.

George exits. Michaelis returns.

NICK, V.O., O.S. (CONTD) Sure enough, when Michaelis returned four hours later, he was nowhere to be found. For losing his mind, it was a pretty smooth move.

The phrase #THUGLYFE briefly flashes across the screen.

NICK, V.O., O.S. (CONTD) Later on, the police made a timeline and located his travels, all of which George made on foot


The scene opens up on GEORGE entering a coffee shop.

NICK, V.O., O.S. He went into a coffee shop and, well, got coffee.

George drinks his coffee.


The scene opens up on GEORGE. He is about 30 feet away, walking on the sidewalk, looking somewhat like a lunatic.

NICK, V.O., O.S. After that, he freaked out some kids and a few motorists from the sidewalk. Not really on purpose, just (beat)

Camera focuses on front of GEORGEs body.

NICK, V.O., O.S. (CONTD) Imagine that walking down the street. He looks like death.

7 Now, imagine that at your doorstep. INT. DOOR NOON

The scene opens up behind a door. There is a KNOCK. The door opens to GEORGEs face.

NICK, V.O., O.S. He started going to garages and asking about a yellow car where it was, who owned it, if, by chance, it had been the one that annihilated his wife. He apparently did this for three hours. No big deal. No one had answers, though no one ever has answers for a creep on their doorstep. Or a Jehovah witness.

Screen fades to black.

NICK, V.O., O.S. (CONTD) Eventually, however, George figured out that GATSBY owned the yellow Myrtle-killer.


8 The scene opens up on GEORGE walking with purpose to an enormous house. The camera records him from the front, and then shifts behind him to catch sight of him against the enormous house. As George walks up to the front door and rings the door bell, the song JUMP ON MY SHOULDERS by AWOLNATION plays overhead. It stops when GATSBY answers the door.

GEORGE Are you Gatsby?

GATSBY Yeah, thats my name. Dont wear it out!

(The shot freezes.)

NICK, V.O., O.S.

Okay, this can happen one of two ways. Either A, Gatsby realizes whats about to go down and slams the door shut cause aint nobody got time for dat, or B, a chicken race ensues that ultimately leads to both Gatsbys and Georges untimely deaths. (beat) Well, we all know where this is going. Cue the music!

YAKETY-SAX MUSIC song plays overhead as George chases Gatsby throughout Gatsbys house. There is no sound except the song playing. As Gatsby throws things and hides where George mysteriously pops up, he gets closer and closer to the backyard until finally he goes outside. George follows him out. Gatsby turns rapidly, realizing with horror that he is cornered.

GEORGE, O.S. Yo Gatsby!

(Gatsby abruptly faces him, terrified, and George fatally shoots him in the heart. He dramatically falls into the kiddie pool. The camera then zooms in on Georges legs and he pulls the trigger on himself, falling. The last shot is of the two bodies from an aerial view.)

NICK, V.0., O.S. Huh. Shoulda gone with A.

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