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The Party at Gatsbys

Written by: Olivia Hinojosa

Nicholas Garza Lexi Perez Emma Cisneros Lizzy Mendez Cristine Rodriguez Olivia Hinojosa Maria Barajas Olivia Hinojosa 8029 St.Laurent 361-944-2866

EXT. OUTSIDE PORCH - LATE AFTERNOON NICK CARRAWAY has letter in his hands. Opens letter and zooms into the signature "GATSBY". (Quick scene change) EXT. - OUTSIDE DOOR MANSION - LATE AFTERNOON-NIGHT Cars drive by, guests walk into the mansion. Camera catches door losing as music blares NICK(V.O.) I believe that on the first night I went to Gatsby's house I was one of the few guests who had actually been invited (camera on door- door opens) INT. - HOUSE-NIGHT Short flash of party guests-drinks-etc. camera catches sight of Nick Carraway. Nick is quite confused, anxious, and is caught off guard by party girls. INT.-HOUSE-CORNER-NIGHT Nick encounters friend Jordan Baker, standing in the corner drinking a drink NICK (roared, loud, while walking towards her) Hello!

JORDAN I thought you might be here, I remembered you lived next door to-

(cut off by party girls) PARTY GIRLS Hello! Sorry you didn't win. PARTY GIRL #1 You dont know who we are, but we met you here about a month ago. JORDAN You dyed your hair since then. PARTY GIRL #2 I tore my gown last time I was here, and in a week Gatsby sent me a new gown. PARTY GIRL #1 Did you keep it? PARTY GIRL #2 Sure I did, two hundred and sixty-five dollars

PARTY GIRL #1 (talking to Nick) He doesnt want any trouble with anybody. Party girls lean in PARTY GIRL #2 Somebody told me they thought he killed a man once. PARTY GIRL #1 It's more that he was a German spy during the war. JORDAN (to Nick) Let's get out, this is too polite for me.

INT. - LIBRARY- NIGHT A stout, middle-aged man with owl-eyed spectacles is sitting drunk. OWL EYES What do you think?

JORDAN About what? OWL EYES About that, they're real! NICK The books? OWL EYES Absolutely real- have pages and everything. I thought they were cardboard, but they're absolutely realpages and here! lemme show you( grabs book) See! it's a bona-fide piece of printed matter INT. HOUSE-NIGHT Nick and Jordan are back at the party scene. A mysterious man is seen lurking behind Jordan and Nick... GATSBY (to Nick) Excuse me, your face is familiar. Weren't you in 3rd division during the war? NICK Yes I was in the 9th machine gun-battalion JORDAN Having a gay time now?

NICK Much better, this is an unusual party for me. I haven't seen the host, and this man Gatsby sent oven an invitation. GATSBY I am Gatsby. NICK What!? Oh, I beg your pardon. GATSBY I thought you knew old sport. I'm afraid I'm not a very good host Butler comes to Gatsby BUTLER Excuse me, Mr. Gatsby Chicago is calling (bowed and left) GATSBY If you will excuse me, If you need anything, just ask for it old sport. Nick turns to Jordan NICK Who is he? Do you Know? JORDAN He's just a man named Gatsby NICK Where is he from, I mean? and what does he do? JORDAN Well he told me once he was an Oxford man, however I

don't believe it- anyhow he gives large parties And I like I like large parties, they're so intimate. At small parties there isn't any privacy. Music blares- butler re-enters BUTLER Miss Baker? I beg your pardon, but Mr. Gatsby would like to speak to you alone JORDAN With me? BUTLER Yes madame Jordan walks away, shocked, astonished. Nick looks around party Scene changes- another flash of party Jordan and Gatsby re-enter JORDAN I've just heard the most amazing thing. How long were we in there? NICK Why? about an hour. JORDAN It was... simply amazing. But i swore I wouldn't tell it and here I am tantalizing you Jordan starts to leave Gatsby re-enters GATSBY Don't forget we are going up in the hydroplane tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock

Butler re-enters BUTLER Philadelphia wants you on the phone sir.

GATSBY Alright, in a minute, tell them I'll be right there, good night NICK Goodnight (x2) EXT. - PARKING LOT- NIGHT Car crash happens outside Gatsby's mansion. Nick goes over to observe. Owl eyes and criminal are involved CRIMINAL See! It went in the ditch NICK Howd it happen? OWL EYES Dont ask me, I know very little about driving.

NICK (V.O.) Gatsbys party was one of the most extravagant parties Ive ever been to. Full of color and spirit. The only mysterious portion, was an illusion of a wealthy host. Camera catches sight of outside Gatsbys house.

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