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Lesson Plan Martin Mathes Rationale The students will review the round in preparation to sing partner songs.

The students will sing songs that use sixteenth notes. The students will identify and demonstrate sixteenth note rhythm. The students will discuss and identify folk music. National and State Standards 1.0 Singing alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music. 1.1 Sing melodies in varied styles with accurate pitch and rhythm. 1.2 Demonstrate proper vocal technique. 1.3 Demonstrate skills for singing harmony. 5.0 Reading and notating music. 5.1 Identify and explain symbols represented in rhythm and melody. 5.2 Use symbols to read, notate and perform. 9.0 Understanding music in relation to history and culture. 9.1 Describe and perform music of various cultures and historical periods. Previous Knowledge - The students can identify and demonstrate sixteenth note patterns. - The students can identify the ways in which a melody can move. - The students can sing in high and low voices. - The students can identify and discuss folk music. Objectives The learner will: Identify and demonstrate sixteenth note patterns including Ti Tiki and Tiki Ti and Tikitki. Sing simple songs in a round or cannon. Sing folk music with sixteenth notes. Materials Needed Smartboard with music from Old Brass Wagon. Rhythm Cards Slide with words from Frere Jacques. Slide with words from Jickety Can. Procedure 1. Begin the class by having the students listen to music, while listening for instruments they hear, and form. 2. Review the sixteenth notes, and how much space they occupy musically.

3. After they have shown an understanding of this, have the students read the rhythm flashcards, and say the rhythms as a class. 4. After they go through all the Rhythm Cards tell the students you have another song you want them to listen to. a. Explain that the song is an American folk song, and that this would have been a type of song people would dance to. b. Sing Old Brass Wagon. c. After you sing it, have the students learn the song by wrote. d. Once the students are able to perform the song, put the music up on the board, and explain that there are sixteenth notes in this song. e. Have the students count the rhythm. 5. Once the students have mastered the new song, ask them if they remember from last year how to sing a round. a. Explain how to sing a round again, and use the models from last week with the third grade. 6. Teach the students the rhyme Jickety Can. a. Once the students are able to say the rhyme, have them split into 2 groups, and have them say the rhyme that way. b. Once they have demonstrated this several times have them break into three groups. 7. After the students perform this round several times correctly, tell them that they will listen to another song. a. Have the students listen to Frere Jacques. b. Teach the song to the students. Use the board to display the words. c. Once the students are able have them sing the song in rounds. d. Start with two groups, and have them sing. e. This can go down to four groups. 8. If time remains have the students play I Have, Who Has with the advanced rhythm set.

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