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Magazine Recommendation Students


Date: To: From: October 8, 2013 The Office of Esiquio Uballe, ED.D. - Associate Director of Student Life Suzanna Schatzlein, Joshua Cochran, Steve Zappa and Mike Shirey

Subject: Magazine subscription for office Need statement of purpose Summary In order to find the magazine best suited for the Student Life Office we analyzed The Atlantic, Time Magazine, and National Geographic and critiqued them based on their target demographics, popular appeal, and subject diversity. Our analysis revealed National Geographic as the magazine that best fit the criteria. Discussion use conventional white space rules The criteria was established to find the best fit for the Student Life Office taking into account the demographic fit of its visitors to the demographics of The Atlantic, National Geographic, and Time Magazine. The magazines popular appeal, based on analysis of social media and the number of unique visitors to the magazines websites, and the broadness of their subject diversity were also taken into account (ms). It is our opinion that these three criteria reveal the magazine that is best suited for the Student Life Office. We chose to analyze each magazines subject diversity because it is our opinion that the magazine covering the widest array of subjects has the highest probability of attracting visitor interest. The demographic fit of the magazine with student demographics was analyzed to further tailor our choice to the student body. Finally, popular appeal was chosen to assess which magazine was enjoyed by the largest number of people. Reorganize this P; youve separated topics that go together. The first magazine we analyzed was The Atlantic. We found that The Atlantic had a total of 463,625 magazines in circulation in 2011 [1]. Further research revealed that they have over 300,000 Twitter followers, 250,000 Facebook likes, and they receive 13.8 million unique visitors a month on their website as of February 2013 (para) [2]. This makes The Atlantic the least popular magazine out of the three we reviewed. One could argue that we should not take into account the number of magazines The Atlantic has in circulation because it has largely moved away from physical magazines to the internet, but even with this in mind they still rate

Magazine Recommendation Students


the lowest in social media appeal and the number of unique visitors they receive per month. Intro your sources from the start: according to The demographics of The Atlantic show that 55% of their readers are male and 45% female with readers having a median age of 50.0. Readers of The Atlantic also have an average house hold income of just under $82,000 according to This makes the demographic of The Atlantic the worst fit to the population composition of CSUF (which is? Need evidence)as compared to Time and National Geographic. The magazine covers politics, business, culture, technology, and national and international life giving The Atlantic the smallest list of subjects covered. With all of this in mind it is our opinion that The Atlantic is not the best magazine for Dean Uballes office. The second magazine we analyzed was Time Magazine. According to use authors name here.Time Magazine had over 3,000,000 magazines in circulation in 2011 [1]. Times Twitter page shows them to have over 5,000,000 followers as of the time of this writing and their Facebook page shows they have more than 1,500,000 likes. Additional research revealed the fact that gets 24 million unique visitors per month [3]. These numbers, while notably higher than those of The Atlantic, make it clear that Time Magazine has less popular appeal than National Geographic. According to Time Magazines U.S. audience is 55% male and 45% female. Furthermore the median age of their U.S. audience is 48 with a median household income of $72,131 [4]. This makes the audience profile of Time Magazine a better demographic fit to the population composition of CSUF than The Atlantic, but worse than that of National Geographic. Time covers current affairs, politics, world, business, health, technology, entertainment, design, sports, and science. While this makes Time a better fit than The Atlantic it does not stand up against National Geographic. The third and final magazine we analyzed was National Geographic. We found that National Geographic had an estimated 4.2 million print and digital editions of their magazine in circulation in the first half of 2012 alone [5]. Furthermore they currently have approximately 17,000,000 likes on Facebook, a full 15 million more than Time and The Atlantic combined, 4,500,000 Twitter followers, and receives more than 26 million global unique visitors a month on its website [6]. National Geographics magazine circulation, social media popularity, and the number of unique visitors they receive on their website allow us to confidently state that they are heads and shoulders above both Time and The Atlantic when it comes to popular appeal. We also discovered that the audience of is 52.1% male and 47.9% female [7]. Further research revealed the median age of National Geographics readers to be 46.8 with 14.2% of readers being ages 18 to 24 and 42.1% of readers being ages 25 to 49 [8]. The median household income of readers of National Geographic is

Magazine Recommendation Students


$66,104 [8]. This makes National Geographic a better demographic fit than both The Atlantic and Time Magazine. National Geographic also covers a wide variety of topics such as environmental issues, education, science, animals, travel, and world history. All of this together reveals National Geographic to be the best choice for the Student Life Office as it best meets our criteria regarding demographics and popular appeal while coming second in terms of subject diversity. One might argue that Time Magazines broader subject diversity trumps the fact that National Geographic has more popular appeal and is a better demographic fit to the visitors of the Student Life Office. Specifically, one might suggest that given Uballes history in politics a magazine that reflects this interest would be ideal, making Time the best choice. While this is a fair point, we reject the conclusion on the basis that Uballes personal history is not as important as something else? implied and that political matters are in fact addressed in National Geographic even if they are not given the center stage for example?. We feel that due to the fact that visitors will be much more likely to read magazines in the waiting room it is more important to consider what they would be interested in reading than what Uballe himself would and we have already shown National Geographic to be a better fit to the visitors of the Student Life Office. Furthermore, National Geographic is far from devoid of political content as it tackles politically charged issues such as climate change and evolution as well as poaching and other wide-ranging political issues. Reorganize and condense this P Recommendation Review of the above information leads us to recommend National Geographic to the Office of Esiquio Uballe, ED.D. Associate Director of Student Life. They have immense popular appeal and their audience profile most closely matches the population composition of CSUF. We believe that visitors to the Student Life Office would both enjoy and learn from what they can find in National Geographic. Criteria Time National The Atlantic (Rank 1 to 9) Geographic 3.0-Male vs. Female (2.0) (3.0) (1.0) 3.0-Average Household Income (2.0) (3.0) (1.0) 3.0-Average Readers Age (3.0) (2.0) (1.0) Demographic (3.0points x 3 max) 7.0 8.0 3.0 4.5 Social Media (3.0) (4.5) (1.5) Popular Appeal (4.5 points max) 3.0 4.5 1.5 4.5-Subjects (3.5) (3.0) (2.5) 4.5-CSUF Student Alignment (3.0) (4.5) (1.5) Subject Diversity (4.5points x 2 max) 6.5 7.5 4.0

Magazine Recommendation Students

Ranking Totals (27 points max) 16.5 20.0



Reference List [1] K. Matsa, J. Sasseen, and A. Mitchell. (2012). Magazines: By the Numbers. State of the News Media. [Online]. Available: [2] (2013, Feb. 6). The Atlantics Digital Platforms Post a Record-Setting Month in January, Attracting the Most Monthly Unique Visitors Ever. The Atlantic. [Online]. Available: [3] Facebook. Facebook. [Online]. Available: [4] Time Media Kit. (2013, May 24). Time Media Kit. [Online]. Available:

[5] (2012, Sept. 24). National Geographic Shows 30.9 Million Worldwide Audience via Consolidated Media Report. National Geographic. [Online]. Available: [6] Advertise With Us. National Geographic [Online]. Available:

Magazine Recommendation Students

[7] Demographic Profile. (2005). National Geographic




[8] National Geographic Magazine Demographic Editions. (2012). National Geographic [Online]. Available:

Magazine Recommendation Students

Memo Peer Review Sheet Criteria Addresses audience with an appropriate, clear, and succinct style. Attends to audiences needs and values. Uses conventional design of memos, including heading, statement of purpose, summary, discussion, and recommendation sections. Defines relevant criteria and provides specific details to support its endorsement or rejection of each magazine. Organizes results and paragraphs in a smooth, logical pattern. GRADE: 85


Comments Appropriate, usually clear style: good. Can be more succinct at times. You have attended to your audience. Correct the marked citation. You usually follow memo conventions: good. Add a statement of purpose and reformat using white space rules.

You have defined relevant criteria, though youll need evidence to support your claims about each magazine being right (or wrong) for the students visiting the office. Provide data about these students (dont assume). Your argument organization is usually smooth, although youll want to revise your Ps so that sentences about the same topic are consecutive.

Address the postwrite question here:

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