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R English 4 Hamlet Act 2 Scene 2 - Soliloquy Rachel Lenkei

Monday, December 9, 2013

Overview/Rationale: This unit will focus on one of Shakespeares tragic plays, Hamlet. Through guided reading of the play in class, and close
reading of the text, students will be able to interpret and analyze Shakespeares writing structure and use of language. The students will also engage in discussions about the how the language of the play contributes to and helps to develop the plot, themes, characterization, and symbols. This unit is designed to enable students to more deeply comprehend Hamlets character and his transformation throughout the play, making connections to the course the mes of image and identity construction in text.

Enduring Understandings:
The language, words, and dialogue of a text are essential to understanding the progression of a plot and the development of characters

Essential Questions:
How are images and identities of characters created in a text, and what are their similarities and differences? How is Hamlets decision making process shown throughout the play?

Objectives: Students will be able to: Apply knowledge of language analysis to close reading of text Analyze character development through dialogue Materials: Student copies of Hamlet Procedures: Warm-up: Review HW and Players speech Guided Reading/Instruction: Read Hamlets soliloquy Show Kenneth Branagh clip Discuss meaning of the soliloquy, break down into sections and paraphrase What comparisons is Hamlet making between himself and the Player Journal write: What does Hamlet think of himself/How does Hamlet perceive himself Review 1.2 soliloquy and compare Hamlets state of mind, feelings, themes Discuss developments in Hamlet personality Homework: Review for quiz Assessment: Participation in discussion, journal writing Standards:
CC.1.3.11-12.A: Determine and analyze the relationship between two or more themes or central ideas of a text, including the development and interaction of the themes; provide an objective summary of the text. CC.1.3.11-12.B: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences and conclusions based on and related to an authors implicit and explicit assumptions and beliefs. CC.1.3.11-12.E: Evaluate the structure of texts including how specific sentences, paragraphs and larger portions of the texts relate to each other and the whole. CC.1.5.11-12.A: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grades level topics, texts, and issues, building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. CC.1.3.11-12.F: Evaluate how words and phrases shape meaning and tone in texts.


R English 4 Hamlet Act 2 Scene 2 - Soliloquy Rachel Lenkei

Monday, December 9, 2013

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