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Child: Adham Date: 15th October 2013 Written by: T.

Natasha This month the children have been very busy learning all about Hajj and the different aspects of this culturally significant event. After a lot of practice the children performed Hajj at An-Nur on the 15th October 2013, the day before our families and friends of the centre were invited to celebrate Eid with a BBQ. First the children needed to come at state of Ihram which involved Adham dressing up in the special white clothing. Adham then followed his friends as they performed Tawaf Al Godoom, which involved moving around our Kaba 7x in union. This led to heading outside for the next step walking between the two gates pretending they were also travelling between Mt. Safa and Mt. Mara also 7x

like prophet Ibrahims wife. After all this walking Adham and his friends pretended to spend the night in Mina, by reading Quran & supplications in our tents. After staying in their tents the children climbed our tallest fort, pretending it was Mt. Arafah and made supplications. Next, Adham quickly slid down the slide and made his way to our Mozdalifa (for us we used our sandpits) to collect the pebbles. Adham greatly enjoyed throwing the pebbles reenacting how prophet also threw stones at Satan who tried to convince him not to follow Allahs will. Adham enjoyed our sacrifice + shave in which the children pretended to cut each othiss hair and talked about the lamb they had constructed with Teacher Huda. Adham enjoyed pretending to cut his friends hair, giggling the entire time. We then concluded our Hajj with Tawaf Alifadah (going around the Kaba) and Tawaf Al Wida (farewell). All of the children were very proud of their Hajj, but were most excited for Eid party and BBQ the next day with families. The day of the Eid celebrations, Adham happily volunteered to help with preparing the food for the BBQ, keeping in mind the importance of giving and sharing. After enjoying the meal with friends, Adham proudly showed off his henna T. Huda did for his while enjoying the bouncy castle. Review of learning Today Adham was able to experience a very significant event of his culture and religion, alongside his peers. Performing Hajj allowed him to connect to his spiritual side, as well as make important connections between home, school and his wider community. This special day required Adham to manage impulsivity, and apply his past knowledge. I really enjoyed observing Adham persist and strive for accuracy as he threw pebbles at Ibis.

Whise to next? I really enjoyed being part of your Hajj and celebrating Eid with you Adham. At An-Nur all of your teachiss strive to support your Islamic knowledge, building on the knowledge you have gained at home and strengthening your connections between home, mosque and school. Your teachiss will continue supporting and valuing your Islamic faith, in particular introducing you to concepts in hands on manner which we have observed you enjoy the most. T. Bushra has expressed interest in a visit to the Mosque in the New Year.

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