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ED 3501 2012

Lesson Plan

Grade/Subject: Grade 2 math Unit: 2D and 3D Shapes Lesson Duration: 93 mins

OUTCOMES FROM ALBERTA PROGRAM OF STUDIES General Learning Outcomes: Describe the characteristics of 3-D objects and 2-D shapes, and analyze the relationships among them. Specific Learning Outcomes: 7. Describe, compare and construct 3-D objects, including: cubes spheres cones cylinders pyramids. [C, CN, R, V] 8. Describe, compare and construct 2-D shapes, including: triangles squares rectangles circles. [C, CN, R, V] 9. Identify 2-D shapes as parts of 3-D objects in the environment. [C, CN, R, V]

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students will: 1. Create their own 3D objects. 2. Observe 3D shapes. 3. Indicate vertices, edges, and faces on each shape made.


ED 3501 2012

ASSESSMENTS Observations: Are the students participating in class discussion? Are students participating in class activities? Do students complete their 3D shapes? Key Questions: Where can we see these shapes in everyday life? What were the shapes that you made called? How many edges did each shape have?

Written/Performance Assessments:

Thumbs, class discussion, completion of shapes

LEARNING RESOURCES CONSULTED Resource #1 3D song Resource #2 onGumdropGeometryFull.pdf MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT Introduction (1 min.): Hook/Attention Grabber: Today grade 2s we are going to make our own 3D shapes using gum drops and toothpicks. Assessment of Prior Knowledge: What do we remember about 3D shapes? Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: Students will exhibit respectful behaviour when creating their shapes. Body (3 min.): Learning Activity #1: 3D Shapes video 1. Watch the video 2. Ask the students some questions afterwards. Learning Activity #2: Gumdrop geometry 1. 2. 3. 4. Students will be given tooth picks, gum drops and instructions on different shapes. Students will create their own 3D Shapes. They will need to record the edges, vertices and faces of each shape on worksheet. When they are done they can choose 1 shape they made and come up to me to try a little science experiment. 5. We will tie a sting to the shape and dip it into a bubble water soap concoction and their shape will become inverted in the center of their shape. Sponge activity- write on envelops to Santa!


ED 3501 2012

Closure (1 min.): Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: What did you learn from making your shapes? Exit slip- triangle Transition To Next Lesson: Next class we will be doing shape centers!

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