Child: Leena Date: 12 Written By: T. Natasha

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Child: Leena Date: 12th November 2013 Written by: T. Natasha T.

Maysoon shared with me your play yesterday with T, Anar, and I was very impressed Leena! I hear T. Bushra had the magnetic fish on the table, but when T. Maysoon entered you had brought a couple of fish over to the wooden blocks. When she asked you why the fish were not at the table you explained, this is the pond. After fishing in the pond with your friends you started to further explore the magnets. You discovered what happened when two magnetic were placed together, then decided to find out what might happen if you pull them. Review of learning Your imagination, initiative and responsibility for your own learning led to you being very busy yesterday Leena! You clearly articulated your thoughts and ideas to both T. Maysoon and T. Anar. It was great to hear you were making so many working theories of your world through exploring scientific concepts with the magnetic fish. Where to next? Leena I want to continue supporting you as you continue making working theories of your world. I plan to do this by firstly continuing to value your play and offer materials which could support science concepts within play. I will also introduce you to new science concepts during group sessions which you can later revisit with peers through play.

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