Finding Yourself ..: Question One: Who Are You??

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Finding Yourself…..

Question One: Who are you??

What is in a name???
• Names give us power and define who
we are.
• Certain characteristics are associated
with certain names.
• What characteristics do you
associate with yourself?
• E:\Stuff for 2008-2009 School Year\acrost
• Now let’s make your own acrostic
While you work….
• Add color and pictures to the poem.
• Glue the finished product to the
cover of your foldable.
• Take a post-it to the computer and
look up your name, its’ origin and its’
meaning on
• Put the post-it in your foldable so you
don’t lose it!
Please get your foldable
from the bin!!!
Have out your picture that
you brought from home- if
you have it!
Filling out the foldable:
• Open to the first page of the foldable.
Inside the bent part label: WHO AM
• In one of the triangles write a few
sentences to tell what your name is,
what origin it is, and what it means.
• HOMEWORK: Find out how you got
your name. We will add it to this
triangle later.
The next 3 triangles…
• Characteristics/Abilities
– What are you good at?
– What characteristics describe you?
• What do you like?
• What do you dislike?
• Now move around and share one
thing from each triangle with
someone else in the room.
Personality Quiz
• Number your next triangle from 1-6.
• E:\Stuff for 2008-2009 School Year\caree
• Circle your answers on the answer
• Star the category that you had the
most answers in.
• What are you?
– E:\Stuff for 2008-2009 School Year\types of p
What do you want to be?
• Thinking about what you are good at,
think about what you want to be when
you grow up.
• Make a list of possible careers.
• Star your top choice.
• In the next triangle write why that was
your top choice.
• Share with your class. What are the
most popular career choices? What are
the least popular choices?
What if we weren’t different?
• We are all very different, but what if
everyone in the world was the same?
• Would this be a good thing or a bad
• Why?
• Write a short paragraph giving your
opinion to this question.
– 1. Ask your parents where you got your
– 2. Bring in a picture of you. It can be
you doing something, you with
friends/family, or you alone. If you don’t
have a picture we will take one this
Please get your
Finding Yourself: Question
Where do you live???
Let’s find it!!!!!
Tell me about it…..
• Pretend that you are talking to someone that
has never heard about the place that you live.
• What do you tell them about??
– What plant and animal life is around?
– Is the land hilly, flat, country, city?
– How is the weather?
– What jobs do people have?
– How do people get around?
– What do people do in their free time?
– What types of people live in your area?
– How do other people treat each other?
– What celebrations do you have?
– Are there any important landmarks?
What’s good? What’s
• What do you like about the area you
live in? What characteristics would
make you want to stay living where
you currently do?
• What don’t you like about the area
you live in? What characteristics
might make you want to move?
How do the good and bad
shape you?
• The world that we live in makes us
who we are. Think about everything
that you have told us about your
world. How does the place you live
in shape you into the person you
What’s the best?
• Now that you have explained the
good, bad and the ugly about the
place you live, think about the best
place you live.
• What are some places that you go to,
visit, or hang out at that are special
to you. Think of the one place that is
most special to you. Draw a sketch
of that place in one of the boxes and
list special things about that place.
Write about it…..
• Now you try it: write a poem about
your special place. Feel free to draw
a picture of your special place or
bring in a real picture of your place
to add to your poem.
Please get your
foldable from the bin!!
Finding Yourself:
Question 3
What are your
Label theroots???
fold, and draw lines to
break your inside triangles into
Where do you come
• Do you know where your ancestors
• What do you know about your relatives?
• What kind of houses did they live in?
• Did they move a lot?
• Have you ever heard any stories from
your relatives?
• Are there any special heirlooms,
customs, or traditions in your family?
• Share!!!!
Tell about your
immediate family
• Who do you live with?
• Do you have any brothers or sisters?
• What is your birth position?
• How does this affect your role in the
• Graph your class’ birth positions.
• Talk with people in your same birth
family. What characteristics do
certain birth positions have in
What are your
• What are your responsibilities?
• What are other family members
• Are there differences in girls’ chores
and boys’ chores? Adult’s chores
and children’s chores?
• How did your family decide who was
responsible for what?
• If you were in charge of assigning the
roles who would you assign to what
What are the rules?
• 1. Are there rules in your family?
• What are the rules?
• 2. Do you think that rules are
• Why or why not?
• 3. If you became a parent what
would the rules in your family be?
Finding Yourself:
Question 4
Who are your friends?
Label the fold, and draw lines to
break your inside triangles into
What is a good friend?
• How do you choose your friends?
• List qualities that make a good
• Does skin color, where they live, or
how popular they are play a part in
whether you choose someone to be
your friend? Why or why not?
• What is the #1 reason you choose a
What if you have no
• Have you ever been in a situation
where you did not have any friends?
Why did that happen? How did you
fix that?
• Some kids are afraid of making new
friends. What advice would you give
to a person having trouble making
new friends?
Forgive and forget? Or just
get rid of?
• Should friends be able to make
mistakes and still be friends?
• What mistakes are acceptable to be
forgiven? Why?
• What mistakes could you simply
never forgive? Why?
• You will get into groups of 4 or 5 and act
out scenarios that involve common
situations that friends find themselves
in. Through discussion with your group,
you will decide how this situation would
most likely turn out. Remember, it may
not always turn out good!
• Work together to figure out who will
play what roles, and how you will
perform the play.
Scenario #1:
• You and your group of friends have
been friends since kindergarten. You
have always gotten along. Now that
you are entering middle school though
one of your friends is getting extremely
competitive. They have to have the
best clothes, listen to the coolest music,
and be the center of attention. You
don’t want them to get mad and not be
in the group anymore, but to be honest
they are getting really annoying! What
do you do?
Scenario #2:
• You are with your friends watching the
KMS football game. They see some
other 7thgraders nearby and they start
to pick on them. You know that your
friends are not bullies and that they just
like to start trouble for the fun of it, but
you can tell that it is not fun for the
group that is getting picked on. What
do you do to help the victims of your
friends bullying without starting
“trouble” between you and your friend.
Scenario #3:
• Some of your friends that your parents
really don’t like, just told you they were
having a pool party this weekend. You really
like hanging out with these friends and want
to go. You think you can persuade your
parents until you find out that you have a
family reunion this weekend as well. Your
parents say absolutely not, especially since
it is the group of friends they don’t really
approve of. Which side do you choose?
Why? How will your decision affect the
future of that relationship?
Scenario #4:
• You and your friends went down to
the skating rink and while you were
skating your friends decided to put
some water on their skates. They
thought it would be fun to make the
rink slippery and see what happened.
You don’t really agree with their
decision. Do you join them, try to
stop them, or do you leave them? If
you try to stop them will they listen?
Scenario #5:
• Over the weekend you did something
that you are not proud of. You know
that if your parents or teachers found
out, you would get into a lot of trouble.
You have to tell someone though, so
you tell your best friend. They swear to
keep your secret, but by the end of the
day the entire school knows what
happened. You didn’t tell, so it must
have been your friend. What do you
Finish this thought….
• A true friend is…..
Would you rather…..
Finding Yourself:
Question 5
What are your
What’s the difference?
• What is a right?
• What is the difference between a
right and a privilege?
• Look them up…
Make a bubble map of
your rights.
How are adult and children
rights different/same?
The right to be
• Everyone wants respect and
everyone deserves it because it is a
right that we have.
• Do people at your school respect
your right to be you? Do they
respect your space? Or do they
make fun of people who are
What if they don’t respect
your differences?
• Are there students at your school
that make life miserable for others?
Are you one of those students?
• Do they have a right to make other
people’s lives miserable?
• What do other students have a right
to do to those students in retaliation?
Tell about yourself…..
We are Jaime and Marisol and we study at Wiese
school for deaf, we are deaf. We are going to
attend a hearing school next year. Jaime is 4th
grade and Marisol is 5th grade. Marisol: I like to
play volleyball, the beach and walk around. Jaime:
I like football (soccer) and basketball, walk around
I have to study hard because it's harder for us
deaf to match the people who can hear at school.
I hope I will have many friends at the hearing
school next year, I will have to study very hard.
We have learned to talk and read lips while
learning everything else at school, that is why it
took us longer to get to 4 and 5 grade but the nice
thing is we will be as any other hearing people in
the future because we are able to read their lips
and understand what they say without need of
sign language.
Digital Story…
• http://

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