Bullying Lesson Plan

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Lesson Title/#: Bullying in Society Grade Level: High School Learning Central Focus Central Focus How bullying

is connected to genocide and why we should stop bullying

What is the central focus for the content in the learning segment?

Lesson Plan Template1

Content Standard
What standard(s) are most relevant to the learning goals?

2B.5a- Evaluate strategies for being respectful of others and opposing stereotyping and prejudice. 2C.5a- Evaluate the application of communication and social skills in daily interactions with peers, teachers and families

Student Learning Goal(s)/ Evaluate strategies for being respectful of others and opposing stereotyping and prejudice. Objective(s) Evaluate the application of communication and social skills in daily interactions with peers, teachers and families Skills/procedures Connect genocide and bullying- find similarities and differences What are the specific learning
goal(s) for student in this lesson? Concepts and reasoning/problem solving/thinking/strategies2 What are the specific learning goal(s) for students in this lesson?

Prior Academic Knowledge and Conceptions

What knowledge, skills, and concepts must students already know to be successful with this lesson? What prior knowledge and/or gaps in knowledge do these students have that are necessary to support the learning of the skills and concepts for this lesson?

Students will have some sort of background knowledge about bullying because they will have gone through similar talks about bullying in previous years. This previous knowledge is not extremely important because the website gives the basic information. Students will also already know about genocide because we will have just finished the unit on genocide. This is critical because the final part of this lesson is to connect genocide with bullying.

1 The lesson plan template is intended to be used as a formative process prior to a candidates submission of edTPA materials. The template offers an opportunity for candidates to practice documenting their thinking when planning lessons leading up to the learning segment they will teach for edTPA. Lesson plans with this level of detail are not necessary and should not be submitted as part of edTPA. It is intended to prepare candidates to articulate their thinking and justification for plans when responding to the Planning Task commentary prompts 2 The prompt provided here should be modified to reflect subject specific aspects of learning. Language here is mathematics related. See candidate edTPA handbooks for the Making Good Choices resource for subject specific components.

Common errors, developmental approximations, misconceptions, partial understandings, or misunderstandings

What are common errors or misunderstandings of students related to the central focus of this lesson? How will you address them for this group of students?

Common misunderstandings that genocide can only happen in far away places. It is important for students to realize that this is the way genocide starts. This misconception will be addressed in the papers that they will be turning in.

Description of what the teacher (you) will be doing and/or what the students will be doing.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Launch 10-15 Minutes

How will you start the lesson to engage and motivate students in learning?

To start the lesson I will pass out the work sheets. As I am passing out the worksheets, I will ask the students to talk to me about what they know about bullying. The students should have prior knowledge because they are older. After the students answer the question and I have finished the passing out the papers, I will ask the students if they know any statistics about bullying.

Instruction 5 Minutes
What will you do to engage students in developing understanding of the lesson objective(s)? How will you link the new content (skills and concepts) to students prior academic learning and their personal/cultural and community assets?

While I am instructing the students, I will write the instructions on the board so they are clear. I will instruct the students to the websitedistrict101resources.weebly.comI will then let the students know that they will need to fill out the worksheet they have been given about the material on this website. After they are finished they will need to write the answers to the questions that are under the quiz tab of the website. I will then take questions from the class to make sure they understand. I will then write a question on the board for them to respond to for homework, or when they are done with the worksheet and quiz. The question will help connect the material they are learning to the history curriculum. How can you connect bullying to the genocide we have already discussed in this class? Are genocide and bullying similar in any way? How are bullying and genocide different?

What will you say and do? What questions will you ask? How will you engage students to help them understand the concepts? What will students do? How will you determine if students are meeting the intended learning objectives?

Structured Practice and Application 20-30 Minutes

How will you give students the opportunity to practice so you can provide feedback? How will students apply what they have learned? How will you determine if students are meeting the intended learning objectives?

The students will fill out the worksheet during the rest of the class period. The students will work individually and will work silently. As the students have questions they will be able to raise their hand to ask me. The students will turn in the worksheet at the end of the class period and I will look at them and grade them for participation and basic understanding of the material. I will grade the quiz answers on correctness. The reflection paper will be graded on ideas and basic understanding of how the two topics connect with each other. The paper will also be graded on grammar and basic paper composure.

Closure 5 Minutes
How will you end the

The lesson will end with a simple ask for students to share something interesting they learned about during the class period. As they are doing this, the students will be putting away laptops and cleaning up their area.


Differentiation/ Students with IEPs or 504 plans: Planned support Each student is different especially ones with IEPs and 504 plans. Following the instructions on these plans is very important to the student. A student who is deaf will be able to do this project as is, but a student who is blind will need How will you someone to read the website to him. This student should also get a worksheet that has the questions in braille.
provide students access to learning based on individual and group needs?

Student should not have a serious problem with gaps in prior knowledge for the material they need because the class will have just finished the topic of genocide.

How will you support students with gaps in the prior knowledge that is necessary to be successful in this lesson?

Student interactions
How will you structure opportunities for students to work with partners or in groups? What criteria will you use when forming groups?

Student will work on their own, not with partners or groups.

What ifs
What might not go as planned and how can you be ready to make adjustment?

To be ready for this, I must know the material. If the internet goes down I will need to help teach the lesson about this topic. The students will be able to listen to me and get the material they need for the worksheet.

Another option is for the students to spend the class period working on a reflection paper of types, but instead doing it as a precursor to the material. This will give the opportunity for the students to do the work either at home for homework or the next day. Theoretical This is appropriate for my students because they are high school students that can do work on their own. The use of a principles website created by the school and the use of technology they are familiar with will help keep the students focused on the and/or material at hand. researchbased By giving the students a test as well as a reflective paper, the students will be able to show the best of their ability what the best practices learned from the lesson.

Why are the learning tasks for this lesson appropriate for your students?

What materials does the teacher need for this lesson? What materials do the students need for this lesson?

Laptops or iPads for every studentanother option is to go to the schools computer lab or library. Worksheet for the students Some type of writing utensil Paper for students to write their reflection paper on

Academic Language Demand(s):

What language function do you want students to develop in this lesson? What must students understand in order to be intellectually engaged in the lesson? What content specific terms (vocabulary) do students need to support learning of the learning objective for this lesson What specific way(s) will students need to use language (reading, writing, listening and/or speaking) to participate in learning tasks and demonstrate their learning for this lesson?

Students will continue to develop the reading skills, comprehension skills, and writing skills.

Students will learn definitions of the vocabulary given on the website and will need to know these.

Students will be reading the website and will demonstrate the comprehension of their reading by filling in the worksheet. The students will also be writing a reflection paper to demonstrate their writing ability. Students will also need to follow directions and listen to instruction to know what to do for the lesson.

How will you support students so they can understand and use the language associated with the language function and other demands in meeting the learning objectives of the lesson?

Students who have questions about the work they have, or vocabulary on the website will be able to ask me to help them out.

Describe the tools/procedures that will be used in this lesson to monitor students learning of the lesson objective(s). Attach a copy of the assessment and the evaluation criteria/rubric in the resources section at the end of the lesson plan.


Type of assessment (Informal or Formal) Formal Informal

Description of assessment

Modifications to the assessment so that all students could demonstrate their learning. Giving more or less options for multiple choice to students with IEP or 504 plans Giving extra time for students who need it, giving it for homework so students can look it over more than once

Test/Quiz on website Reflection Paper

Evaluation Criteria - What evidence of student learning (related to the learning objectives and central focus) does the assessment provide? This gives the students the opportunity to show that they did the work and understand the material they were given. This helps the students to show that they understand the material and can connect it back to what was learned in the previous unit.

To be completed after the lesson has be taught

Analyzing teaching

What worked? What didnt? For whom? Adjustments

What instructional changes do you need to make as you prepare for the lesson tomorrow?

Students finished before the allotted time and were able to finish the homework early.

Giving more work or a longer worksheet would be important here.

Why will these changes improve

This will change the students learning because they will get more out of the work that they are provided.

student learning? What research/ theory supports these changes?

Resources: Attach each assessment and associated evaluation criteria/rubric.

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