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Art Doli Mr.

Bulent Dogan Office Applications 12/09/2013 My biography Art Doli was born in a small town called Gjakova in a time when his country was facing political issues that ended with war when he was only 5. During the war, they did not leave to Albania but they stayed in their small apartment risked every day by the militia. Soon after the war, his family decided to leave from the apartment and move to a house. After the war, things changed and the life started to improve. In 2002, his family entered in their new house. During that year, Art was in the second grade. His family is composed of his father, mother and his younger brother. His childhood was not one of the best ones but he saw and learned a lot from that time. His education was mainly finished in his town in two different schools before he made a tough but important decision to leave his country and continue his education abroad respectively in U.S. The chance he had to move to U.S. was an uncommon one. Not many students from his country had the same golden opportunity to experience the education an American high school has to offer but there was a reason why he was chosen between many candidates to study in U.S. He was well-prepared for this new challenge in his life which was also proven from his persistence of applying to different exchange programs for students. This chance opened him many paths in life especially after his graduation from Southwestern Academy a small boarding high school located in Rimrock, Arizona. He applied in several colleges in America and got accepted in all of them so it was up to him to choose the school that would help him the most to achieve his dream of graduating with a degree from an American college. His short term and long term goals are to get a bachelor degree from the college hes attending now, North American University and start his master degree soon after it. Applying for internships programs in Europe and have the chance to learn from experiences that would be useful later on. Another goal is to find a job in U.S. after he graduates and why not live there for a few years before he goes back to his own country and work there.

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