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Technical Report 1032 Evaluation of an Unaided Night Vision Instructional Program for Ground Forces Jean L. Dyer, Kimberli Gaillard, Nancy R. McClure, and Suzanne M. Osborne U.S. Army Research Institute October 1995 United States Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences ‘DTIC QUALITY INSPECTED 1 ‘Approved for pubic release; distibutlon Is unimitod U.S. ARMY RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR THE BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES A Field Operating Agency Under the Jurisdiction of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel EDGAR M. JOHNSON Director Leen Eee Technical review by Ken Evans Gene Fober NOTICES DISTRIBUTION: Primary distribution of this report has been made by ARI, Please address ‘correspondence concerning distribution of reports to: U.S. Army Research Institute forthe Behavioral and Social Sciences, ATTN: PERI-POX, S001 Fisenhower Ave, Alexandria, Virginia 22333-5600. FINAL DISPOSITION: This report may be destroyed when itis no longer needed. Please do not return itto the U.S, Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, NOTE: The findings in this report are not to be construed as an official Department of the Army position, unless so designated by other authorized documents, REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE. ot es 1. AGENGY USE ONLY Conve Band 2 reronroAre 1995, October | a nerorr vee mwoates covers FINAL 10/93 - 3/95 Evaluation of an Unaided Night Vision Instructional Program for Ground Forces (0602785 AT91 «Amon mes ‘ean L. Dyer, Kimber Gaillard, Nancy R. McClure, and Suzanne M. Osbome 7 PERFOR ORGANTATON NAN) AND ADDRESS 1 FETORNG ORGANEZATON SPORT NUMBER USS, Ammy Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences ATTN: PERI- ‘5001 Bisehower Ave. ‘Alexandria, VA. 22333-5600 9: STONORNGNONTORN AGENCY NAME AND ADDRESSES 1 SHONSORNGMONTORING AGENCY REFORTNOER USS. Army Research Institute forthe Behavioral and Social Sciences 3001 Eisenhower Ave. ‘ARI Technical Report 1032 ‘Alexandria, VA. 22333-5600 “Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. 1 ABSTRACT mum 200 wos) ‘An unaided night vision program for ground forces was developed to reduce current training deficiencies in instructional ‘materials and the training literature, ‘The program is presented inthe dark and demonstrates visual problems at night and how to overcome them, Two experiments with experienced soldiers showed the program inereased soldier knowledge by 40% regardless of ‘Army experience and can be given effectively by military instructors. Content designated as more important was acquired better than less important content. The program had a stronger effect on demonstration-related and technical material than on soldiers! ability to apply night vision concepts to new situations. Baseline results with experienced soldiers showed their knowledge of ‘unaided night vision was fragmentary and limited, An experiment comparing the program to & text version showed that Infantry inces with low verbal ability benefited more from the program itself than the text version; trainees with high verbal ability benefited more from the text version. Relatively little forgetting occurred over a 3-week period. Knowledge gained from the program can be applied directly to improve soldier performance and to refine unit standard operating procedures for night ‘operations, sumer TeRns ss sunaerorenaes 190 Unaided night vision Nighttraining Training Soldier ability Instructional media Trait-treatment interation Be Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified pa TaN TaaoT aw Re Sasa rane Rew

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