Malrborough TL Report 2013

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Team Leader Report


Name: Claudia

Team leader reports are written to include information and costs for the entire duration of your time as team leader at a site, generally this will encompass more than one presentation.

Site: Marlborough Elementary School Team Members: Claudia Gumina and Hilary Hendrix Date(s) of resentation(s): !!"!#$!!"!%$ !!"#& resentation Title(s): Healthy Eating$ 'd(ertisement and )ood Choices and Creating *our +,n the changes that ,ere made to the site resource boo/: 00000 1nclude an o(er(ie, of management res2onsibilities and s/ills 2racticed- Ho, did you coordinate the ser(ices 2ro(ided3 (Include: roles & responsibilities of each team member, conducting the needs assessment, marketing, people & time management, the food activity, education materials, and gathering supplies.) As team leader, I was in charge of scheduling most of our meetings and finding the time to have them since ilary and I had very different schedules and working styles. !or our first presentation, we were not very organi"ed so we had a rough start, but once we I started delegating responsibilities, it became easier. In general the responsibilities assigned were: #laudia: $ower $oint $resentation %evelopment &cheduling meetings 'etting in touch with site contacts Typing up #($& ilary andout printing )udget management Transportation (utline development )oth !ood shopping *ducation material development $resenting and food prep

!or the needs assessment, ilary and I went to the school two weeks before developing our first presentation and observed the +th grade class. ,e assessed they way they interacted with each other and their teachers and how the room was organi"e so that we could design our materials accordingly. )ased on what we observed, we did not notice any cultural differences among the children, but there were some with special needs. They had an aid, which facilitated our teaching. The marketing was not really a component, which we could participate in besides getting the teachers to announce our classes to the students so we did not put many efforts into that. ,hen it came to time management, we tried to have everything ready ahead of time, but as I mentioned, we had to account for both our working styles. &ome of us work better under pressure and others need more time to do things. ,e managed to find an in-between point and had successful meetings. (ur food activities were related to our topics and we made sure to make them things that the kids would en.oy and that everyone could have. ,e had to buy some special items because some kids had allergies, and account for the fact that some kids were simply not going to want to try what we brought. !or materials we used /y$late and handouts that we created. ,hen it came to gathering supplies, we .ust had to purchase the ingredients for our food activity because we used power point slides for all presentations. +n the Mind Tools ,ebsite$ re(ie, the sections on leadershi2 styles htt2:"",,,-mindtools-com"2ages"article"ne,.D4567-htm- Describe the leadershi2 style(s) that re2resent your ,or/ at this site and gi(e exam2les- 8riefly contrast your style ,ith ho, another leadershi2 style may ha(e handled the su2er(ision of the 2ro9ect1 thin/ that for this ex2erience$ 1 ,as a ser(ant leader because 1 tried to not be authoritati(e for most of the things and ,anted to ha(e all members$ including myself$ 2artici2ate e:ually- Hilary and 1 both had an e:ual amount of res2onsibilities and both too/ o(er similar 2arts of the 2resentation ,ithout it seeming li/e one of us ,as in charge- 1 thin/ ,e could ha(e benefited from a more tas/;oriented a22roach so that ,e ,ould ha(e ,or/ed more efficiently and ,ithout distractions$ and in a ,ay from a more authoritati(e leadershi2)inancial 4e2ort: Cost of De(elo2ment: 0Includes: labor for preparing the pro.ect, food cost for testing the food activity1 please note that labor costs include hours worked by A22 team members) .abor (<#="hr): < 6>> )ood: <>

+ther: < #> lease s2ecify ?other@ costs: Gas Cost of resenting: (Includes: labor, food, flip charts 0345), see following link for cost of copies http:66www.keene.edu6mailsvs6printfees.cfm, and other supplies) .abor (<#="hr): < %>> Co2ies: < != )ood: A < == 2er class +ther: < #> lease s2ecify ?other@ costs: ser(ing bo,ls$ utensils and 2lates +(erall costs: (De(elo2ment costs B resenting costs) Total < !%#> E(aluate your leadershi2$ the 2ro9ectCs team,or/$ and outcome$ including cost effecti(eness- 1f 2resented ,ith a similar 2ro9ect in the future$ ,hat might you change3 )or me$ acting as a leader has al,ays been difficult because 1 li/e 2leasing 2eo2le and ha(e a hard time being asserti(e- E(erything ,or/ed out ultimately for this 2resentation because 1 am good at time management and managed to use this in our fa(or- De di(ided res2onsibilities and this too/ some of the 2ressure off- 1 donCt /no, that ,e ,ere that cost effecti(e since ,e had to in(est in some s2ecial 2roducts because of allergies$ but ,e did chose chea2er$ generic alternati(es for some of the 2roducts- 1n the future$ 1 might try to tal/ to the teachers in ad(ance and get their in2ut on ho, ,e should 2resent and manage the classroom to gi(e more effecti(e 2resentations-

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