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Peer Review: Discourse Community Ethnography ENG 1101 Readers Name: Kathryn Mathews Reader's Email: kmathe14@uncc.

edu Writers Name: Favour Okoro Paper Title: Voice In Action

Fall 2013 Fuentes

*Readers: Keep a copy of this document for your Portfolio* Read through the paper at least once without making any notes or marks. Get a clear idea of the paper as a whole. Then, read it again and use the margins of the paper to make specific comments about the text. Underline at least two passages (groups of sentences) that you feel are well written. Mark grammar mistakes and confusing or difficult passages with a wavy line. Then, answer the following questions: 1. How has the writer organized his/her ideas and topics? Do the paragraphs work together? Do you have any suggestions to improve the papers structure? She first talks about how it relates to us, UNC Charlotte students, then she explains how she observed the mens ensemble. She then tells us the reason for existence and she kinda includes the answers to the interview questions throughout the paper, which I like. Her paper flows very well and she has good transitions. 2. What is the primary topic of this paper? Has the author effectively studied a discourse community/community of practice? The primary topic of her paper is the mens ensemble. She has spent two days observing them, so I would say she has studied them effectively. She explains the language of the group very well. 3. What do you think are the writers strengths? What can the writer improve or work on? Everything, it is perfect! Her structure is well organized; her sentence formations are good too. She did a very good job on this paper.

Peer Review: Discourse Community Ethnography ENG 1101

Fall 2013 Fuentes

4. What assertions or opinions does the writer include? Does the writer sufficiently support these claims? There are no opinions in her paper. 5. Does the writer express him/herself using the impersonal, academic voice? What suggestions do you have for improvement? This paper is written in the academic voice. Very well written, and good sentence structure.

6. Does the author adhere to MLA formatting guidelines within the paper and in the Works Cited? In the works cited page is cited correctly. She also included in text citation, which was correct.

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