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Observation 1 Cpi Security

Took place at 1:46pm-2:50 pm on November 12, 2013 To gain entry to establishment and other departments within facility, employees use badges that are scanned on black boxes located at the doorway\ Layout- 3 cubicles side by side , on each side = 6 cubicles ; Focus on 9 cubicles although cubicles are lined up all throughout the department ; Coat rack located at entrance; Cpi security advertisement posters on every wall Within cubicle- Desk; computer; file cabinet; trashcan; book of different security systems, plans, and equipment with prices; Everyone has a rectangular strip of neon colored paper that says ask for Referral; pictures and calendars hung up; Usually had cup with a lid on desk; Has a beige box with the label outgoing mail Every employee has high tech phone and a little grey box called Plantronics which they connect their headset to, it allows them to listen to incoming calls; Phone has buttons which have labels such as ( login, Q-calls, available, unavailable, send calls) White board located to the far wall in the middle of the cubicles that contains the date & everyones names and the amount of deals they have sold that day (counted using tallies); 8 columns: (1) Resigns (2) Rmoves (3) Cosign (4) Sets (5) saves (6) Repsave (7) New (8) upgrade; Stacks of files and contracts located under whiteboard. Phone call- Hi, this is Tammy with Cpi Security. I understand youre looking to transfer your service? Employees all wearing grey collar long sleeve shirt with a red Cpi emblem, dress pants and dress shoes; Employees at cubicles all wearing headset Construction guy was fixing overhead light Supervisor Calls in the Q Man puts customer on hold and consults with the supervisor- I got approval to get this done for you 2 cubicles contain 2 people- trainer and trainee On top of one cubicle, there was a jar full of soda can tabs Man on the phone- usually it can be done within an hour to 2 hours One man on the phone with a customer and has google maps pulled up on his computer searching an address 4 people conversing and laughing- at least you know what we have to do now Jackiehaha offer him some Clemson tickets? Supervisor- how many do we got on the board? 11 moves to go to get yall some free lunch 14 on the board People conversing about me aww thats your twin she must get her brains from her momma she got her attitude from her momma Woman constantly rolling back and forth on chair

While employees are on the phone with customers they are using a program called MAS and writing notes about the call within a grey box , above is all the customers information Supervisor- hey team, we got 4 calls in the Q lets go Woman Answer that phone , Scranton Supervisor- we got 2 people out today, I need you to be cognizant of the phone calls Supervisor and manager are not wearing employee uniform but are wearing professional attire Manager talking to employee- You not getting my Clemson tickets, You better put some more deals on the board buddy Man- Im working on it Woman notifies supervisor that she is leaving for break Woman speaking in 3rd person- Shelley wants Panera Supervisor speaking to employee- is that the contract or what is that you have in your hand? Woman to Woman in cubicle beside her- So is she not gonna be with Butch anymore? I guess not Desk full of contracts that contain yellow sticky notes on them that say things such as: Shawn please call b/w 11:45-1:15 Need POH and pull credit- Welcome customer, POH found, $$ collected Woman to customer on phone- hold on one second, Im going to see if I can get that approved Woman to supervisor- of course there wasnt, I wouldnt have upgraded her if I knew they were moving 2 White schedules in supervisor cubicle (1) contains break times of each employee (2) Contains call back times for each employee Supervisor- 2 resigns in the Q Woman- Now yall know why I hate competition

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