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Learning Experience at SLCC E-portfolio Assignment SOC 1010 Fall Semester, 2013 My Learning Experience at SLCC My learning experience

at Salt Lake Community College has largely impacted my career path and the way I look at life. In regards to my career path, after taking Sociology 1010, I am considering changing my major to Sociology. The class material discussed was fascinating and to be a sociologist would support my dream of being in scientific research. The materials discussed in Sociology 1010 and other classes, allow me to become an outside-of-the-box thinker. We are taught that there are multiple sides to each story and to not taking everything for face value. We are taught to question the world around us, processes around us, why things are happening, what could be done differently, why things are done the way are done, etc. Its like my Mathematics teacher said all semester long, Why? He would ask us about an algebraic rule. When the rule was recited back to him, he told us we need to prove it and asked why. This allows us to get the concept to stick in our brains and thus assist us on our career path and throughout the rest of our lives, vs just playing a memory game and memorizing words. When you play memory and then need to recall those things 10 years down the road, there is a good chance you will have forgotten it. But if you remember how to arrive the conclusion and how to prove something is true, you are then applying it to life and creating a pathway in your brain to remember that item. My life expectations have been influenced by the things I have learned while attending SLCC in that I have learned there is a lot wrong with the world. That sounds very negative but it honestly just fuels my desire to do something to change the world. This makes me strive for success with even more determination than I had before because I really do want to help people and make a difference in the world. Attending Salt Lake Community College has opened my eyes to a lot of the things we as a society need to work on. It has shown me how to use the tools given to implement changes and do things the right way. Overall I am more than grateful to have been able to attend Salt Lake Community College. I have learned such useful tools and so much of a better way of looking at the world. I wouldnt trade these things for anything.

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